1000字范文 > 中国比较教育研究 Chinas comparative education research英语短句 例句大全

中国比较教育研究 Chinas comparative education research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-19 12:36:25


中国比较教育研究 Chinas comparative education research英语短句 例句大全

中国比较教育研究,China"s comparative education research

1)China"s comparative education research中国比较教育研究


1.Boundless Features in Comparative Education Research;试论中国比较教育研究的无边界特征

2.The Development in Chinese Comparative Education Studies During 1995-2000;“九五”期间中国比较教育研究的进展

parative Education Research and Originality of Education Theory in China;比较教育研究与教育理论的中国原创

4.Research on School Sexuality Education: Comparison between P.R. China, Sweden and United States of American;中国与瑞典、美国学校性教育比较研究

5.Omparative Study of Modern Chinese Painting Education and Traditional Chinese Painting Education;现代中国画教育与传统中国画教育的比较研究

6.A comparative study of Japan s enslaving education and parochial education in China;日本侵华教育与中国教会教育比较研究

7.Curriculum Change: A Comparative Study between Mongolia and China;蒙古、中国基础教育课程改革比较研究

parison on Vocational Education Model Between China and Japan;中日两国职业教育发展模式比较研究

parative Study on P.E. Didactics of America,Germany,Japan and China;美、德、日、中四国体育教学论的比较研究

paring Study in China,Thailand and England s Teaching of Healthy Gym;中、英、泰三国健康体育教学的比较研究

11.A Comparison of Studies of Class Size Reduction in China and the U. S.;关于中美两国小班化教育研究的比较

12.On the Problem of the Use-for-Reference in the Contemporary Comparative Education Study in China;当前我国比较教育研究中的借鉴问题

parative Study on Archival Higher Education between China and Canada中国与加拿大档案高等教育比较研究

14.Area Studies and the New Development of Comparative Education in China“区域研究”与中国比较教育学的新发展

15.The Comparative Study between Chinese and British Inductive Education for Newly Qualified Teachers in Secondary School中国、英国初中新教师入职教育比较研究

parative research of school health education at basic education stage in China and U.S;中美两国基础教育阶段学校健康教育比较研究

17.The Development and Debates of Comparative Education Methodology and Its Inspiration to Chinese Comparative Education;比较教育研究方法的发展与争论及其对中国比较教育的意义

parative Research of the Sports Educational Objective of Schools of China and Japan;中日两国学校体育教育目标的比较研究


comparative education researchers比较教育研究者

1.We observed comparative education research from the vision,position,operations,quality of "exile",we deemed thatcomparative education researchers should fulfill their responsibilities as an intellectual——look at the education issues or questioned education policies,combat power,on behalf of the weak,not the right to speak,forgotten people,the pursuit of knowledge create an.文章以此从"流亡者"的视野、立场、行动、品质四个方面来观照比较教育研究,认为比较教育研究者应该履行自己作为一个知识分子的职责,那就是以双重视角和批判的眼光看待和质疑教育决策和措施,"对权势说真话",代表弱者、没有话语权、被遗忘的人群,追求知识创造和学术自由。

3)comparative education study比较教育研究

1.The Discussion of the Method and Methodology in Comparative Education Study;比较教育研究方法与方法论之初探

2.Along with the rapid development of globalization,today scomparative education study faces the demand of transformation both in researching method and researching paradigm.要实现这些变革,首先需要转变比较教育研究的逻辑思维。

3.Quality study,with its establishment based on post-positivism,criticism,and constructivism,is increasingly prominent incomparative education study.建立在后实证主义、批判主义、建构主义三种范式基础之上的质的研究方法在比较教育研究中日渐显其重要地位。

4)comparative education research比较教育研究

1.Considering the problem of inadequate use ofcomparative education research methods in the study of globalization of education,this paper puts forward some thoughts on comparative education methodology in the perspectives of international .比较教育研究的发展在很大程度上源于方法论的不断丰富。

2.This article takes the reconsideration of the disciplinary system of comparative education from ontology,epistemology,methodology and axiology of thecomparative education research.本文从比较教育研究的本体论、认识论、方法论和价值论四个方面对比较教育学科体系进行了再思考,认为比较教育是民族国家教育的比较研究。

3.We need to admit its existence and analysis the form and the conditions of value-involvement incomparative education research.任何学术研究都会涉及到价值,比较教育研究自然也不例外。

5)comparative study in education science教育比较研究法

6)comparative research in Education教育的比较研究

1.It deems thatcomparative research in Education is to compare two or more educational objects,ideas,people,etc.本文从词源学、哲学、学科和方法等维度去认识"比较",认为教育的比较研究是依据一定的参照点或框架,遵循基本法则,展开对任何两个或两个以上的教育事物进行研究。


