1000字范文 > 财务预算项目管理 financial budget for project management英语短句 例句大全

财务预算项目管理 financial budget for project management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 06:52:09


财务预算项目管理 financial budget for project management英语短句 例句大全

财务预算项目管理,financial budget for project management

1)financial budget for project management财务预算项目管理

2)Project Financial Management项目财务管理


1.Consummating the Financial Management System of China Railway Erju Group Corporation s BOT Project;中铁二局BOT项目财务管理体系的完善

2.Several Problems Concerning Financial Control of Capital Funds Geological Projects;资本金地质项目财务管理的若干问题

3.Study on Engineering Project Financial Management of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station;洪家渡水电站工程项目财务管理探讨

4.Discussion on Financial Management for GEF-OP12 Construction Projects in Inner Mongolia内蒙古GEF-OP12建设项目财务管理探讨

5.Having a Restricted View to The Main Question of Financial Management on Construction;管窥建设工程项目财务管理存在的主要问题

6.Project Financial Affairs Management: We will adopt different ways to manage the financial affairs of the enterprises invested in, in accordance with different condition of the project invested in.项目财务管理:针对投资项目状态不同,对被投资企业的财务实行不同方式的管理。

7.Two financial management issues of capital constructionprojects in traffic administrative institutions;交通事业单位基建项目财务管理中的两大问题

8.Present Status and Discussion on Abroad Jtem Financial Management in Geological Survey Unit;地勘单位国外项目财务管理的现状与探讨

9.Discussion of Strengthening the Institutions of Higher Learning Items of Basic Construction Financial Control;加强高等院校基本建设项目财务管理的探讨

10.Deepen the Project Financial Managenment; Practisethe salary Discribution System;深化工程项目财务管理,推行工资模拟股份分配

11.The Research and Application for Information Integration of Financial Management of Construction Project;建设项目财务管理信息集成研究与应用

12.My Opinions Finance Management of Fisheries Project Based on the Loan Provided by World Bank;世行贷款水产项目财务管理主要问题之我见

13.Sahel Regional Financial Management Project萨赫勒区域财务管理项目

anize, administrate the project financial control cost within the overall traget budget.工程项目财务的组织管理及成本控制。

15.Analysis on the Implementation of ERP Financial Management Project in Electric Power Enterprise;电力企业ERP财务管理项目实施研究

16.The Research of Be Entrusted Projects of Basic Construction Management and the Question of Its Financial Management;受托建设项目及其财务管理问题探讨

17.Financial Evaluation of Project Management in Word;在Word中进行项目管理财务评价

18.How to Play Financial Function Construction Project Management;如何在施工项目管理中发挥财务作用


Project Financial Management项目财务管理

3)financial budget management财务预算管理

1.Research on the flexibility in businessfinancial budget management system;财务预算管理系统的柔性探析

2.Questions and the countermeasures in the enterprises’financial budget management;企业财务预算管理中存在的问题及解决对策

4)financial management of engineering project工程项目财务管理

5)Financial management in projects项目中的财务管理

6)Project Financial Management System项目财务管理系统


