1000字范文 > 加速老化试验 accelerated aging test英语短句 例句大全

加速老化试验 accelerated aging test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-12 01:58:32


加速老化试验 accelerated aging test英语短句 例句大全

加速老化试验,accelerated aging test

1)accelerated aging test加速老化试验

1.This article studies the impact of theaccelerated aging test to UF MDF decorated by different material about physical and mechanical properties.研究了加速老化试验对经不同装饰后的脲醛胶中纤板物理力学性能的影响。

2.Aaccelerated aging test of ethylene propylene rubber M204 and M209 7 in propellant was carried out.进行了乙丙胶M 2 0 4和M 2 0 9 7在推进剂中的加速老化试验 ,经过对试验数据的处理 ,初步发现时间外延方法适用于预测橡胶材料在特种介质中的老化性能变

3.In this paper, theaccelerated aging tests at several higher temperatures are carried out for a kind of RDX compound explosive charge used in a certain missile warhead.通过高温加速老化试验和统计分析,研究了某导弹战斗部中炸药装药的贮存寿命分布规律,在此基础上,建立了贮存寿命的可靠性评估模型,并对贮存温度下的平均贮存寿命及贮存寿命置信下限进行了评估。


1.accelerated weathering test加速风蚀试验,加速老化试验

2.testing methods for accelerated ageing of rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics橡胶或塑料涂覆织物加速老化试验法

3.Test method of steam/oxygen accelerated ageing of printed boardGB/T4677.14-1988印制板蒸汽-氧气加速老化试验方法

4.The Acceleratedlifetime-Test Method Research on High Power Laser Diode;大功率半导体激光器加速老化试验方法研究

5.Study on Accelerated Aging Test of Containing Fluorine Polyurethane Topcoat Applied in Aircraft航空用氟聚氨酯涂层加速老化试验研究

6.Temperature-humidity-load Accelerating Age Tests of PBX高聚物粘结炸药温湿度载荷加速老化试验研究

7.The effects of variation in content of three fillers on properties of the material was studied and accelerating aging test was carried out as well.研究了三种填料含量变化对嵌缝材料性能的影响,并对嵌缝材料进行了加速老化试验。

8.celerated paint weathering machine加速油漆耐老化试验机

9.Test method for color changes in accelerated weathering of colored building materialsGB/T16259-1996彩色建筑材料人工气候加速颜色老化试验方法

10.A Study on the Rapid Aging Test Method for Three Way Catalytic Converter;三元催化转化器快速老化循环试验研究

11.Development on the Test System of Three-way Catalytic Converter Rapid Aging三元催化转化器快速老化试验系统的开发

12.Statistical Analysis of Change-point in Stress Accelerated Degradation Test;加速退化试验中变点模型的统计分析

13.Cost Optimization of Weibuil Distribution Accelerated Burn-in;WEIBULL分布场合下加速强化试验的优化成本

14.limiting lateral acceleration test极限侧向加速度试验

15.Motor vehicles - Acceleration performance - Test method汽车加速性能试验方法

16.accelerated weathering method人工气候加速试验方法

17.Discussion on two kinds test method of simulative for asphalt heating ageing in blending process浅论模拟沥青加热拌和老化的两种试验方法

18.Experimental study on aging and damaged old timber beams repaired and strengthened with NSM CFRP rods内嵌CFRP筋维修加固老化损伤旧木梁的试验研究


accelerated ageing test加速老化试验

1.The oxidation stability of lubricating oils including 30# machinery oil, 4106# and 4109# aircraft lubricating oils was studied out byaccelerated ageing test According to the property-aging time relation and Arrhenius formulation, the ageing dynamic equation of variance ratios of viscosity of 30# machinery oil was obtained by linear regression method.对30#机械油与4106#和4109#航空润滑油进行了加速老化试验;在此基础上,运用阿累尼乌斯方程和性能变化的时温关系式,采用线性回归方法推导出30#机械油粘度变化的老化动力学方程,以粘度增加率20%为使用极限值,预测它在25℃条件下的贮存年限为12 a。

3)accelerated aging experiment加速老化试验

1.It is designedaccelerated aging experiments with different salt steam temperature and aging time.本文在总结复合材料在海洋的盐雾环境中使用的材料腐蚀理论基础上,分析复合材料发生腐蚀的主要形式和历程,模拟自然环境试验设计不同盐雾温度、不同老化时间下的加速老化试验,通过材料表面形貌、玻璃化转变温度、微观结构的变化来评价玻璃钢在盐雾中的腐蚀性能,着重分析温度、时间对材料腐蚀性能的影响规律;根据中值老化寿命和剩余强度之间的关系式,建立了加速寿命规律模型和寿命预测模型;根据试验中玻璃钢力学性能随老化时间的衰减多数情况下具有一致的规律性,建立了盐雾环境中玻璃钢力学性能随老化时间的衰减三线型模型。

4)accelerating thermal aging test加速热老化试验

5)accelerated aging test加速老化试验,人工老化试验

6)artificial accelerated ageing test人工加速老化试验

1.This paper contrastively analyzes the field exposure test andartificial accelerated ageing test data in the South China Sea about the fluorocarbon coatings for the anticorrosion engineering of Main Gymnasium of Olympic Games and other fluorocarbon coatings, giving the, differences among every type of fluorocarbon resin coatings about their aging-resistance.介绍了奥运主体育场"鸟巢"防腐工程用氟碳涂料与其它类型氟碳树脂涂料在海南的天然曝晒试验数据与人工加速老化试验数据对比分析,并详细阐述了各种类型氟碳树脂涂料在耐老化性方面存在差异的原因。

2.The photo-oxidation ageing process of polypropylene filaments was studied byartificial accelerated ageing test using different intensities of UV irradiation.以聚丙烯长丝为对象,采用不同紫外线辐射强度的人工加速老化试验对其光氧老化过程进行研究。


