1000字范文 > 网络商店组织形象 The corporate identity of web-shop英语短句 例句大全

网络商店组织形象 The corporate identity of web-shop英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 11:07:27


网络商店组织形象 The corporate identity of web-shop英语短句 例句大全

网络商店组织形象,The corporate identity of web-shop

1)The corporate identity of web-shop网络商店组织形象


1.A Study on the Relations among the Corporate Identity of Web-shop, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty网络商店组织形象、顾客满意与顾客忠诚的关系研究

2.The Impact of Online-Store Image on Online Shoppers′ Loyalty to Store;网上商店形象对网上购物者商店忠诚度的影响

3.interorganizational network组织间网络 组织间网络

work Organization--a New Innovative Organization of Making Small and Medium Enterprises More Competitive;网络组织:增强中小企业竞争力的组织创新形式

5.So the motes self-organize into networks.所以尘粒会自我组织,形成网络。

6.Logistics Network and Analysis of Form-driving Factors;物流网络组织及其形成驱动因素分析

anization Proposal of E-learning Content Based on Learning Object基于学习对象的网络学习内容组织方法

8.Particular Trust,Relationship Network and Zheshang Private Firms Organizational Mode;特殊信任、关系网络与浙商私营企业组织模式

work Organization--The Organizational Paradigm for the Development and Evolution of Electronic Commerce;网络组织——适应电子商务发展和变革要求的组织范式

10.The Organization Structure of the Internet:A New Pattern of the Administrative System of Universities the Future ──Talk about the Way of Internet Thinking;网络组织结构:未来大学管理系统新形态——从网络思维说开去

11.Research of a New Form of Industry Organization:Modular Production Network;模块化生产网络:一种新产业组织形态研究

12.Movement Alliance:the Enterprise Organization Formation in the Times of Internet Economy;网络经济时代的企业组织形式:动态联盟

13.Enterprise Network is an Efficient Organizational Form for Cooperative Innovation;企业间网络是合作创新的有效组织形式

14.Formation of Network Organization and Its Routines--Based on the Views of the Evolutionary Theory;网络组织及其惯例的形成——基于演化论的视角

15.Study on the forming mechanism of alliance network based on the organization learning;基于组织学习的联盟网络形成机理研究

16.The Organizational Evolution of Strategic Network and the Analysis of Alliance Motivations;战略网络的组织形态演进及联盟动机分析

17.A New Discussion on the Web organization between enterprises and the Formation of the Innovation Mechanism;企业间网络组织及创新机制的形成新探

18.Scale-free behavior in organizational networks:Consequences in extreme situations组织网络中的无标度行为:极端情形的结果


Online-store Image网上商店形象

3)online shopping patterns网络商店形态


1.This paper investigates the factors that influence consumers’ repeated online shopping behaviors from ecommerce environment andonline-store standpoints by empirical methods.本文从电子商务环境和网络商店的角度采用实证的方法对影响消费者重复网上购物的因素进行了研究。

5)store image商店形象

1.In order to give a full understanding of the influence of the dimensions ofstore image on customer decision-making style,we discuss the difference that the customer who have difference shopping style have difference apperception tostore image.商店形象对顾客购物行为有重要的影响,文章以超市购物为背景进行了一项实证研究,探讨不同购物决策风格的顾客对商店形象感知的差异,全面揭示商店形象各构面与顾客购买决策风格之间的关系。

2.Retailstore image refers to the physical environment for consumers to stroll around and do shopping, which can exert a significant influence on the consumer s decision- making behavior.零售商店形象是消费者逛街购物的物质环境,它对消费者决策行为有重要影响。

3.Thestore image is one of the important factors influencing consumers to patronize.通过对5个大型连锁超市顾客的拦截访问,运用灰色关联度分析法,考察了商店形象与其影响因素之间的相关性。

6)B2C Online ShoppingB2C网络商店


城域网(见计算机网络)城域网(见计算机网络)metropolitan area network, MANehengyuwQng城域网(metropolitan area netwo次,MAN)分布范围可覆盖几个街区到整个城市的计算机网络。见计算机网络。
