1000字范文 > 外贸发展 development of foreign trade英语短句 例句大全

外贸发展 development of foreign trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-27 05:01:39


外贸发展 development of foreign trade英语短句 例句大全

外贸发展,development of foreign trade

1)development of foreign trade外贸发展

1.A research and study ondevelopment of foreign trade in Jilin province;关于吉林省外贸发展的调研与思考


1.Transfering the Development Mode of Foreign Trade and Realizing Sustainable Development;转变外贸发展方式 实现可持续发展

2.Consolidating Jiangsu the Leading Place of Foreign Trade and Exploring the New Developing Trend of Foreign Trade;巩固江苏外贸强省地位,探讨外贸发展新趋势

3.Benefit origin from foreign trade and its enlightment for foreign trade in western area;外贸利益的来源及其对西部外贸发展的启示

4.Analysis on Chaohu Foreign Trade Through the Influence of the Inside Element and the Outside Element;内外因素影响下的巢湖外贸发展研究

5.The Affection and Inspiration of Sino-US Trade Friction on the Development of China s Foreign Trade;中美贸易摩擦对中国外贸发展的影响及启示

6.A Research on the New Framework of International Trade Theory and the Development Thinking of China Foreign Trade;国际贸易理论新框架与中国外贸发展思路研究

7.Ttactics of Guangxi Foreign Trade in New Developing Stage of ASEAN Free Trade Area;“10+1”自由贸易区新阶段广西外贸发展对策研究

8.A Study of Characteristics of Foreign Trade Development of China and US Under Different Objectives of Trade Policies;不同贸易政策目标下中美外贸发展的特点研究

9.In developing foreign trade,在发展对外贸易中,

10.Rapid growth of foreign trade.对外贸易快速发展。

11.The State will promote the development of foreign trade and economic exchanges in the region.大力发展对外经济贸易。

12.Trade on Internet and Development Direction of Foreign Trade Enterprises in China;网络贸易和我国外贸企业的发展方向

13.There was a substantial growth of industry and foreign trade increased as a result.由于工业的大发展, 对外贸易也发展了。

14.Doha Development Agenda and China,s Foreign Trade Sustainable Development;多哈发展议程与中国外贸可持续发展

15.On Alternating the Foreign Trade Growth for a Sustainable Development;转变外贸增长方式 促进对外贸易可持续发展

16.Foreign trade has developed steadily, and foreign capital utilization remained stable.对外贸易持续发展,利用外资保持稳定。

17.Developing Service Outsourcing and Optimizing the Export Structure of Foreign Trade大力发展服务外包 优化外贸出口结构

18.Influence Study of the Managed Trade on the Chinese Foreign Trade Development;管理贸易对我国对外贸易发展的影响研究


foreign economy and trade development外经贸发展

1.A preliminary study on the function of geofactors in Japan sforeign economy and trade development;地缘因素在日本对外经贸发展过程中的作用初探

3)mode transformation of foreign trade development外贸发展方式

1.The main conclusion is that a mechanism for themode transformation of foreign trade development should be well established,in wh.该文考察技术创新、企业生产率与出口之间的关系,认为转变外贸发展方式应建立起一种机制,即通过技术创新提高生产率,增强企业核心竞争力,从而提升对外贸易质量,实现外贸可持续发展。

4)development of foreign trade对外贸易发展

5)Foreign Trade Development Competitiveness外贸发展竞争力

6)the foreign trade development of china中国外贸发展


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