1000字范文 > 会计师事务所 accounting firm英语短句 例句大全

会计师事务所 accounting firm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-08 02:20:31


会计师事务所 accounting firm英语短句 例句大全

会计师事务所,accounting firm

1)accounting firm会计师事务所

1.The Method of Measuring the Accounting Firm s Specialization Operation;会计师事务所专业化经营的衡量方法

2.The Risk Management Tactics to Promote the Competitiveness of Accounting Firms;提升会计师事务所竞争力的风险管理策略

3.Marketing strategy construction of Chineseaccounting firms;论中国会计师事务所的营销策略建设


1.Price Waterhouse Coopers普华大华会计师事务所

2.The Business Scope of Accounting Firms and the Independence of Audit;会计师事务所业务范围与审计独立性

3.A certified public accountant who provides services shall join a public accounting firm.注册会计师执行业务,应当加入会计师事务所。

4.Applies on CAP firm of manpower account;人力资源会计在会计师事务所的应用

5.China Accountant Firms Should Be Cautious of Multi-Services我国会计师事务所应慎行业务多元化

6.The Research on the Service Marketing Strategy of Dingcheng CPA Co., Ltd;鼎诚会计师事务所服务营销策略研究

7.The Research on the Debt Settlement of the Partnership Public Accounting Firm;会计师事务所合伙债务清偿问题研究

8.Develop the middle-small public accounting firms to service the middle-small business enterprise;发展中小会计师事务所服务中小企业

9.Research on the Civil Responsibility of the Accounting Firm for the Third Party;会计师事务所对第三人民事责任研究

10.Thus, Public accounting firms often are called CPA firms.因此,公共会计师事务所常被称为注册会计师事务所。

11.To Talk about the Specialization of Accounting Firm from the Small and Medium-sized Accounting Firm Angle;从中小会计师事务所角度看会计师事务所的专业化经营

12.Study of Accounting Firm Quality Control;我国会计师事务所审计质量控制研究

13.The Research on Audit Risk Control;会计师事务所审计风险控制问题研究

14.The Analyses on the Behaviors of Small and Medium Accounting Firms;中小会计师事务所审计风险防范分析

15.Marketing Mix Strategies of Auditing in Accountant Firms;论会计师事务所的审计营销组合策略

16.Study on Evaluation System of Accounting Firms" Audit Quality会计师事务所审计质量评价体系研究

17.Public accounting firms are organizations in which public accountants mainly work.公共会计师主要在公共会计师事务所开展工作。

18.Discussion of Certified Accountant Alternation and Accounting Firm Fraud;注册会计师变更和会计师事务所欺诈问题探讨


accounting firms会计师事务所

1.Several Thoughts on the System of the Tort Liabilities of the Accounting Firms;会计师事务所民事侵权责任的思考

2.On the civil liability of false capital assessment ofaccounting firms;简论会计师事务所虚假验资的民事责任

3.Towards the Signalling function ofaccounting firms choice;论会计师事务所选择的信号传递功能

3)CPA Firm会计师事务所

1.Professional Ethics between theCPA Firms and their Staff;我国会计师事务所与员工的职业伦理

2.Research on Auditing Quality ofCPA Firms in Taiwan;台湾会计师事务所审计品质研究

4)CPA Firms会计师事务所

1.A Discussion on the Interior Governance ofCPA Firms;会计师事务所内部治理问题探析

2.Study on Customer Relationship Strategic Management ofCPA Firms;论会计师事务所客户关系战略管理

3.The purpose of CPA firms is to maintain the social economy, and protect investor and the interested parties’rights.会计师事务所是依法设立并承办注册会计师业务的中介机构。

5)public accounting firms会计师事务所

1.Upgrading the Public Accounting Firms with Government Force——A case studypublic accounting firms in Jiangsu Province;借助政府力量推动江苏会计师事务所做强做大

2.An Analysis on Exploitation of Culture Resources in Public Accounting Firms;论会计师事务所文化资源的开发

3.Besides the law policies and the supervise mechanisms, the internal governance and control problems ofpublic accounting firms are the direct reasons.我国会计师事务所内部治理与控制存在很多的问题,如内部治理结构不完善、内部控制制度形同虚设等。

6)YH accounting firmYH会计师事务所

1.This paper firstly introduced the purpose and significance of the research on risk control ofYH accounting firm, and reviewed the condition of risk control in domestic and international.本文首先介绍了YH会计师事务所风险控制研究的目的和意义,综述总结了国内外会计师事务所风险控制研究的现状;其次对审计风险的成因、特征及相关理论进行了阐述;随后详细叙述了审计责任界定和风险控制的基础理论,即博弈理论、委托代理激励理论、契约责任理论和侵权责任理论;接着讲述了YH会计师事务所风险控制的现状,提出了YH会计师事务所风险控制存在的问题,根据这些现状及审计责任界定和风险控制的理论,从内部和外部两大因素共五个方面对影响YH会计师事务所风险控制的因素进行了分析,包括组织结构方面、人力资源方面、收入分配制度方面、客户经营风险方面、外部监管环境方面;最后根据这些因素提出了YH会计师事务所风险控制的三个对策,即强化内部质量控制、建立基于审计责任界定的事务所风险防范机制、充分利用外部资源控制审计风险。


