1000字范文 > 亲子间话语冲突 Conflict talk between parents and children英语短句 例句大全

亲子间话语冲突 Conflict talk between parents and children英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-17 20:51:11


亲子间话语冲突 Conflict talk between parents and children英语短句 例句大全

亲子间话语冲突,Conflict talk between parents and children

1)Conflict talk between parents and children亲子间话语冲突


1.A Study of Adaptation in Conflict Talk between Parents and Children in Huajiyuji《花季雨季》中亲子间话语冲突之顺应性研究

2.A Pragmatic Study on Conflict Talk between Couples in Chinese Verbal Communication;汉语语境下夫妻间冲突话语的语用学研究

3.Conflict Talk betuceen Family Members on the Aspect of Theory of Linguictic Adaptation家庭成员间冲突性话语的顺应性研究

4.A CDA Study of Conflict Talk between Lay Litigants and Judges;法官和一般诉讼人之间话语冲突的批判语言分析

5.A Research on Parent-adolescent Conflict and Cohesion;青少年期亲子冲突与亲子亲合的发展特征

6.Argumentation in Chinese Conflict Talk:A Discourse Analytical Perspective汉语冲突言语事件中的论证话语分析

7.An Influencing Study of Family Environment on Adolescent-Parent Conflict and It Resolution Strategies;家庭环境对青少年亲子冲突与亲子冲突解决策略的影响

8.A Tentative Study of the Conflict Talks in English TV News Interviews英语电视新闻访谈中的冲突话语分析

9.Relationship Between Personality Match of Parent-child and Parent-child Conflict青少年亲子性格匹配与亲子冲突的关系

10.Conflict Talk: the Integrated Conversation Analysis of English TV News Interviews;冲突话语:英语电视新闻访谈的综合性谈话分析

11.Femininity, Intimacy and Consumerism: Discursive Transformation of the Concepts of Love and Marriage;消费社会女性情感话语的冲突和变迁

12.On Types, Causes and Eliminating Measures of Speech Role Conflict;话语角色冲突的类型、原因及其消除


14.A Research on the Difference of the Agreement Degree on the Rights of the Child between Parents and Children, and the Relationship between the Difference and Parent-child Conflic;亲子双方对儿童权利的认同差异及其与亲子冲突的关系研究

15.Study of the Application of the Satir Model in Intervening the Parent-child Conflict of the Junior High School Students;运用萨提亚治疗模式干预初中生亲子冲突研究

16.The Conflicts and Harmonies between Parental Rights and Minor Children s Rights of Privacy;亲权与未成年子女隐私权的冲突和协调

17.A Study on Parent s Coping Style in the Circumstance of Parent-Young Child Conflict;幼儿家长在亲子冲突情境下的应对方式研究

18.A Research on Parent-adolescent in Senior Middle School Conflict and Cause;高中生亲子冲突的初步研究及原因探析


parent-adolescent conflict亲子冲突

1.829 middle school students were selected as participants in the current study which focus on the relationship between family environment type andparent-adolescent conflict coping.以北京829名普通中学生为被试,探讨了家庭环境类型与亲子冲突解决的关系。

2.Under the background of network society in the nowadays,theparent-adolescent conflict is different from the traditional ones,and appears the characteristics of multiple,overlapping nature and prejudice.亲子冲突是现代家庭亲子关系研究的一个重要方面,亲子关系的疏离、紧张已经成为一个不可忽视的社会问题。

3.This paper first defined the construct ofparent-adolescent conflict resolution,based upon previous literature and experimental research work and compiled a preliminary questionnaire.通过文献分析和实证研究,构建了亲子冲突处理策略的理论维度,并据此编制了青少年亲子冲突处理策略问卷。

3)Parent-offspring Conflict亲子冲突

1.Parent-offspring Conflict and Its Relationship with Mental Health of Teenagers;试论亲子冲突及其与青少年心理健康的关系

4)Parent-child conflict亲子冲突

1.Parent-child conflict is an important content of family relationship and it is a course of confront interaction between parent and offspring.亲子冲突是家庭关系的一个重要内容,它是父母和子女之间的一种对立性的互动过程。

2.The third and fourth research questions ask about correlations, with question three about the correlation between demographic variables and parent-child relationship orientations, and question four asks about the correlation between parent-child relationship variables and parent-child conflict management styles.本文从社会心理学的角度探讨上海大学生家庭中的亲子关系,及亲子冲突的解决方式。

5)Conflict talk话语冲突

1.Conflict talk, as a natural but complicated language phenomenon, occurs frequently in daily communication.话语冲突是一种普遍而且复杂的语言现象,频繁地发生于人们互动交际的过程中。

2.The terms used for conflict talk can denote narrow to broad concepts.无论采取何种概念,冲突都有一个共同的特征,一方话语与另一方话语发生冲突,这种冲突表现为交际的一方反对另一方的言行、举止,或对方的观点,继而产生话语冲突。

6)conflict talk冲突话语

1.One of the popular TV programs of talks is the news interview, which is usually famous for itsconflict talks.众多流行的电视谈话节目中,新闻访谈因其带有大量冲突话语而显得十分突出。

2.AbstractConflict talk is a common linguistic phenomenon in life.冲突话语是生活中的一种普遍的语言现象,它是指发生在双方或多方之间一种有敌对性质的交际行为。

3.We examine the structure of the parent-adolescentconflict talk including the regularities in the T2-T3 sequences with our analyses being predicated on the three turn exchanges in arguing,and conclude that the turn types of naturally occurring parent-adolescentconflict talk exchanges reveal distinct types with varying structural characteristics.依据话语分析理论,在收集大量自然语料的基础上,以最简三个话轮结构构成的争论性话语作为分析对象,分析了青春期亲子冲突话语的结构,包括话轮类型及第二话轮与第三话轮的序列规则。


亲子1.亲生子女。 2.偏指亲生儿子。 3.指父母与子女。
