1000字范文 > 问题 problem英语短句 例句大全

问题 problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-28 22:55:48


问题 problem英语短句 例句大全



1.The existing situation and theproblems of solid offal in our nation;我国固体废弃物的现状及存在的问题

2.Several Problems and Countermeasures of Water Resources of Shanxi Province and Coal Mine Mining;山西水资源与煤矿开采的若干问题及对策

3.Research on Problems in Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources in Jilin Province and Countermeasures;吉林省矿产资源开发利用中存在的问题及对策研究


1.problem of food and clothing吃穿问题,温饱问题

2.The main question is that of time.主要的问题是时间问题。

3.The fundamental question is a political one.首要的问题是政治问题.

4.The first involves East-West relations, while the second involves North-South relations.和平问题是东西问题,发展问题是南北问题。

5.Now I want to ask, is not the question of effect one of stand?现在要问:效果问题是不是立场问题?

6.He shot one question after another at me.他一个问题接一个问题地向我发问。

7.This question of "for whom?" is fundamental; it is a question of principle.为什么人的问题,是一个根本的问题,原则的问题。

8.The problem was probably as much political as military.这个问题也许既是政治性问题又是军事问题。

9.a problem novel,play,etc,ie one dealing with a social or moral problem问题小说、问题剧(探讨社会或道德问题的)

10.Ownership is an important theoretical and practical problem.所有制问题是重大的理论问题及现实问题。

11.This is partly a political and partly a legal question.这个问题部分是政治问题, 部分是法律问题。

12.The Problem of No Questions:A Vital Issue in the University Education没有问题的问题——大学教育中不容忽视的问题

13.Unemployment has been the keynote of the conference.会议的主题是失业问题.

14.a question remote from the subject与本题不太相干的问题

15.Education is under discussion today.教育问题是今天的议题。

16.Special Topic on Socialist Economic Problems社会主义经济问题专题

17.current issues, problems, prices目前的议题、问题、 价格

18.She put up her hands when she askes a question.问问题时她会举手,



1.The existproblems in the application of PET FDY spinning finish;浅析涤纶FDY油剂应用中存在的问题

2.Problems and Solutions to Cooperation of Petroleum and Natural Gas between China and Russia;中俄油气合作的问题与对策探析

3.Problems and Countermeasures of Ankang Machine-made Famous Tea;安康发展机制名茶存在的问题及对策


1.Analyzing theQuestions about Technical Methods and Mode of the Atmospheric Environmental Impact Assessment;环境空气影响预测评价方法和模式问题探讨

2.KeyQuestions Introduction about Test Running Homemade Spunbonded Needle Punched Nonwovens Production Line;国产纺粘针刺非织造布生产线调试中的关键问题介绍

3.Questions of the Factory Boundary Noise Measurement;厂界噪声测量中若干问题探讨


1.Analysis and suggestion on some existingissues about power transmission and transformation EIA;输变电项目环评存在问题分析及对策建议

2.Sustainable utilizationissues and countermeasures of the Shenhuwan Wetland in Jinjiang;晋江深沪湾湿地可持续利用问题与对策

3.Achievements,trend andissues of China aluminum fabrication industrial development;中国铝加工业发展的成就与趋势及问题


1.About someissues existed in the present management of ship safety and pollution prevention;浅析当前船舶安全与防污染管理存在的问题

2.Issues and Countermeasures of Environmental Monitoring in ISO 14001 Certification;ISO14001认证中环境监测的问题与对策

3.Study on Issues on the Entry of Traditional Chinese Medicine into the International Market;我国中药进入国际市场的问题研究


1.Preliminary Study on Questions about the Design of Artificial Wetland in Residential District浅议居住区人工湿地设计的几个问题

2.Discussion of somequestions concerning college optics textbooks对大学光学教材中一些问题的探讨

3.Investigation of The related Questions of Internet Access among Higher Vocational Students某高职院校学生上网相关问题的调查


