1000字范文 > 参数化语言 parametric language英语短句 例句大全

参数化语言 parametric language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-06 08:59:43


参数化语言 parametric language英语短句 例句大全

参数化语言,parametric language

1)parametric language参数化语言

1.Optimization design of arch-axis coefficient based on the APDLparametric language;基于APDL参数化语言实现拱轴系数m的优化设计

2.This text discuss the principal process that design the optimum design program of the space network structure with the ANSYSparametric language.论述了用有限元软件ANSYS参数化语言(APDL)设计空间网架结构的优化设计程序的主要过程,重点解决了程序的优化设计器与程序前三模块的接口问题,使得结构每一杆件在现有钢管材料规格表中选取最优规格,从而达到整个结构的总重量最轻。


1.Topology Optimization Design of Microstructure based on the ANSYS Parameter Language基于ANSYS参数化语言的微结构拓扑优化设计

2.Optimization of Cable-membrane Form-finding and Load-case Analysis Based on APDL of ANSYS;基于ANSYS参数化语言的索膜结构找形优化和荷载分析

3.The Application of UIDL in ANSYS Parametric Modeling;UIDL语言在ANSYS参数化建模中的应用

4.Optimization Design of Portal Frame Structures Based on APDL基于ANSYS参数化设计语言的门式刚架优化设计

5.Data transferring betwwen actual parameterand formula parameter of language function;C语言函数形参与实参之间的数据传递

6.A Disk Cam Parametric Modeling Method Based on APDL and Its Modal Analysis基于APDL语言的盘形凸轮参数化建模及其模态分析方法

7.From Metonymic Scenario to Pragmatic Parameters and Illocutionary ICM;从转喻场境到语用参数和言外ICM

8.A Parametric Approach to the Typology of Subtopics in Chinese Dialects;汉语方言受事话题句类型的参数分析

9.TO Use The Parameter In Subprogram Of Pascal Language;Pascal语言子程序中参数的使用

10.Study on the Acoustic Parameters of Motor Speech Disorders Based on MSP言语运动分析软件(MSP)的参数研究

11.Analysis and Study Based on C Language Number Group Famous Production Function Parameter基于C语言数组名作函数参数问题的分析研究

12.Resetting the Pro-drop Parameter under Language Input;从语言输入的角度看主语脱落参数的再设定

13.The Problem about the Pointer Used as the Parameter of Function in C Language关于C语言中使用指针作为函数参数的问题

14.A New Horizon in Chinese-Dialect-Grammar Studies under the Principles-and-Parameters Framework原则和参数框架为方言语法研究提供的新视野——评介《汉语方言语法的参数理论》

15.A Parameterized Exploration on the Interface between UG and IL;普遍语法与中介语接口的参数化研究

16.Environment Parameters" Measure and Information Transmittal Based on Java基于Java语言的环境参数监测与信息上传

17.Theories of language learning are considered, including parameter-setting and maturation.考量语言学习理论,包括参数设定和成熟度。

18.It has been implemented tinder MS-DOS,and used in a boiler-parts parameter CAD system.它已在微机上用TURBOC语言实现,并在锅炉部件参数化设计CAD系统中取得了实际应用。


parameterized design language参数化设计语言

1.The FEM software is used as a platform to build a finite element model of the portal frame with aparameterized design language APDL.本文以有限元软件ANSYS作为平台,利用参数化设计语言APDL建立门式刚架有限元模型,将门式刚架分解成若干个BEAM3梁单元,采用弹性分析方法,结合钢结构设计理论和规范,按照模型受载情况,充分考虑生产实际和材料的规格系列,对门式刚架进行多次结构优化。

3)ANSYS parameter languageANSYS参数化语言

4)APDL parameter design languageAPDL参数化语言


1.In this article, based on our Ego365 E - Business Integration System(EEBIS) , we emphasize a kind of query language(pSQDL), lead to the definition through two examples, then present an algorithm that checks whether a data source supports a query in order to judge whether data integration that users submit is able to be completed.重点讨论了基于易购电子商务集成系统(EEBIS)上的参数化数据源查询语言(pSQDL),通过例子引出了它的定义,并提出了检验数据源是否支持查询的算法来判定用户所提交的数据采集任务是否能够顺利完成。



