1000字范文 > 李兆洛 Li Zhaoluo英语短句 例句大全

李兆洛 Li Zhaoluo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-03 03:21:01


李兆洛 Li Zhaoluo英语短句 例句大全

李兆洛,Li Zhaoluo

1)Li Zhaoluo李兆洛

1.Li Zhaoluo and the Documents of Fengtai and Shouzhou;李兆洛知凤台文献活动述论

2.Li Zhaoluo and Publishing Activities by the Kangs Family School in Hehe;李兆洛与合河康氏家塾刻书事迹考述

3.Lu Wenchao andLi Zhaoluo and Their Relations with Jiangyin Jiyang Academy of Classical Learning;卢文弨和李兆洛与江阴暨阳书院


1.Li Zhaoluo and Publishing Activities by the Kangs Family School in Hehe;李兆洛与合河康氏家塾刻书事迹考述

2.One man who is degage and his proses are emotional:a study on Li Zhao-luo s humanness,the characteristic of his prose tractates and literary achievements;“通脱”其人,“性情”其文——论李兆洛为人、论文之特质及其古文成就

3.tera hertz兆兆赫兹, 兆兆周

4.Premier Peng Li holds talks with Premier Zumegloph李鹏总理同朱马古洛夫总理会谈

5.Lotte Lippman"s hair had come undone.洛蒂·李普曼的头发已经蓬乱了。

6.Li Ning at Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984. ?李宁,1984年洛杉矶奥运会上。

7.The Argument between Vavilov and Lysenko under the Political Background;政治背景下的瓦维洛夫与李森科之争

8.Orc: Ha! Quroq was right! Look, see a spider omen here under my foot!兽人:哈!魁洛克说得对!看,看这个被我踩在脚下蜘蛛征兆!

9.On the Birthplace of Libai Being Luoyang--a Modification to Study of Chinese Poets in Tang Dynasty-a New View on Libai李白籍里洛阳说——《中国唐代诗人研究——李白新论》补证

10.(to Orderly) Find Mr.Laszlo"s luggage and put it on the plane.(对勤务兵)找出拉兹洛先生的行李,放到飞机上去。

11.The Red Russia Expatriate Litzarowich and the Initial Chinese Communist Movement;红色俄侨李泽洛维奇与中国初期共产主义运动

12.The University announced the appointment of Mr. Andy Lee Shiu-chuen as Vice-President( Administration) and Secretary( VPAS) with effect from5 July.香港浸会大学宣布,委任李兆铨先生为行政副校长暨秘书长,由二零零五年七月五日起生效。

13.According to statistics provided by Lieman Bro., the US stock market has decreased 20% since the middle of May, causing 3 trillion dollars shrink of the total market value.据李曼兄弟公司统计,美国股市自五月中以来跌幅已超过两成,使得市值缩水大约三兆美元。

14.An omen or foreboding, especially of evil.预示,预兆,凶兆预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的

15."boding:an omen or foreboding, especially of evil."预示,预兆,凶兆:预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的。

16.After some time, all have got their baggage except Miss Lois Thompson.等了一段时间后,大家都拿到了自己的行李,只有洛伊丝·汤普森小姐没有取到行李。

17.Rick: Louis, have your men go with Mr. Laszlo and take care of his luggage.里克:路易斯,叫你的人跟拉兹洛先生一起走,并看好他的行李。

18.Mr Li has a good friend, Mr Wang, at the Commercial Section of the Chinese Consulate at Los Angeles.李先生有一位朋友王先生,在中国驻洛杉矶领事馆商务处工作。


Li Zhɑoluo李兆洛(1769~1841)

3)Li Zhaoyu李兆钰

1.After textnal research, this paper concludes that Li Huang was born in 1947 and that his fatherLi Zhaoyu was born in 1717 and diea in 1762.经考证,该文认为李潢生于1749年;其父李兆钰生于1717年,卒于1762年。

4)Li Zhaolin李兆麟

1.National hero and revolutionary person represented by Yang Jingyu, Yang Song (that is, Wu Ping), Zhou Baozhong,Li Zhaolin (that is, Zhang Shouqian), Zhao YiMan, eight women who jumped the river were cultivated and brought up during this period of time.在中国共产党的领导下,东北人民进行了长达的抗日救国斗争,培养和造就了以杨靖宇、杨松(即吴平)、周保中、李兆麟(即张寿篯)、赵一曼、八女投江等为代表的民族英雄和革命志士。

5)Li Zhɑolin李兆麟(1910~1946)

6)Li Yuanluo李元洛

1.Steps between Comments and Creation——A review on creating essays ofLi Yuanluo,Lei Da and Yan Gang;行走在“评论”与“创作”之间——李元洛、雷达、阎纲等评论家的散文创作述评


