1000字范文 > 台湾都市社会 Taiwan metropolis society英语短句 例句大全

台湾都市社会 Taiwan metropolis society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-28 17:07:48


台湾都市社会 Taiwan metropolis society英语短句 例句大全

台湾都市社会,Taiwan metropolis society

1)Taiwan metropolis society台湾都市社会

2)Taiwan society台湾社会

1.Catholicism is an important force in modernTaiwan society,but in the Mainland there is few research on it.天主教是近世台湾社会的一重要力量,但大陆对其研究的各种论述却极为鲜见。


1.Catholic Believers and Taiwan Society under Japanese Rule日据时期台湾天主教信徒与台湾社会

2.The rise and fall of the study in America movement in Taiwan;从台湾社会的发展看台湾留美运动的兴衰

3.Therefore,with the reform and development of Taiwan society,national identity has resulted in chaos.在台湾社会转型过程中,“国家认同”问题造成了台湾社会的诸多乱相。

4.The Methodist Church and Taiwan Social Change (1953-)卫理公会与台湾社会变迁(1953-)

5.Notes on the Collations and Explanations of an Annotated Collection of Contracts Related to Social Life in Taiwan《台湾社会生活文书专辑》校读札记

6.The Catholicism of Taiwan is a religious group with international background in Taiwan, which has certain influence on society of Taiwan.台湾天主教是台湾地区一个具有国际背景的宗教团体,在台湾社会有一定的影响。

7.Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor(2002)Sociolory:understanding a diverse society. Chapter: 3 Culture. Wadsworth Group.王振寰、瞿海源主编(1999)社会学与台湾社会,第三章文化。台北:巨流。

8.Anti-secession Law and the Construction of National Identity《反分裂国家法》与台湾社会“国家认同”的塑造

9.We hope that Taiwan could achieve social stability and economic prosperity and that the people in Taiwan could live and work in peace and contentment.我们希望台湾社会安定,经济繁荣,人民安居乐业。

10.A Study on the Control of the Gap between Rich and Poor in Taiwan and the Inspire to Mainland China;台湾社会贫富差距的控制及对大陆的启示

11.This will bring no change to the social system in Taiwan or the way of life of the people there and will cause them no loss.这对台湾的社会制度和生活方式不会改变,台湾人民没有损失。

12.China is trying to keep Taiwan in the international doghouse.中国设法把台湾排斥在国际社会之外。

13.The international community has acknowledged the fact that Taiwan belongs to China.国际社会公认台湾属於中国。

14.A Sociolinguistic Analysis on Taiwanese Linguistic Planning台湾语言文字规划的社会语言学分析

15.A Review on Social Inclusion of Intellectually Disabled People in Taiwan Region;我国台湾地区智障人士社会融合研究

16.The Separation and Combination of Taiwan’s Farmers Associations and the Cooperatives during the Early Post-war Time;光复初期台湾农会与合作社分合问题

17.Natural Calamities Influenced Social Development in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty;清代台湾自然灾害对社会发展的影响

18.On Taiwan" Natural Disasters in Qing Dynasty and the Public Response清代台湾自然灾害与社会各界的反应


Taiwan society台湾社会

1.Catholicism is an important force in modernTaiwan society,but in the Mainland there is few research on it.天主教是近世台湾社会的一重要力量,但大陆对其研究的各种论述却极为鲜见。

3)Urban Society都市社会

1.These measures to some extent at that time to promote the development of urban society, and promoted the War of Resistance Against Japan rear stability of urban society, in order to win the war has contributed to.这些措施在一定程度上推进了当时都市社会的发展,促进了抗战时期大后方都市社会的稳定,为抗战胜利做出了贡献。

4)Urban Literature of Taiwan台湾都市文学

5)Urban Sociology都市社会学

6)Taiwan"s organized crime台湾黑社会组织


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
