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竖井 Shaft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 18:02:55


竖井 Shaft英语短句 例句大全



1.Design and construction of shaft in karst region;岩溶地区竖井的设计与施工

2.Study on theShaft Scheme Optimization Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process;基于层次分析法的竖井方案优化研究

3.Experimental study on the rising-time of fire plume fronts in the vertical shaft;竖井中羽流前锋上升时间的实验研究


1.The shaft of a mine.竖坑矿的矿井或竖井

2.shaft-sinking [caisson works]打/挖竖井〔沉箱工程〕

3.multi-level outlet shaft spillway多层进水竖井式溢洪道

4.Tsiu Keng Shaft Raw Water Irrigation Pump House蕉径竖井原水灌溉泵房

5.Cheung Sha Shaft Raw Water Pumping Statio长沙竖井原水抽水站

6.Lining Slipform Construction Technology of Sending and Exhausting Single-shaft单井送排风式竖井衬砌滑模施工技术

7.The excavation speed of pilot shaft is one of the key difficulties for the excavation of shaft, high ones in special, of hydropower works.水电工程竖井特别是高竖井开挖,主要难点体现在竖井导井开挖的速度上。

8.Flooding of three vertical shafts trapped the miners as they changed shifts.三个竖井发生透水,把正在换班的工人困在井下。

9.The 3# Ventilation Shaft back well method Construction Technology of Qinling Zhongnanshan Highway Tunnel秦岭终南山公路隧道3#竖井反井法施工技术

10.Shaft Liner Design of Development Shaft for Phase Ⅲ Project in Lancang Lead Mine云南澜沧铅矿三期开拓竖井井筒的支护设计

11.Frozen method applied in excavation of vertical shaft of iron ore mine冻结法凿井技术在铁矿山竖井中的应用

12.Research on the preliminary thickness design of shaft lining in porous rock aquifer孔隙型含水基岩段竖井井壁厚度拟订设计研究

13.Anti-well construction technique of 3# shaft of Zhongnanshan road tunnel in Qinling秦岭终南山公路隧道3号竖井反井法施工技术

14.Summarization on large diameter vertical shaft back well method excavation construction technology关于大直径竖井反井法开挖施工技术概述

15.In-situ measurement and analysis of freezing pressure of vertical shaft lining in deep alluvium特厚冲积层竖井井壁冻结压力的实测与分析

16.access shaft [aviation fuel receiving facility]进出竖井〔飞机燃料接收设施〕

17.It runs down a shaft to the seventh floor.它沿一个竖井向下直通到第七层。

18.The air flows down to a shaft and thus loses potential energy.空气向下进入竖井,因而失去势能。


vertical shaft竖井

1.Blasting vibration control for rock excavation ofvertical shaft of south station hall in Guangzhou east railway station;广州地铁东站南站厅竖井石方爆破震动控制

2.Excavation construction technology of Yanmenguan 2#vertical shaft;雁门关2号竖井开挖施工技术

3.Construction scheme optimization ofvertical shaft in metro construction;浅谈地铁竖井施工技术方案的优化


1.Application of gyroscope in the directionalsilo measure;陀螺仪在竖井定向测量的应用

2.Numerical Simulation of Fan Influence in Long and Large Road Double-silo Tunnel Intake and Exhaust Ventilation Mode;长距离大直径公路隧道双竖井送排式通风中风机影响的数值模拟

3.The Protection Methods and Construction Techniques for Under Drain and Silo of Karez;坎儿井暗渠和竖井防护措施及施工技术

4)vertical well竖井

1.Using the basic design theory ofvertical well and summing up with the experiences in severalvertical well constructions in tunnel engineering, the paper puts forward a calculation method for the lateral pressure ofvertical well in the loess area.通过对汉村隧洞、富平王寮隧洞等多项工程5个施工竖井设计的分析总结,根据竖井设计的基本理论,给出了黄土区施工竖井周围压力的计算方法。

2.In this article, authors firstly introduce the design and construction of thesevertical wells, analyze reasons of their sedimentation from such aspects as dimensions, practical construction situations, and soil features and so on, and finally state several sedimentation treatment measures adopted in construction.介绍了竖井的设计及施工方法,然后从尺寸大小、实际施工工况以及土层性质等几方面分析了沉降的原因,最后介绍了工程中所采用的几项沉降治理措施,并结合实测沉降数据分析了各项措施的应用效果。

3.Then the requirement of similar speed field is deduced and the subsectional model experiment is put forward on the basis of the peculiarity of pressure distribution in continuous statevertical well.以相似理论为基础,对城市隧道自然通风速度场进行分析,建立了城市隧道自然通风速度场相似的数学模型,推导出模型与原型速度场相似的条件;以连续竖井的静压分布特性为基础,提出分段模型实验;对实际城市隧道自然通风效果进行了评价,对竖井型城市隧道自然通风具有一定的理论和工程指导意义。

5)shaft well竖井

1.The most ofshaft wells of TGP s permanent shiplock characterize as large section,shaft well group, double steel bar, and large amount of accurately embedded metal structure and especially for the lower shiplock chamber section, the structure is complicated and the steel bar is dense.三峡水利枢纽永久船闸竖井多为大断面、多井群组合结构,且为双层钢筋,又有大量高精度要求的金结埋件,尤其是下部闸室段结构复杂,钢筋密集,因此工作量大,施工干扰大,施工难度大。

2.The outfall pressureshaft well in the third-step pumping station of main canal of Wanjiazhai Huanghe Water Transfer Project in Shanxi Province is lined with reinforced concrete and constructed by using hydraulic climbing form.山西省万家寨引黄工程总干三级泵站出水压力竖井为钢筋混凝土衬砌 ,采用了液压滑升模板施工 ,节省了多次立模和拆模工序 ,加快了施工进度。

3.In order to protect the cast concrete at theshaft well section of the power tunnel against corrosion by several strong corrosive mediums,a protection project at the outer sidewall of theshaft well is needed.“6 35”水利枢纽已浇筑的发电洞竖井混凝土受到多种强腐蚀介质的侵蚀影响 ,需在竖井外壁进行加强性工程防腐处理 。

6)vertical shaft wall竖井井壁

1.The following paper analyzes the cracking mechanism ofvertical shaft wall in alluvium, discusses its influenced factors as shaft wall, surface displacement layer, soil strata surrounded shaft and temperature, and proposes the route of preventive technique, which has a certain guiding significance for the settlement of wall cracking of vertical shaft in alluvium.分析了厚表土中竖井井壁破裂机理,探讨了影响其井壁破裂的与井壁、表层疏排水层、井筒周围土层、温度有关的各个因素,提出了防治技术路线,对解决厚表土中竖井井壁破裂具有一定的指导意义。


竖井竖井vertical shaftshuJIng竖井(vertieal shaft)用于提升矿石或废石、升降材料和设备、运送人员、敷设管路和电缆等的垂直井筒。井口直接通地面的叫明竖井,不直接通地面的叫盲竖井。竖井按井内所装备的提升容器,分为罐笼井、其斗井和混合井。竖井的断面规格,主要取决于提升容器的种类、数量、外形尺寸,井筒装备的类型和规格,最小安全间隙,管路、电缆和梯子间的平面布置尺寸,要求通过的风量及允许的风速等因素。竖井井颈的5一10m深度内,需用混凝土或钢筋混凝土支护。中国竖井直径一般为4一sm,最大深度为1127m,南非竖井直径已达9·sm,最大深度为2374m。罐笼井井内装有双罐笼或带平衡锤的单罐笼。适用于矿石年产量不大于30万t的矿井,用以提升矿石、废石和升降人员、材料及设备,也可以作进风井,但作进风井时,井筒中的最大风速不允许超过sm/s。它的缺点是,在同样提升高度和同样断面规格的条件下,提升能力比箕斗井低,且井筒装备较复杂。箕斗井井内装有双箕斗或带平衡锤的单箕斗,用以提升矿石或废石。它的优点是提升能力大,井筒装备较简单;缺点是功能单一,只能提升矿石或废石,个别矿山也用它作出风井,但井筒内允许的最大风速不得超过zZm/S。混合井井筒中设有箕斗和罐笼两套提升设备,箕斗用于提升矿石,罐笼用于辅助提升。当矿井开拓深度较大或工程地质条件复杂、施工难度较大时,为减少井筒数目,可考虑用混合井。它的优点是功能全面,开拓工程量小,投资省,管理集中。缺点是两套设备同时提升,难免互相干扰;一套提升设备检修时,另一套提升设备也得停工;一般不兼作风井。圆井断面为圆形,直径主要取决于年产量,一般为4.0一8. Om。圆井承载地压能力强,使用寿命长。井壁一般采用整体混凝土或喷射混凝土支护,也曾用过混凝土预制件、砖、料石等,因其整体性和封水性较差,施工中效率低,难以实现机械化,已逐渐被淘汰。椭圆井是由已变形破损的方井改建而成,使用很少,但它像圆井一样,具有较大的抗地压能力。方井断面为长方形,其承压能力较差;通常采用木材支护,支护材料因耐久性差,且无封水性,已很少使用。
