1000字范文 > 立体定向手术 Stereotactic surgery英语短句 例句大全

立体定向手术 Stereotactic surgery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-31 05:32:55


立体定向手术 Stereotactic surgery英语短句 例句大全

立体定向手术,Stereotactic surgery

1)Stereotactic surgery立体定向手术

1.Study on short-term therapeutic effect and its impact factors of stereotactic surgery for treating opiate users with opiate dependence in Sichuan;四川地区立体定向手术治疗阿片类药物依赖的短期效果及其影响因素研究

2.Stereotactic surgery for cerebellopontine hemorrhage;立体定向手术治疗桥脑出血10例

3.In this study 343 patients with Parkinson disease underwent microelectrode guided stereotactic surgery from July, 1998 to December, 1999.微电极导向的立体定向手术对YOPD和PD均有良好的手术效果 ,对于YOPD患者 ,手术更安全 ,并发症更少 ,手术治疗效果在日常活动及运动功能改善方面比PD更好。


1.Stereotactic neurosurgery for intractable central pain立体定向手术治疗顽固性中枢神经痛

2.Pose Measurement and Error Analysis in Stereotactic Surgery System;脑立体定向手术系统的位姿测量与误差分析

3.Research and Development on Stereotactic Surgery System Software立体定向手术计划系统软件的研究与开发

4.Deep-brain electrode-guided stereotactic surgery for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy深部电极引导立体定向手术治疗颞叶癫癎

5.Research of Surgical Robot of Stereotactic Neurosurgery;面向神经外科立体定向手术医疗机器人若干技术研究

6.Real Time Monitoring Foundation Research for Stereotactic Operation by Near-Infrared Spectrum(NIRS) Technique in Rat Experiments;大鼠近红外光谱(NIRS)技术立体定向手术实时监控基础研究

7.A Follow-up Study on Opioid Dependence and Health Statuses of Opiate Users with Stereotactic Neurosurgery in Sichuan;四川地区立体定向手术治疗阿片类药物依赖的随访综合评价研究

8.Animal Experiment and Clinical Study for Alleviating Opiate Drug Adstinence by Method of Lesioning Brain Nucleus of Stereotactic Surgery;脑立体定向手术用于戒毒治疗的动物实验和临床研究

9.Research and Design of the Software for a Computer Aided Stereotactic Surgery System;计算机辅助立体定向手术系统软件的研究与设计

10.Clinical Analysis of the Hypertensive Intracranial Hemorrhage Treated by Stereotactic Methods in Ultra-Early Groups超早期立体定向手术治疗高血压脑出血临床分析

11.Stereotactic Surgical Treatment for Intractable Tourette"s Syndrome立体定向手术治疗难治性抽动-秽语综合征的效果观察

12.The stereotactic surgery for the psychonosema accompany with epilepsy精神障碍伴发癫痫的立体定向手术治疗(附11例临床分析)

13.Clinical application of minimal invasive microneurosurgical excision of brain lesions under stereotactic guidedCT引导的立体定向手术治疗脑内小病灶的临床应用

14.Therapeutic Efficacy of 256 Patients with Refractory Psychosis by Stereotactic Neurosurgery立体定向手术治疗难治性精神分裂症(附256例报告)

15.Simple stereotactic endoscopy operation in treating hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage简易立体定向内镜手术治疗高血压脑出血

16.Research on Perioperative Nursing Care for Curing Parkinson Disease by Stereotaxic Lesioning Method立体定向毁损术治疗帕金森病的围手术期护理研究

17.Therapeutic efficacy of 384 patients with refractory psychosis by mutiple targets neurosurgery立体定向亚核团定位手术治疗难治性精神病384例

18.Clinical Contral Study of Stereotactive Operation and Craniotomy to Treat Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage of Basal Ganglion;立体定向与开颅手术治疗基底节区高血压脑出血的临床对照研究


Stereotactic neurosurgery立体定向手术

1.A Follow-up Study on Opioid Dependence and Health Statuses of Opiate Users with Stereotactic Neurosurgery in Sichuan;四川地区立体定向手术治疗阿片类药物依赖的随访综合评价研究

2.Stereotactic neurosurgery for intractable central pain立体定向手术治疗顽固性中枢神经痛

3.Furthermore we inquiried into theories basis of abstinence drug addiction by stereotactic neurosurgery and its developmental direction:through radiofrequency lesion or DBS,we partly destroyed or inhibited abnormal exciting target in the brain,blocking pathologic information transmission induced by drug taking,breaking the pathologic balance caused by drug taking,re.探讨了立体定向手术戒毒的理论依据及发展方向:通过射频毁损或脑深部电刺激,部分破坏或抑制脑内异常兴奋点,阻断药物刺激引起的病理性信息传递,进而打破药物引起的病理性平衡,通过脑功能的代偿作用和手术后适当的心理行为康复治疗使成瘾相关环路在新水平上重建相对健康的平衡,进而达到减轻药物心理依赖、降低复吸率的目的。

3)Stereotactic operation立体定向手术

4)stereotaxic techniques立体定向手术

5)Stereotactic Neurosurgery脑立体定向手术

6)Stereotactic neurosurgery立体定向神经外科手术

1.A new computer assisted stereotactic neurosurgery system is presented in this paper.介绍了一个计算机辅助立体定向神经外科手术系统 ,该系统基于实时可视化绘制、机器人和虚拟现实技术 ,辅助医生完成立体定向神经外科手术 。


立体定向扣带束切断术立体定向扣带束切断术stereotaxic cingulate tract incision用脑立体定向技术,将电极置于扣带束处,然后用射频热凝的方法破坏扣带束来治疗一些顽固性疼痛。其机制在于手术阻断了边缘系统内的外环路,从而消除疼痛的情绪反应。该手术疗法主要适用于伴有焦虑、抑郁等精神障碍的顽痛及颈部恶性肿瘤引起的顽痛等。
