1000字范文 > 写意花鸟画教学 cognition theory of painting英语短句 例句大全

写意花鸟画教学 cognition theory of painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-07 16:30:35


写意花鸟画教学 cognition theory of painting英语短句 例句大全

写意花鸟画教学,cognition theory of painting

1)cognition theory of painting写意花鸟画教学

1.Pressed on conservatism and nihilism,studying deeply Chinese traditional painting and history,exploring the practice of painting,directed by Marxism-Leningism and materialism,he has come to understand and realize the development of painting,that is,cognition theory of painting,based on the core of "weed through the old to bring forth the new".这一绘画认识论不仅作用于他的写意花鸟画创作实践,而且也作用于他的写意花鸟画教学实践,从而形成了他的一套写意花鸟画教学思路和经验,并培养了一批活跃于当今中国画坛的中坚力量。

2)Comfortable Flower and Bird Painting写意花鸟画

1.Discussing on Wang Hanshan sComfortable Flower and Bird Painting Arts;论王憨山写意花鸟画艺术


1.A Brief Talk on Creating Chinese Freehand Flower-and-Bird Painting in Class;浅谈中国画教学中写意花鸟画的创作

2.On Life Painting as a Vital Approach to the Creative Development of Flower-and-bird Painting in the Sketching-idea Manner: A Personal Reflection;临场写生是写意花鸟画创新发展的重要途径

3.Ink and Color Remaining in the World: A Study on Su Baozhen s Freehand Brushwork in Flower-and-bird painting;彩墨精神留人间──苏葆桢写意花鸟画艺术探略

4.The article introduces the historical origin, the painting method and the painting process of enjoyable flower-and-bird painting, and emphasizes that ″enjoyable″ is the key of enjoyable flower-and-bird painting.本文介绍了写意花鸟画的历史由来,作画方法等其他过程。

5.An unique style with genuine and true feeling in Chinese painting of Ming & Qing dynasty真率写情 独抒性灵——明清写意花鸟画的语境与变异

6.An unique style with genuine and true feeling in Chinese painting of Ming & Qing dynasty;真率写情 独抒性灵——明清写意花鸟画的语境与变异

7.His free-hand flower and bird paintings drew on the painting techniques of Xu Wei, Zhu Da, the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou and Wu Changshuo, thus showing his solid cultural foundation.他的写意花鸟画上承徐渭、朱耷、扬州八怪以及吴昌硕,具有深厚的传统文化功力。

8.During the Song Dynasty, bird and flower paintings and free-style paintings all developed concurrently.花鸟画和写意画在宋朝都得到很大发展。

9.On the Significance of Understanding the Free Style Character of the Yuanti Flower and Bird Paintings in the Early Period of the North Song Dynasty;北宋前期院体花鸟画写意性的认知意义

10.Depicting the New Spirit with Painting Images: On Contemporary Chinese Flower - bird Painting Practice用笔墨意象写时代新风——关于当代中国花鸟画创作实践的思考

11.On Realistic Features of Flower-and-Bird Paintings in the Song Dynasty and Contemporary Times;浅议宋代与现代花鸟画的“写实性”

12.On the Mimetic Ideas of the Traditional Chinese Painting From the Flower and Bird Painting in the Song Dynasty;从宋代院体花鸟画看传统中国画的写实观

13.Chinese flower-and-bird painting came into being in the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.唐末五代前后出现的中国花鸟画 ,以写形、写实为主 ,画史称之为工笔花鸟画。

14."an ancient art, Chinese painting falls into three categories - portrait, landscape, flower-and-bird; and two styles meticulous and freehand."作为一门古老的艺术,中国画包括人物,山水和花鸟三大类;两种风格:工笔和写意。

15.Elegant and Graceful-An Analysis of the Art Characteristics of the Paintings of Flowers and Birds by LIU Changchao;写得一支清瘦影——刘昌潮花鸟画艺术特色探析

16.these works form a transition to free-sketch flower and bird painting.这是继林良之后向写意花鸟的过渡。

17.He was good at landscape, flower and bird and figure paintings in both free sketches and fine brush work.他山水、花鸟、人物皆精,工笔写意俱佳。

18.Two Consciousnesses Awakening and their Significance of Literati Painters in Yuan Dynasty Flower and Bird Paintings从元代花鸟画中看文人画家两种意识的觉醒及其意义


Comfortable Flower and Bird Painting写意花鸟画

1.Discussing on Wang Hanshan sComfortable Flower and Bird Painting Arts;论王憨山写意花鸟画艺术

3)painting works of birds and flowers by means of vigorous freehand brushwork大写意花鸟画

1.Ink and washpainting works of birds and flowers by means of vigorous freehand brushwork created by grandmaster Xu Wei in the Ming Dynasty had far-reaching effects in the history of our country s painting art.明代大画家徐渭独创的大写意花鸟画,在我国绘画艺术史上具有深远的影响。

4)flower and bird in Chinese painting in Ming and Qing Dynasty明清写意花鸟画

5)palatial Flower-and-Bird enjoyable Painting宫廷写意花鸟画

6)half freehand brushwork of flowers and birds小写意花鸟画


