1000字范文 > 衣物 clothing英语短句 例句大全

衣物 clothing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-23 09:53:13


衣物 clothing英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper searches the words expressingclothing in Han jian excavated in yinwan, examining yin, he, fu, zhiling and jujin particularly.本文考察了尹湾M6十二号木牍《君兄衣物疏》和十三号木牍《君兄缯方缇中物疏、君兄节笥小物疏》以及M2木牍《衣物疏》中表示衣物的词语,对其中的絪、合、復、直领、巨巾等词语作了重点考释,并订正了《汉语大字典》和《汉语大词典》两部辞书的释义、收词及例证等方面的不足。


1.Small items of clothing, esp underwear小件衣物(尤指内衣裤)

2.wet clothes, grass, roads湿的衣物、 草、 道路

3.personal belongings,clothing,etc个人的所有物、衣物等

4.The items in your bag dont match up with the items you checked off on your laundry list.洗衣袋里的衣物与洗衣单上登记的不符。

5.A man who collects and sells rags.破衣贩收集并出售破旧衣物的人

6.a wardrobe full of clothes that are no longer wearable充斥着不能再穿的衣物的衣柜.

7.You fasten the washing to a line with a peg.你把洗的衣物用一个衣夹夹在绳子上。

8.weird clothes, hairstyles, taste古怪的衣物、 发型、 口味

9.There" s a pile of ironing on the table.桌上有一堆要熨的衣物。

10.Laundry dried by the sun.被太阳晒干的洗净衣物

11.issue warm clothing to the survivors给幸存者分发御寒衣物

12.make up a bundle of old clothes for a jumble sale把旧衣物捆起准备义卖

13.To soak(laundry)before washing.预浸在洗之前先浸(衣物)

14.where clothes are washed and ironed.清洗和熨烫衣物的地方。

15.conventional clothes, behaviour老一套的衣物、 行为

16.I"d like to have these things dry cleaned.这些衣物我要干洗。

17.wear(a particular size in shoes or clothes)穿用(某尺码的鞋或衣物)

18.Did you do the laundry today?你今天洗熨过衣物吗?



1.Preparation of aqueous stomach acrylic acid resinfilm-coating;利用乳液聚合的方法制备水性胃溶型药物包衣用丙烯酸树脂,此法制备的水性药物包衣材料性能稳定,无污染,成本低,包衣效率高。

3)canopy fabric伞衣织物

1.In this paper, main design demand and stitch structure and correlation technology feature about parachutecanopy fabric is related.本文依据降落伞的使用 ,叙述了降落伞伞衣织物的主要设计要求及其组织结构和相关的工艺特点。

4)Biological pelleted seeds生物包衣


1.This paper mainly deals with thoselichens species,which are key contributors for the formation of soil crust in southern fringe of Gurbantunggut Desert,Xinjiang Uyghur Autonoumous Region,China.本文对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘土壤生物结皮中地衣植物种类及分布特征进行了初步研究。

2.Through the investigation and analysis of the variety distribution and the growthconditions of Licheus in the four monitoring areas in the central district and outskirts of Chongqing ,this paper explains the relation between the growth conditions oflichens and the level of atmosphericpollution.通过对重庆市市中区和近郊区4个监测地区的地衣植物种类分布,及生长状况的调查分析,说明地衣的生长情况与大气污染程度的关系;利用地衣监测,评价重庆大气质量。

6)clothing"s storage衣物贮存


