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高考 College Entrance Examination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-30 07:42:37


高考 College Entrance Examination英语短句 例句大全

高考,College Entrance Examination

1)College Entrance Examination高考

1.Analysis of Influencing Factors on the Chinese Achievement Test in theCollege Entrance Examination:A Hierarchical Linear Model;学生高考语文成绩影响因素的多层线性分析

2.Suggestions on the Enrollment Reform forCollege Entrance Examination (CEE);关于高考招生改革的建议

3.Analysis on the structure characteristic of physics experiment test question in college entrance examination;高考物理实验试题结构特点分析


1.Education-Examination-National College Entrance Examination--Also on the Limitation of Reform in National College Entrance Examination;教育·考核·高考——兼论高考改革的限度

2.The Model for Effectively Preparing for Entrance Examination of Geography;高考“文科综合”中地理高效备考模式

3.Safeguarding the Authority of the National College Entrance Examination and Treating it in a Rational Way;维护高考的权威性,理性对待统一高考

4.An Analysis of the Forecast Role That the Provincial Unified Test Plays in National Matriculation Test Achievement;高考统测对高考成绩的预测作用分析

5.The Unbearable Burden of NCEE--the relationships between NCEE,its competition and lightening burden高考不能承受之重——浅谈高考改革、高考竞争与“减负”

6.The Commentary of College Entrance Examination Composition Proposition in Chinese between 1978-;1978—高考大作文命题述评(全国统考·秋考)

7.The Program and Specification of National Matriculation English Test in China: Problems and Reflection;我国高考英语考试大纲(说明)的问题与思考

8.The Approach to Strengthen Psychological Health Education in Exam for the HEE Examinees;强化高考考生考试心理健康教育的途径

9.Characteristics and Analysis of the Pre-examination Mental Arousal of College Physical Education Entrance Examination Participants体育高考考生考前心理唤醒水平特征分析

10.The Guide to College Entrance Examination, revised edition, is very popular among examinees.《新编高考指南》很受考生们欢迎。

11.Analysis and Study of NCEE in Hunan, Recent Years;近年高考湖南生物试题的分析与思考

12.On the Educational idea of Research-oriented Universities Enrollment of College Entrance Examination;研究型大学高考招生的教育理念思考

13.Discussion on Reform of Time for Entrance Exam for Colleges and Universities, and People-Orientation of Exams;浅论高考时间的改革与考试的人本化

14.Thinting and Practice of the Examination Reform of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育考试考核改革的思考与实践

15.Srtengthen the Adminisration of Exam in Colleges and Universities and Improve the Construction of Exam Disvipline;加强高校考试管理 促进考风考纪建设

16.Discussion on how to Raise Students Employment Rate in Higher Vocational Colleges;关于提高高职高专学生就业率的思考

17.Teaching of higher mathematics at vocational colleges对高职高专《高等数学》教学的思考

18.Changing Knowledge Examination into Ability Examination--About the Examination Reform of Higher Vocational Institute;变知识考试为能力考试——谈高职学院的考试改革


university entrance examination高考

1.Analysis and countermeasure on the test questions of genetics in theuniversity entrance examination;高考遗传学试题的分析和对策

2.A Perspective of Reform and Development of Senior Middle Schools in Zhejiang Province from the Viewpoint of the University Entrance Examination;从高考透析浙江省普通高中的改革与发展

3.Since the higher education is a professional one,theuniversity entrance examination,as one of its serving means,should be designed to select those who have the potential professional quality and deserve for developing.高考是为高等教育服务的,是为高等专业教育选拔有专业培养潜质的人才。

3)National College Entrance Examination高考

1.The Reform ofNational College Entrance Examination Needs Both Scientific and Ethic Solicitude;高考需要科学与伦理之双重关怀

4)College Entrance Exam高考

1.TheCollege Entrance Exams and Appreciation Teaching of Ancient Poems;高考与高中语文古代诗词鉴赏教学

2.Pondering over new course of chemistry for the college entrance exam of 应对化学新课标教材高考的思考

5)the College Entrance Examination高考

1.Unification and Independence: Disputes onthe College Entrance Examination;统一与自主:高考改革之争

2.One of the experimental examinations is in written form, in this part the paper introduces research in the content of Science experimental examination ofthe College Entrance Examination.书面考核方式主要阐述高考理科实验试题方面的研究。

3.Since 1977, the constant advancement of new curriculum about the high school Chinese has set a higher request to scientific process of the college entrance examination (Chinese subject).在改革开放的新时期,高中语文新课程的日益推进对语文高考的科学化提出了更高的要求。


1.Analysis of Physical Examination Results for Shenzhen High School Students takenNCEE in -深圳市罗湖区~普通高考体检结果分析

2.Practical Significance and Historical Role of Parallel Applications for College inNCEE普通高考“平行志愿”的现实意义及其历史定位


