1000字范文 > 社区心理矫正 Community Mental Correction英语短句 例句大全

社区心理矫正 Community Mental Correction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-04 18:48:53


社区心理矫正 Community Mental Correction英语短句 例句大全

社区心理矫正,Community Mental Correction

1)Community Mental Correction社区心理矫正


petency Modeling and Evaluation on Professional Psychological Services Workers in Community-based Correction;社区心理矫正工作者胜任特征的建模与评估

2.Research on an Individual Case of Psychological Correction on Teenagers at the End of Community Correction;社区矫正末期青少年对象心理矫正工作个案研究——以社区矫正对象L某为典型个案

3.Application of Psychological Consultation Skills to Community Correction--Taking Delinquent Juvenile as an Example心理咨询技术在社区矫正中的应用——以罪错青少年的矫正为例

4.On Theoretical Research and Building of China s Community-based Correction System;社区矫正理论研究与我国社区矫正的构建

5.On the Practice and Thoughts of Psycho-rectification of Offenders in the Community社区服刑人员心理矫治工作的实践与思考——以上海市社区矫正试点工作为例

6.Theory and Practice of Community-based Corrective Social Work;社区为本的矫正社会工作理论与实践

7.Policy of Community Remedy in the Perspective of Control--Taking as an example community remedy policy of N City;治理视角下的社区矫正政策——以N市社区矫正政策为例

8.Research on the Working Instruction and the Corrective Technology and Way of the Community-based Correction;社区矫正的矫治规程和矫治技术研究

9.The Rational Construction of Community Correction in Chinese Penalty System;我国行刑体系中社区矫正的理性建构

10.A Comparative Study on Sino-munity Correction;中美“社区矫正”理论与实务比较研究

11.Analysis of the Advantages of community Correction to Judicial Correction on Juvenile Delinquency Governance;青少年犯罪问题治理中社区矫正较之司法矫正的优势分析

12.On ADR And Its Safeguarding Concept In Harmonious Society;论社区矫正在和谐社会构建中的保障理念

13.The Application Analysis of Social Work Ethical Worth in Community Correction;浅析社会工作伦理价值在社区矫正中的运用

14.Highlighting the Ethical Value of Social Work in Community Correction社会工作伦理价值在社区矫正中的彰显

15.The Comparison of Community Corrections between China and Foreign Countries and the Perfection of Community Corrections in China;中外社区矫正比较与我国社区矫正的完善

16.Correction in the Community Based on the Society Ecosystem Theory社会生态系统理论视角下的社区矫正与和谐社区建设

17.On the Necessity and Mode of setting up the Community Correction administrative organ;社区矫正管理机构设置必要性及具体模式探讨

18.Pursuit of the Harmonizing Point between Behaviors:Label Doctrine and Community Correction;寻求行为的融洽点:标签理论与社区矫正


community correction management社区矫正管理

3)community correction社区矫正

1.Analysis on thecommunity corrections;优势视角下的社区矫正模式分析

2.Reference and thought on UScommunity correction management organization and staff equipment;对美国社区矫正管理机构和人员配备的借鉴与思考

4)community corrections社区矫正

1.Analyse on Community Corrections Process;社会工作介入社区矫正的过程分析

munity Corrections and social harmorry——Summary of International Symposium on Sino-Japanese juvenile delinquency prevention and community correction in 21st century;社区矫正与社会和谐——21世纪中日青少年犯罪预防与社区矫正制度研究国际研讨会会议综述

3.On perfection ofcommunity corrections for juvenile offenders in China——the Common Law used for reference;论我国适合未成年犯的社区矫正项目的完善——以英美法为借鉴

5)community-based correction社区矫正

1.The Establishment of Community-based Correction System in China;论社区矫正制度在我国的建立

2.Work of experimental units ofcommunity-based correction has been carried out in China for several years, in which some achievements have been obtained.社区矫正在我国已经进行了几年的试点工作,期间取得了一定的探索性成就,但是在观念、立法及实践方面都存在诸多亟待解决的问题。

6)community-based corrections社区矫正

1.Research on the Construction of China s Community-based Corrections;论我国社区矫正制度的建设

2.This thesis analyzes the definition,the nature,and object ofcommunity-based corrections to guide the practice to achieve better results.社区矫正作为一种刑罚执行的方式,越来越受到我国的重视。

3.But the overall development level of presentcommunity-based corrections in our country is relatively lower.社区矫正代表着罪犯处遇的未来走向,但我国当前社区矫正的总体发展水平比较低,加紧社区矫正制度的构建和完善已成当务之急。


