1000字范文 > 后农业社会 After the agricultural society英语短句 例句大全

后农业社会 After the agricultural society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-17 14:56:52


后农业社会 After the agricultural society英语短句 例句大全

后农业社会,After the agricultural society

1)After the agricultural society后农业社会


1.Chinese Post-Agriculture Soceity and Neo-Realistic Paintings中国后农业社会和新现实主义写实油画

2.On the Faults during the Late Period ofAgricultural Socialist Reform in China;论我国农业社会主义改造后期的失误

3.The Research on the Rural Social Governance Mode in China-In the Post-agricultural Tax Era;“后农业税时代”中国农村乡镇社会治理模式研究

4.Study on the Social Effect Post-Evaluation of the Agricultural Water-saving Project in Northwest China;西北地区农业节水项目社会效果后评价研究

5.Review of the Research on the Social Benefit Post-Evaluation of the Agricultural Water-saving Project;农业节水项目社会效果后评价研究综述

6.Study on Social Benefit Post-evaluation Content of the Agricultural Water-saving Project in Northwest China;西北地区农业节水项目社会效益后评价内容

7.An Effective Way for Constructing a Harmonious Society in the Post-agricultural Tax Era;后农业税时代构建和谐社会的有效路径

8.Reasons of Impetuosity in the Late Period of Socialist Transformation of Agriculture;农业社会主义改造后期急躁冒进原因探析

9.The Obtain and the Maintain of Mobile Employment;农民工:一种就业模式的形成及其社会后果

10.A Research of the Socialist Modernization of Agriculture by the Communist Party of China after the Founding of the People s Republic of China;建国后党对农业社会主义现代化问题的探索

11.Social Effect Comprehensive Post-Evaluation of the Agricultural Water-saving Project in Zhangye Prefecture张掖地区农业节水项目社会效果综合后评价

12.Practice and Thought on the Reformation of Logistic Services Socializing in Agricultural Universities and Colleges--Taking Hunan Agricultural University as a Case;农业院校后勤社会化改革的实践与思考——以湖南农业大学为个案

13.Holy Narrative and Religious Fete of Agricultural Society--Reading Cao Shu-jie s Hou Ji s Legend and Hou Ji s Culture;农业社会的神圣叙事与宗教祭祀——读曹书杰的《后稷传说与后稷文化》

14.an agrarian (or agricultural) society.“一个土地(或农业)的社会”。

15.Federacion Nacional de Cooperativas Agricolas全国农业合作社联合会

16.Standing committee for Agricultural Cooperatives农业合作社常设委员会

17.rural socialized service system农业社会化服务体系

18.Quickening the Reform Step and Promoting the Process of Logistics Socialization--Investigation into Logistics Socialization for Shanxi Agriculture University加快改革步伐 推进后勤社会化进程——山西农业大学后勤社会化调查分析


agricultural society农业社会

1.Social changes fromagricultural society to industrial society are reflected in economical production,while bringing about a profound reform of personnel management value and its managing model—— a change from rule-by-men to rule-of-law in principle,a shift from the unreasonable to the rational in operation.从农业社会到工业社会所发生的社会变革不仅表现在经济生产领域,而且在这一过程中,人事管理理念以及在这些理念指导下的人事管理模式也发生了深刻变革,表现在:在人事管理原则的层面,从人治向法治转变;在人事管理运行特征的层面,由非理性向理性转变;在人事管理职能的层面,由农业社会单纯地侧重选人、用人和治人发展成了由遴选、培训、薪酬管理、激励措施等多个部分组成的全方位的人事管理职能体系。

2.Farming household as the basic economic organization in traditionalagricultural society, the degrees of consistency between farming household and peasant family in China and in Europe are different.传统农业社会的基本经济组织是农户。

3.industrial society andagricultural society respectively.本文认为,作为人类的两大文化的科学与人文,它们大体上对应于人类的两大社会形态,即工业社会与农业社会。

3)Realism oil paintings of post-agricultural society后农业社会的写实油画

4)socialization of agriculture农业社会化

5)Sociology of agriculture农业社会学

6)post-industrial society后工业社会

1.Bell,claiming to be a post-Marxist,takes social development as the starting point and adopts the model of knowledge and technology as the axis for his constructing the theory ofpost-industrial society.自诩为后马克思主义者的贝尔,以同马克思讨论社会发展问题为起点,运用知识与技术中轴原理的范式,构建了后工业社会理论。

2.And thepost-industrial society can be regarded as a knowledge-based society,in which the creation and consumption of knowledge can be said to be the central issue of the society.在农业社会中,土地是社会的主要资源,在工业社会则是以能源和资本作为社会的主要资源,而后工业社会可以看作是知识社会,知识的创建和知识的消费可以说是这个社会的中心问题。

3.In some developed countries,post-industrial society h as displayed its inchoate form.后工业社会在某些发达国家已显雏形。


