1000字范文 > 瑶族传统体育 traditional sport culture of Yao ethnic community英语短句 例句大全

瑶族传统体育 traditional sport culture of Yao ethnic community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-10 14:18:38


瑶族传统体育 traditional sport culture of Yao ethnic community英语短句 例句大全

瑶族传统体育,traditional sport culture of Yao ethnic community

1)traditional sport culture of Yao ethnic community瑶族传统体育


1.The Analysis on the Developing Condition and Traditional Sports Resource for Yao Nationality in Guangdong Province;关于广东省瑶族传统体育资源及发展状况分析

2.The Traditional Sports Culture Characteristic And Real Value Of Yao Nationalminority瑶族传统体育文化特征及其现实价值论析

parative Study on Traditional Sport Culture Features between Zhuang and Yao Nationality--Taking Mashan County as Example壮族与瑶族传统体育文化特征的比较研究——以广西马山县为例

4.The Development of the Yao Nationality Traditional Sports in the Construction of the New Countryside--An Example on the Hongyan Village in Gongcheng Guilin瑶族传统体育在新农村建设中的发展研究——以桂林恭城红岩村为例

5.On the Modernization Development of Baikuyao"s Traditional Sports Culture白裤瑶传统体育文化现代化发展刍议

6.On the Traditional Culture of GuangXi Yao Nationality and Its Development in Contemporary Age广西瑶族传统文化与当代民族发展

7.The Traditional Culture of Yao Nationality and The Contemporary Conception of Sustainable Development the criticism of The traditional culture of Yao nationality;瑶族传统文化与当代可持续发展观——兼评《瑶族传统文化》

8.Inhabiting in Mountain and Shifting Cultivation: the Essential Feature of the Traditional Culture of Yao;居山游耕:瑶族传统文化的基本特征

9.The Exploitation on the Value in the Cultural Tourism Resources of Nandan Baiku yao s Traditional Physical Exercise;南丹白裤瑶传统体育文化旅游资源开发价值的研究

10.The Investigation and Analysis on How Baikuyao Nationality to Promote its Traditional Sports and Cultural Activities against the Backdrop of the New Rural Construction新农村建设背景下白裤瑶开展传统体育文化活动的调查与分析

11.Visual anthropology vs.Yao studies--A probe into the Yao traditional culture vs.modernization;论影视人类学与瑶学研究——有关瑶族传统文化与现代化探讨

12.Heritage of traditional Qiang culture as seen from Qiang people s traditional sports;羌族传统体育对羌族传统文化的传承及启示

13.A Preliminary Study of Traditional Sports of Tu Ethnic Group and Its Cultural Inheritage;土族传统体育及其对土族传统文化的传承初探

14.National Culture Turism and the Renaissance of Redyao Womens Traditional Costumes;民族文化旅游与红瑶女性传统服饰的复兴

15.Matrilineal Family( living with wife"s family)", a very popular marriage mode for Yao people, shakes the core of the traditional bearing culture.从妻居是瑶族十分流行的一种婚嫁模式,这种婚嫁模式动摇了传统生育文化的内核。

16.A Brief Analysis of the Yao s Daoism Factors of the Full Name of the Yao Nationality in Yunnan;试论云南瑶族姓名中的瑶传道教因素

17.Leisure Sports and the Development of Our Traditional Sports;休闲体育与我国民族传统体育的发展

18.The exploration about putting Man Nationality traditional sports items in the School Sports teaching;论满族传统体育项目与学校体育教学


traditional national sports民族传统体育

1.Moderntraditional national sports theory system and practice;现代民族传统体育理论体系与实践内容的研究

2.Exploration of the development oftraditional national sports discipline from the perspective of its history and current state;从历史与现状探析民族传统体育学科的发展

3.Some reflections about advancing the sports for all in China by expanding thetraditional national sports;民族传统体育与我国当代大众体育事业发展的若干问题思考

3)national traditional sports民族传统体育

1.Theoretical base ofnational traditional sports specialties;论民族传统体育学学科的理论基础

2.Analysis of Scientific Researchers and Time and Space of National Traditional Sports in China;论民族传统体育研究的核心作者与时空分布

3.Research on Specialty Curriculum-setting of National Traditional Sports;民族传统体育专业课程设置研究

4)traditional sports民族传统体育

1.Undergraduate curricula structural system of Chinesetraditional sports in universities;对民族传统体育专业本科课程结构体系的探讨

2.Strategies on opening up moretraditional sports events in institutes and universities;更多民族传统体育项目走进高校的战略思考

3.Analysis on Traditional Sports Curriculum Effects on Building Sports Culture in Universities;论民族传统体育课程对高校体育文化建设的影响

5)national traditional sport民族传统体育

1.Reconsideration on the Reform of the Special Disciplines of National Traditional Sport;对民族传统体育专业课程设置的再思考

2.Investigation and analysis on Social Requivement of National Traditional Sport Specialty Talents;民族传统体育专业人才社会需求的调查与分析

3.Currentnational traditional sport in elementary and middle schools in Foshan city and countermeasures佛山市中小学民族传统体育开展的现状及对策

6)traditional sports of Yi nationality彝族传统体育

1.Thetraditional sports of Yi nationality,with a long history and rich inside cultural information,are human being s great heritages.彝族传统体育历史悠久,文化底蕴丰富,是人类社会的一大宝贵遗产。


