1000字范文 > 哈尔滨方言 Harbin Dialect英语短句 例句大全

哈尔滨方言 Harbin Dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-01 09:40:14


哈尔滨方言 Harbin Dialect英语短句 例句大全

哈尔滨方言,Harbin Dialect

1)Harbin Dialect哈尔滨方言

1.Discussion onHarbin Dialect Dictionary;《哈尔滨方言词典》商榷

2.Conceal the Truth to Show the False,Create Difficulties to MakeWords More Interesting: a Special Word-Formation in Chinese——OnHarbin Dialect;隐实示虚,设难成趣:汉语特殊造词方法——以哈尔滨方言为例

3.We consider that the depiction of the Harbin dialect in this dictionary is very successful, but there are still some mistakes mainly in two aspects.本文对尹世超先生的《哈尔滨方言词典》进行商榷。


1.Selected Explanation about the Amusing and Difficult Term of Concealing Solid and Expressing Emptiness Found in the Dictionary of Haerbing Dialect;《哈尔滨方言词典》之隐实示虚趣难词类析

2.The Typological Feature of Status Affix in Harbin Dialects--And Contrast with Manchu and other Languages Surrounding哈尔滨方言状态词缀的类型学特征——兼与周边的满语等语言对比

3.Conceal the Truth to Show the False,Create Difficulties to MakeWords More Interesting: a Special Word-Formation in Chinese--On Harbin Dialect;隐实示虚,设难成趣:汉语特殊造词方法——以哈尔滨方言为例

4.B: In Harbin. I was born and grew up in Harbin.住在哈尔滨。我在哈尔滨出生、长大。

5.At the time of the Republic of China, the overseas Russian culture had formed a system, demonstrated in architecture, convention, education, thought and language, atc.至民国时期,哈尔滨俄侨文化已系统化,在建筑、俗文化、育、想以及语言等方面都有充分的反映。

6.Study on Vender Evaluation Methods of HTC哈尔滨汽轮机厂供应商评价方法的研究

7.The Design of Harbin Export Process Area to Russia Circular Economic Plan;哈尔滨市对俄出口加工区循环经济方案设计

8.The Study of Urban Infrastructure Investment and Financing Ways of Harbin;哈尔滨市城市基础设施建设投融资方式的研究

9.Specializes in the Class Teaching Method to the Sports Colleges and Universities Basketball the Discussion;对哈尔滨体育学院篮球专修课教学方法的探讨

10.Approach of the English Teaching Method to the Department of Sports in Harbin Institute of PE;哈尔滨体育学院运动系英语教学方法的探讨

11.The Application of SDSM Downscaling Method to Extended Forecast in HarbinSDSM降尺度方法在哈尔滨延伸期预报中的应用

12.Design Schemes of Out-patient Ward Complex for No. 1 Hospital of Harbin哈尔滨市第一医院门诊病房综合楼设计方案

13.Landscape Design of Sports Park of Qun Li District in Harbin哈尔滨群力新区体育公园景观方案设计

14.Local Bibliographic Work Practice and Thinking of the Harbin Municipal Public Library哈尔滨市图书馆地方文献工作实践与思考

15.Identification of modal parameters and cable tension of harbin sifangtai bridge哈尔滨四方台斜拉桥模态参数和索力识别

16.He got to Harbin the day before yesterday.他前天到哈尔滨的。

17.I hear he has gone to Harbin.我听说他到哈尔滨去了。

18.Journal of Harbin Medical University哈尔滨医科大学学报


the dictionary of Haerbing dialect《哈尔滨方言词典》

1.According to preliminary estimates,there are nearly 300 terms like it among the ten thousand terms collected bythe dictionary of Haerbing dialect.初步统计,《哈尔滨方言词典》所收万条词语中就有此类词近300个。


1.Particle Size Distribution of Inhalant Particle and Source Analysis in Songbei District ofHarbin in sSpring of ;哈尔滨松北区春季可吸入颗粒物PM_(10)的粒度分布及来源分析

2.Urban ecological security and political analysis ofHarbin;哈尔滨市生态安全状况和政策分析

3.The evaluation aboutHarbin Songbei marshland"s current situation;哈尔滨松北湿地现状评价

4)Harbin City哈尔滨市

1.Analysis of Trend of Sustainable Development ofHarbin City;哈尔滨市可持续发展的趋势分析

2.Investigation on Landfill Leachate Pollution to Soil Nearby Liushulin Landfill Site ofHarbin City;哈尔滨市柳树林垃圾场垃圾渗滤液对周边土壤污染状况的调查

3.The Ecological Environment Transformation in the Area between City and Countryside ofHarbin City;哈尔滨市城乡结合部生态环境改造问题及对策研究


1.Effects of City Traffic Noises on Teaching Environment of Campus inHarbin;哈尔滨市交通噪声对学校教学环境影响研究

2.The Conditions and Advantages of Developing Green Food Industry inHarbin;哈尔滨市发展绿色食品产业集群的基本条件与优势

3.Research on Environmental Industry inHarbin Economy Technology Development District;哈尔滨市利民经济技术开发区生态工业建设研究

6)Harbin City哈尔滨

1.Discussion on Industrialization of domestic Refuse Disposal inHarbin City;哈尔滨市生活垃圾处理产业化探讨

2.Urban Safe Issues in Cold Areas:A Case ofHarbin City;谈哈尔滨寒冷地区城市安全问题

3.Development and Protection of Art Nouveau Architecture inHarbin City;浅谈哈尔滨新艺术运动风格建筑的发展与保护


黑龙江土话—哈尔滨方言快速学习不完全手册(二)磕/打架 kēchen磕掺/丑 lǎobízile老鼻子了/很多很多 làokē唠嗑/聊天 liáosāo撩臊/挑衅 lìma’r立马/马上 maítai埋汰/脏 málīu麻溜/赶快 mòji没叽/唠叨 něxin恶心/形容脏 qǐe戚/客人 sámo踅摸/到处看 tūlu秃撸/事情半道变故 wǔmīle舞眯了/糊涂了 xiāo嚣/打 xíehu邪呼/厉害 xínsi寻思/想 zhāhu咋呼/出风头的意思 zeí贼/很 zeíbì贼毙/特别好,即现在所讲的酷 zhāngluo张罗/组织
