1000字范文 > 全国报刊索引 Index of National News Papers and Journals英语短句 例句大全

全国报刊索引 Index of National News Papers and Journals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-19 06:11:53


全国报刊索引 Index of National News Papers and Journals英语短句 例句大全

全国报刊索引,Index of National News Papers and Journals

1)Index of National News Papers and Journals全国报刊索引

1.Role of 《Index of National News Papers and Journals》 and its defects《全国报刊索引》的作用和不足


1.On Database Development of "National Index To China Newspapers & Periodicals";对《全国报刊索引》数据库发展的探讨

2.The Survival of Book Collection of "National Press Index" in the Digital World;书本式《全国报刊索引》在网络环境中的生存

3.Analysis on the Diversified Service Based on the National Newspapers and Periodical Index Database in Normal University Library“全国报刊索引数据库”和高师馆多元化服务研究

4.the local/national/provincial press地方[全国性/省级]报刊

5.A periodical index points to citations of articles in magazines, journals and newspapers.期刊索引通常包含杂志,期刊和报纸中的文章的题录。

6.The Developing Path and Cultural Roles of Chinese Modern Newspapers;中国近代报刊的发展路径及精神引领

7.The story made the front page of the national newspapers.这件事刊登在全国各报的第一版上.

8.That was all over the national dailies.全国各大日报上都刊登了那条消息。

9.Investigation and Evaluation of Status Quo of Journals in Higher Vocational Colleges of the Whole Country;全国高职学报办刊现状的调查与评估

10.Tentative exploration into critical newspaper and journal examination and concurrent discussion on the characteristics and the domestic position of newspaper and journal examination of Shaanxi;试论报刊审读工作——兼论陕西报刊审读的特性及在全国的地位

11.An Analysis on American Newsweek s Reports on Kosovo War;关于美国《新闻周刊》科索沃战争报道的分析

12.On the Probe into the Industrialization in Modern China by Press at the End of Qing Dynasty;论清末报刊舆论对近代中国工业化问题的探索

13.Quantitative Analysis on High Cited Articls on Competitive Intelligence in China国内竞争情报领域高被引期刊论文的定量分析

14.Have you used the Periodical Index before?你以前用过期刊索引吗?

15.All of the Periodical Index is over in that area.所有期刊索引都在那边。

16.Producers of printed indexes to the serial literature are also making information available in a machine-readable form.期刊文献印刷本索引的编制者也在以机读形式提供情报。

17.The analysis of journals published in China and selected by>>Science Citation Index>> in 1990~1999;美国《科学引文索引》1990-1999年选录国内科技类期刊的情况分析

18.On correct indexing of keywords--Analysis of keyword indexing for 02′ database of China sports newspapers and journals;论主题词的正确标引——《中国体育报刊数据库》(2002年度)主题标引剖析


national press index database全国报刊索引数据库

3)press index报刊索引

4)Periodical Publications Data报刊资料索引

1.Based on the sources from Chinese Periodical Full Text Data Base and the Index ofPeriodical Publications Data(from 1980 to ),the paper has made a statistic analysis of Chinese Research Papers on Chinese American Literature on the quantity,quality,the tendency,the researcher team and so on.本文对《中国期刊全文数据库》和《报刊资料索引》中收录的1980—国内美籍华裔文学研究论文从年代分布、期刊分布、作者分布和主题分布等方面进行了统计分析。

5)index of periodicals期刊索引

6)Chinese abstracts and indexes periodicals中国情报检索刊物


