1000字范文 > 女体育教师 female P.E. teachers英语短句 例句大全

女体育教师 female P.E. teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-29 14:34:39


女体育教师 female P.E. teachers英语短句 例句大全

女体育教师,female P.E. teachers

1)female P.E. teachers女体育教师

1.Vocational role and quality requirement of collegefemale P.E. teachers;大学女体育教师的职业角色与素质要求

2.An analysis of universityfemale P.E. teachers outlooks on marriage,family and career;高校女体育教师婚姻、家庭与事业观的调查分析


1.Growth of Female P.E. Teacher of Institute and University from the View of Scientific Research;从科研的角度论高校女体育教师的成材

2.Vocational role and quality requirement of college female P.E. teachers;大学女体育教师的职业角色与素质要求

3.An analysis of university female P.E. teachers outlooks on marriage,family and career;高校女体育教师婚姻、家庭与事业观的调查分析

4.I am a plain games mistress.我是一个普通的体育女教师。

5.We"ve got a new games mistress this year.今年我校新来了个女的体育教师.

6.Health Quotient and Sports Life Style Construction of Female Teacher in Vocational College;健商与高职女教师体育生活方式构建

7.The Comparison Between the Male and Female Feachers for Teaching Physical Education Lesson of Fenale Students;普通高校男女教师授女生体育课的比较分析

8.Employment Link Analysis about the Female Students of Physical Education Discipline in Normal University of Hunan Province;湖南省高师体育教育专业女生就业环节分析

9.A Talk about Female Teachers Having Competitive Gymnastics Classes for Male Students;浅谈女教师上好体育系男生竞技体操课

10.An Analysis and Countermeasures of the Present Conditions of Athletic Teaching for Female Teachers in Institutions of Higher Learning in Jiangsu Province;江苏省高校女性体育教师体育教学现状分析与对策

11.Investigation and Countermeasure of the Status of Physical Exercise of Female Teachers of Colleges & Universities in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省高校女教师体育锻炼现状调查及对策

12.Analysis of the Factors Affecting Female Teachers′ Health Fitness in Henan Colleges;影响河南省高校女教师体育健身的因素分析

13.Investigations with Languid Job of Sports Schoolmarm s of Ethnic Minority of Xinjiang;新疆少数民族体育女教师职业倦怠的调查研究

14.Construction of PE Teaching Staff for Female Students in Colleges and Universities of Hunan Province;湖南省普通高校女生体育教师队伍建设研究

15.The Survey and Analysis on Present Status of the Participation of Physical Exercises by Female College Teachers;高校女教师参加体育锻炼现状的调查与分析

16.A Thinking and Searching about of teacher s college girl physical training;对师范院校女生体育教学的思考和探索

17.The Investigation on Present Sports Exercise of Female Teacher in Shanxi University;山西大学女教师体育锻炼现状调查研究

18.Present Situation of Teacher-student Relationship of Physical Education on Girls in Universities;高校女生体育课教学中师生关系现状分析



1.Sports teachers are the high-frequency group having job languish sense,this paper adopts the investigation method of the questionnaire to study current situation of the burnout and affect factor of thePE-schoolmarm of ethnic minorities of Xinjiang.体育教师是职业倦怠感的高发人群,采用问卷调查法研究新疆少数民族体育女教师的职业倦怠现状和影响因素。

3)female P.E.teacher女性体育教师

1.With the combination of documentary analysis,interview,questionnaire,mathematical statistics,from the intelligence,psychology of personality and sex of social,the author investigates and analyzes the state of the superiority of profession development of female P.采用查阅文献、访谈、问卷调查与数理统计等研究方法,从智力、个性心理及社会性别等方面考察分析了有利于高校女性体育教师职业发展的优势状况,旨在充分调动高校女性体育教师的工作积极性,并希望有关领导部门看到高校女性体育教师的亮点,从而重视她们的职业发展。

4)female students PE teachers女生体育教师

5)female P.E.teacher of institute and university高校女体育教师

6)college female P.E teacher高校女性体育教师

1.With the combination of the documentary analysis and questionnaire,this research advanced definition of generalized what teacher s profession,and analysed college female P.采用文献资料、问卷调查和专家访谈等研究方法,对教师的职业发展定义界定后,对当前湖南高校女性体育教师的基本情况、教学工作情况、科研情况及继续教育情况进行分析研究。


