1000字范文 > 立体定向 Stereotactic英语短句 例句大全

立体定向 Stereotactic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-01 00:10:55


立体定向 Stereotactic英语短句 例句大全



1.A Report of 42 Cases ofStereotactic Surgery;42例立体定向手术报告

2.Analysis of 46 Cases of Intracranial Small Lesions byStereotactic Open Surgery;立体定向手术切除颅内小病灶(附46例临床分析)

3.A Clinical Analysis ofStereotactic Treatment of Intracerebral Hematoma;微侵袭立体定向手术治疗脑内血肿临床分析


1.The deamination is essentially stereospecific.脱氨反应本质上是立体定向的。

2.Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志

3.The Research & Manufacture of the Gamma Rayssolid Directional from Head to Foot Cure Device;伽马射线立体定向全身治疗设备研制

4.Clinical Results of Brain Metastasis with Linac-based Stereotactic Radiotherapy;立体定向放射治疗脑转移瘤疗效分析

5.Stereotactic Biopsy Diagnosis for Multifocal Gliomas;立体定向活检诊断颅内多发性胶质瘤

6.Clinical Study of Lung Metastases Treated by Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy肺转移瘤立体定向放射治疗临床研究

7.Clnical analysis of stereotaxis treatment on basal ganglia hemorrhage in 40 case立体定向治疗基底节脑出血40例分析

8.Stereotactic neurosurgery for intractable central pain立体定向手术治疗顽固性中枢神经痛

9.The clinical analysis of stereotactic intracerbral biopsy(report of 16 cases)16例脑立体定向活检术的临床分析

10.Model of intracerebral hematoma induced by collagenase injection by stereotatic technique in cats猫脑内立体定向注射胶原酶建立脑内血肿模型

11.Image-guided stereotactic craniotomy for small intracranial lesions影像导向立体定向开颅切除颅内小病灶病变

12.The stereospecificity of the thermal cleavage of pyrazolines is lacking although stereoselectivity does exist.二氢吡唑热解虽然有立体选择性,但没有立体定向性。

13.The synthesis isotactic polymers is usually only possible by means of special stereospecific (stereoregulating)initiators.通常只能用特殊的立体定向(立体调节)引发剂来合成等规聚合物。

14.Nursing for Brain Stereotaxic Therapy in Case of Refractory Schizophrenosis脑立体定向术治疗难治性精神分裂症的护理

15.The Basic and Clinical Research on Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer立体定向放射治疗肺癌的基础与临床研究

16.Experimental Study on Stereotactic Surgery of Heroin-addicted Rats;海洛因成瘾大鼠立体定向外科治疗的实验研究

17.Empirical Study of the Mesolimbic Dopamine System Lesion by Stereotaxic Technique;立体定向毁损边缘多巴胺系统的实验研究

18.Clinical Study of Stereotactic Treatment of Cystic Craniopharyngioma;立体定向术治疗囊性颅咽管瘤的临床研究



1.Effect of stereotaxy on CSF 5-HT levels in patients with compulsion;立体定向手术对强迫症患者脑脊液5-羟色胺含量的影响

2.Implants were placed into STN CT-based stereotaxy by microelectrode guidance and intraoperative test stimulation.方法 :PD患者 30例 ,应用CT和微电极导向立体定向技术将刺激电极植入丘脑底核 ,术前 1wk及术后 1mo采用UPDRS和Web ster评分 ,随访 6~ 12mo 。

3)stereotactic technique立体定向

1.Experimental study on electroencephalographic characteristic in kainic acid induced temporal lobe epilepsy model established withstereotactic technique in rats;立体定向方法建立大鼠红藻氨酸颞叶癫癎模型及其脑电活动的实验研究

2.Methods Kainic acid was continuously injected into right lateral ventricle of rat viastereotactic technique to make an epileptic focus.方法立体定向连续注射KA于侧脑室致痫。

3.Objective To investigate the growth of brain glioma,a rat C6 brain-tumor model was established withstereotactic technique.方法借助动物立体定向仪,将体外培养大鼠C6胶质瘤细胞(细胞数为3×105个,悬浮于无血清DMEM培养液60μL中)接种于Wistar大鼠左侧尾状核区。

4)Stereotaxis[英][,sti?ri?u"t?ksis][美][,st?ri?"t?ks?s, ,st?r-]立体定向

1.Clnical analysis of stereotaxis treatment on basal ganglia hemorrhage in 40 case立体定向治疗基底节脑出血40例分析

2.After mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)of Middle cerebral Artery Occlusion(MCAO)rats were transplanted by stereotaxis and vena caudalis path.目的:通过立体定向和尾静脉途径移植大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)到大脑中动脉闭塞模型(MCAO)的大鼠脑内,观察MSCs移植对大鼠缺血性脑损伤后神经功能恢复的作用并探讨其作用机制和比较、筛选移植途径。


1.Objective: To study the effect of cognition on the rats who underwent multi-targets ofmesolimbic dopamine system lesion bystereotaxic technique.目的:研究多靶点联合毁损边缘多巴胺系统对大鼠认知功能的影响,从而为立体定向手术筛选出安全的手术靶点。

6)Stereotactic surgery立体定向术

1.A follow-up study of patients with heroin addiction after stereotactic surgery立体定向术治疗海洛因成瘾临床随访观察


立体定向扣带束切断术立体定向扣带束切断术stereotaxic cingulate tract incision用脑立体定向技术,将电极置于扣带束处,然后用射频热凝的方法破坏扣带束来治疗一些顽固性疼痛。其机制在于手术阻断了边缘系统内的外环路,从而消除疼痛的情绪反应。该手术疗法主要适用于伴有焦虑、抑郁等精神障碍的顽痛及颈部恶性肿瘤引起的顽痛等。
