1000字范文 > 大花金鸡菊 Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg英语短句 例句大全

大花金鸡菊 Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 13:09:38


大花金鸡菊 Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg英语短句 例句大全

大花金鸡菊,Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg

1)Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg大花金鸡菊

1.Herbicidal activities of different tissues ofCoreopsis grandiflora Hogg.大花金鸡菊不同器官除草活性的研究

2.andCoreopsis grandiflora Hogg.对矢车菊和大花金鸡菊的染色体进行了研究 ,结果显示 ,矢车菊 (CentaureacyanusL 。


1.Herbicidal activities of different tissues of Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg.大花金鸡菊不同器官除草活性的研究

2.Preliminary Studies on Flowering Control by Means of Photoperiod in Coreopsis Grandiflora Early Sunrise ;光周期调控‘晨光’大花金鸡菊开花的初步研究

3.The Study on Factors Influencing Invasions and Genetic Diversity in Alien Species Coreopsis Grandiflora Hogg;外来种大花金鸡菊入侵的影响因子及其遗传多样性研究

4.Analysis on Chemical Components of the Essential Oil from the flower of Coreopsis Lanceolata L.By GC-MS剑叶金鸡菊花部分挥发油化学成分分析

5.any of numerous plants of the genus Coreopsis having a profusion of showy usually yellow daisylike flowers over long periods; North and South America.金鸡菊属的任何一种植物,通常具有艳丽的类似雏菊的花,花期很长;分布于南北美洲。

6.Anti-TMV Active Substances from Coreopsis drummondii金鸡菊(Coreopsis drummondii)的抗TMV活性物质

7.A small buttonlike flower of some chrysanthemums and dahlias.绒球菊花(大丽花)某些菊花和大丽花中纽扣状的小花

8.any of various plants of the genus Rudbeckia cultivated for their large usually yellow daisies with prominent central cones.金光菊属的各种植物,具有大的、通常是黄色的、球果状花盘的菊科植物。

9.meadows starred with buttercups and daisies点缀着金凤花和菊花的草坪

10.any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters; throughout much of United States and into Canada.一种金菊属草本植物或半灌木,有金黄色、类似紫苑的头状花序;从美国的大部一直延伸到加拿大。

11.used in some classification systems for some plants of genus Coreopsis.在有些分类系统中用于金鸡菊属的一些植物。

12.Laboratory Study of Coreopsis Extracts on Reducing Blood Lipid in Hyperlipemia Model Mice金鸡菊提取物降血脂作用的动物实验研究

13.The enlarged area bearing numerous tiny flowers, as in the flower head of composite plants, such as the daisy.花盘长有很多小花的扩大的地方,如在菊科植物的花头中,例如雏菊

14.Contains: red clover leaf and flowers, nettle and meadowsweet leaf, calendula, chamomile and lavender flowers, gotu kola leaves and, a pinch of stevia.红花苜蓿叶与花朵、蕁麻叶、绣线菊叶、金盏花、洋甘菊、薰衣草、雷公根、甜菊叶。

15.Study on the Technology of Compound Healthy Antipyretic Beverage of Honeysuckle,Chrysanthemum and Liquorice金银花·菊花·甘草复合保健凉茶饮料的工艺研究

16.Most people drink chrysanthumum tea, while a few strict traditionalists drink homemade chrysanthemum wine.大多数人喝菊花茶,而一些严格遵循传统的人饮自制的菊花酒。

17.Any of several New World plants of the genus Gaillardia in the composite family, having red or yellow florets grouped into large solitary flower heads.天人菊一种天人菊属新大陆菊科植物,长有大的冠状花序,由红色或黄色小花组合而成

18.The daisy is a common flower in English fields.雏菊在英格兰大地上是一种常见的花。


Coreopsis lanceolata大金鸡菊

1.Notable effects on soil and water conservation and ecological benefits of improving micro-environment of the farmlands were obtained in Lizhuang, Ganyu County through the experiment of utilization patterns of borders of the terraced field with three species ofeconomic plant-Coreopsis lanceolata, Amorpha fruticosa and Salix sino-purpurea.在赣榆县厉庄以大金鸡菊、紫穗槐和红柳三种经济植物进行了地埂利用型式试验,取得了比较明显的水土保持效果和改善农田小环境的生态效益。

3)tickseed powdery mildew大花金鸡菊白粉病

1.) oftickseed powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fusca (Fr.结果表明 :重寄生菌能寄生大花金鸡菊白粉病菌的菌丝、分生孢子梗、分生孢子和闭囊壳。

4)Coreopsis drummondii金鸡菊

1.Anti-TMV Active Substances fromCoreopsis drummondii金鸡菊(Coreopsis drummondii)的抗TMV活性物质

2.Using Rudbeckia hirta,Coreopsis drummondii,Callistephus chinensis,Althaea rosea,four kinds of ornamental plant seeds as the test materials,treated with NaCl and Na2SO4 double salt solutions of different concentrations,and the relative germination percentage,root length,simply vigour index,synthetic inhibitory effect(SE) were measured to determine the effect of salt stress on seed germination.以黑心菊、金鸡菊、翠菊、蜀葵4种花卉种子为材料,研究不同浓度NaCl和Na2SO4复盐溶液处理下种子及幼苗的耐盐性,并观察其相对发芽率、根长、简易活力指数、综合效应。



1.Laboratory Study of Coreopsis Extracts on Reducing Blood Lipid in Hyperlipemia Model Mice金鸡菊提取物降血脂作用的动物实验研究


大花金鸡菊大花金鸡菊介绍 大花金鸡菊 (Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg.)科属: 菊科 别名: 剑叶波斯菊形态特征: 多年生宿根草本,株高30~60cm。茎直立多分枝。基生叶和部分茎下部叶披针形或匙形;茎生叶全部或有时3~5裂,裂片披针形或条形,先端钝形。头状花序,直径4~6cm,黄色,有长柄,舌状花通常8枚,园艺品种有重瓣者。瘦果圆形,具阔而薄的膜质翅。分布与习性:原产北美,对土壤要求不严,喜肥沃、湿润排水良好的砂质壤土,耐旱,耐寒,也耐热。繁殖与栽培:大花金鸡菊采用播种繁殖应用:可作花境,也可在草地边缘、坡地、草坪中成片栽植,也可作切花,还可用作地被。图片:
