1000字范文 > 疲劳寿命 fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

疲劳寿命 fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-15 02:17:08


疲劳寿命 fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

疲劳寿命,fatigue life

1)fatigue life疲劳寿命

1.The analysis of rotor strength andfatigue life;转子强度及疲劳寿命分析

2.Prediction offatigue life of packaging EMC material based on BP neural networks;基于BP神经网络的模塑封材料疲劳寿命预测

3.Predication offatigue life of structure with random scan vibration;随机扫描振动中结构疲劳寿命的预测


1.Ultra-Long Life Fatigue Behavior and Fatigue Life Design of Joint Between Steel Q235 and Steel 16MnQ235钢和16Mn钢接头超长寿命疲劳行为及疲劳寿命设计

2.Fatigue Cumulative Damage Detection and Fatigue Life Prediction on Reinforced Concrete Slabs;钢筋混凝土板疲劳损伤识别及疲劳寿命预测

3.The Summary of the Rolling Bearing Contact Fatigue Failure Mechanism and Fatigue Life Model滚动轴承疲劳破坏机理和疲劳寿命模型综述

4.Disk Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Based on Multiaxial Fatigue Model基于多轴疲劳模型的轮盘低循环疲劳寿命预测

5.The total fatigue life for welded structure is the sum.二者寿命之和为焊接结构的总疲劳寿命。

6.The Control of Fatigue Life of the Guyed Mast Structure Under the Wind Load随机风振下桅杆结构的疲劳寿命控制

7.The Dynamic Load Distribution and the Estimated Fatigue Life of the Axles on Double Deck Passenger Cars双客车轴动载荷分布与疲劳寿命估算

8.Damage Identification and Fatigue Life Estimation for Jacket Platform;导管架平台损伤检测及疲劳寿命研究

9.Research on Prediction of Damage Failure and Fatigue Life for Composite Bolted Joints;层合板接头损伤失效与疲劳寿命研究

10.Multiaxial Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction under Irregular Loadings;多轴非规则载荷下低周疲劳寿命预测

11.Simulation of Prediction of Fatigue Life for Component of Railway Vehicle;机车车辆零部件的疲劳寿命预测仿真

12.Analysis on Fatigue Life of Steel 1CrMoV in the State of Multiaxial Stress;多轴应力状态下1CrMoV钢的疲劳寿命分析

13.Analysis of Low Cyclic Fatigue Life of the Valves on the Secondary Unit of Steam Turbine;汽轮机中压主汽阀低周疲劳寿命分析

14.Numerical Computation of Fatigue Life in Large Steam Turbine Rotor;大型汽轮机转子疲劳寿命的数值模拟

15.A Exploration & Research on Synchronous Belt s Fatigue Life Testing Machine;同步带疲劳寿命试验机的开发与研究

16.A Research on the Fatigue Life Prediction of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics Laminates;纤维增强复合材料疲劳寿命预测研究

17.Research on High Temperature Fatigue Life Models of Powder Metallurgy;粉末高温合金高温疲劳寿命模型研究

18.The Fatigue Life Prediction of Key Parts of Electric Locomotive;电力机车车体关键部位疲劳寿命预测


fatigue lifetime疲劳寿命

1.In this paper distribution function of roller chainfatigue lifetime are discussed and characteristic of Weibull distribution form parameter offatigue lifetime that vary with its specification and loading are analyzed, then sampling inspection plan of lifetime of reliability and average lifetime are designes.探讨了滚子链疲劳寿命的分布规律;揭示了滚子链疲劳寿命威布尔分布形状参数随链条规格、载荷水平变化的特点;设计了可靠寿命和平均寿命的抽样检验方案,从而为滚子链疲劳可靠性设计和验证提供了重要依

2.Substituting this stress intensity factor into Paris expression obtained by experiment, a prediction of remainingfatigue lifetime for a sucker rod is calculated.将此应力强度因子代入Paris公式,即可预测抽油杆的剩余疲劳寿命。

3.Deviation of traditionfatigue lifetime prediction is bigger.针对传统疲劳寿命预测误差较大的问题,提出了将隶属函数应用于疲劳寿命预测的新方法,并建立了基于隶属函数的疲劳寿命预测模型。


1.Random Fatigue Semi - experimental Model of SMT Solder Joint in Random Vibration Condition;SMT焊点半经验随机振动疲劳寿命累积模型

2.Study on Body Fatigue Bench Test Method;白车身强度台架试验方法及疲劳寿命的研究

3.According to random theory, a randomfatigue semi-empirical model of SMT solder joint in random vibration condition is created.研究了SMT焊点在随机振动条件下引起的振动疲劳情况,给出了SMT焊点半经验随机振动疲劳寿命累积模型,并通过对某SMT电路板进行随机振动疲劳测试,验证了模型的正确性。

4)fatigue life-span疲劳寿命

1.Neural network used in the prediction of the low-periodicfatigue life-span of materials;神经网络在材料低周疲劳寿命预测中的应用

2.3D finite element analysis on crankshaftfatigue life-span;曲轴疲劳寿命三维有限元分析


1.Assessment offatigue-life reliability of mechanical parts;机械构件的疲劳寿命可靠性评定

2.Study on Simulation of Structural Fatigue-life PredictionBased on the Neural Network;基于神经网络的结构疲劳寿命仿真的研究

3.Thefatigue-life of a mechanical part is a very important index for its reliability.机械构件的疲劳寿命是其可靠性的一个重要指标。

6)Anti-fatigue life抗疲劳寿命


