1000字范文 > 森林蓄积 forest stock英语短句 例句大全

森林蓄积 forest stock英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-11 12:38:03


森林蓄积 forest stock英语短句 例句大全

森林蓄积,forest stock

1)forest stock森林蓄积

1.With the information of remote sensing and GIS of the ground sample plots as independent variables that influenceforest stock estimation, the main variables affectingforest stock estimation in the different forest zones corre.然后 ,以样地对应的遥感和GIS信息为影响森林蓄积估测的变量 ,采用最小二乘原理及岭迹分析 ,研究了上述 3种不同面积幅值图像对应林区影响森林蓄积估测的主要变量 。


1.Forest Volume Estimate Based on 3S Technologies in Shandong Province基于3S技术的山东省森林蓄积量估测

2.The Forest Reserves of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Estimation Theory and Implementation;森林蓄积量高空间分辨率遥感估测理论与实现

3.Study on Quantitative Estimation of Forest Volume in Shandong Based on "3S" Technology;基于3S技术的山东省森林蓄积量定量估测研究

4.Estimation and Retrieval of Forest Volume by Remote Sensing Based on KNN基于KNN法的森林蓄积量的遥感估计和反演

5.Evaluation of Sensitivity of ALOS PALSAR Polarimetric Data to Forest Volume in Hilly RegionALOS PALSAR极化数据对山区森林蓄积量的敏感性评价

6.Actuality and Prospect of Research on Forest Stock Volume Estimate by Remote Sensing森林蓄积量遥感估测研究的现状及展望

7.Technology of multiple concentric circles for surveying forest volume with electronic angle gauge基于电子角规多重同心圆技术测定森林蓄积

8.Application Study of Forestry Stock Estimate Based Remote Sensing;基于遥感的森林蓄积估测几个关键技术的研究与软件实现

9.Volume Estimation by Radial Basis Function Neural Network Model Based on RS and GIS Technologies基于RS和GIS的径向基神经网络模型对森林蓄积量的估测

10.Clarify and Explian the Changes of Forest Area and Volume in Heilongjiang in Modern Times;对近代黑龙江省森林面积和蓄积量变化的考释

11.Estimation of VOC Emission from Forests in China Based on the Volume of Tree Species基于树种蓄积量的中国森林VOC排放估算

12.China"s per-capita forest area and stocking volume lag far behind the worlds average level.中国人均森林面积和蓄积量都远低于世界平均水平。

13.Tibet boasts 7.17 million ha of forest, and the stocking volume has reached 2.091 billion cu m. Tibet has the largest primitive forest in China.西藏森林面积717万公顷,活立木蓄积量达20.91亿立方米,保存有中国最大的原始森林。

14.Application of Integrative Technique of GIS and ANN to Forecast of Timber Volume of Forest ResourceGIS与ANN整合技术在森林资源蓄积量预测中的应用

15.As in reconnaissance work, aerial photographic volume estimates can be satisfactory.作为森林资源概查工作来说,航空象片的蓄积量估计值能满足要求。

16.Forest Resource Classification and Volume Inversion Based on SPOT5;基于SPOT5影像数据的森林资源分类与蓄积量反演研究

17.Growing Stock on Forest Area Available for Wood Supply工业用材林的林木蓄积量情况

18.Research on the Implementation of Forest Health Strategy in China;深入研究森林健康 积极探索中国森林健康之路


forest volume森林蓄积

1.Technology of multiple concentric circles for surveyingforest volume with electronic angle gauge基于电子角规多重同心圆技术测定森林蓄积

2.The optimum variable selecting method on theforest volume quantitative estimation based on RS and GIS through the principle of least square is studied.根据最小二乘 (LS)原理 ,借助遥感和地理信息系统 ,研究森林蓄积定量估测最优自变量的选择方法。

3)forest stock volume森林蓄积量

1.At the end of 1970s, remote sensing technology was introduced into China and has been used since then in the activities of forest resource inventory, especially in estimatingforest stock volume.以中国林科院为主的一批林业科学工作者 ,积极将其应用于森林资源调查工作 ,特别是森林蓄积量的估测。

2.With remote sensing technology being widely used in the investigation of forest resources,especially in the remote sensing estimation of theforest stock volume,remote sensing method can save time,work and budget in comparison with the traditional method.随着遥感技术广泛应用于森林资源调查工作,特别是森林蓄积量的遥感估测,将比传统方法省时、省力,节约经费。

3.A lot of foresters use this new technology in the activities of forest resource inventory, especially on estimatingforest stock volume.2 0世纪 70年代末 ,遥感技术被应用于中国的森林资源调查工作 ,特别是森林蓄积量的估测 。

4)forest volume森林蓄积量

1.Basic theory and practice of surveyingforest volume and increment with electronic angle gauge.;电子角规测定森林蓄积量及生长量的基础理论与实践

2.Estimation offorest volume in Huzhong forest area based on RS,GIS and ANN;基于遥感、地理信息系统和人工神经网络的呼中林区森林蓄积量估测

3.The application of principal component transformation and Bayesian regularization back propagation (BP)neural network inforest volume estimate was introduced through a specific sample in this paper.介绍主成分变换和经规则化调整法进行泛化改进的BP神经网络在森林蓄积量建模估测中的应用,比较普通BP神经网络与泛化改进的BP神经网络对蓄积量预报的差异,分析直接用中心标准化的观测值建立仿真模型和进行主成分变换后再建立模型的效率问题。

5)forest growing stock森林蓄积量

1.By analyzing data from 77 meteorological stations in Taihang Mountains and from 721 sample plots in different faces of Taihang Mountain, it was approved, through regression, that there was a good relation between temperature andforest growing stock in the whole Taihang Mountain.结果表明 ,在太行山区 ,温度与纬度、海拔之间相关显著 ,温度与森林蓄积量显著相关 ;对于平均林龄为 2 3a左右的人工林 ,在西北坡 ,温度升高、降水变化 ,对森林蓄积量无显著影响 ;但在河北省即太行山东南坡 ,温度每升高 1℃ ,森林蓄积量下降 6 88~ 8 12m3 hm2 ,降水每增加 10 0mm ,森林蓄积量增加 2 1 1m3 hm2 。

6)forest resource estimate森林蓄积估测


森林蓄积量森林蓄积量forest growing stocksenlin xuji Iiang森林蓄积量(forest gr0Wing stock)有林地中活立木材积之和。测定中常以某类型有林地单位面积上活立木材积之和乘以该类型总面积得此类型的森林蓄积量,各类型森林蓄积量之和为统计单位的森林总蓄积量。森林蓄积量是森林生物量中树干干物质部分的容积之和。它反映了一定的经济价值、社会效益和防护效益的大小。森林蓄积量调查方法有地面调查、遥感结合地面调查两种。地面调查有:每木实测、标准地法、抽样调查和目测法。每木实测仅用于面积不大、珍贵树种或科学实验、编表和伐区调查。标准地法是一种典型抽样,即从某类型中,选取有代表性的样地,全部实测或通过选取有代表性的样木进行量测,以此计算标准地内单位面积蓄积量,进而推算总体森林蓄积量。抽样调查是应用抽样原理,根据调查对象的特点,选择相应的抽样方法,确定样地(点)后进行实测,然后计算出样地单位面积蓄积量,进而推算总体蓄积量。目测法是在实测基础上,利用林分结构规律和经验、应用必要的林业数表进行目视测定的一种方法。在抽样方法中,常应用航天、航空遥感图像结合地面调查的方法。这种方法的优点是可大量减少繁重的外业,使许多量测工作在室内进行,并可充分应用原有森林资源信息管理系统的各种数据,且易于成图。该法只需在地面进行少量的、必要的因子量测,然后将采集的数据进行数学模型计算,从而得到所需的森林蓄积量。能充分发挥遥感技术优点的抽样调查方法有分层抽样、双重回归估测、多阶抽样、数量化估测等等。森林具有多功能特性,调查时通常应按其功能特性将其区分为用材林、防护林、薪炭林等蓄积量,并按林龄组如幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林、过熟林进行统计。在用材林中,如有混交林还需按树种组成分别树种进行统计,对用材林还需计算材种出材量。(游先祥)
