1000字范文 > Panel Data模型 Panel Data Model英语短句 例句大全

Panel Data模型 Panel Data Model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-02 06:43:52


Panel Data模型 Panel Data Model英语短句 例句大全

Panel Data模型,Panel Data Model

1)Panel Data ModelPanel Data模型

1.A Study of Relation between Urbanization Level and Economic Growth Based onPanel Data Model——Take Jiangxi Province as an Example;基于Panel Data模型的人口城市化水平与经济增长关系的实证研究——以江西个案为例

2.On Constructing and Estimating of the Variable-cofficientPanel Data Model;变系数Panel Data模型的建立与估计

3.In this paper,the Panel Data model is applied to empirically analyze the influence of urban residents income gap on their consumption structure(2000-) and the consumption difference of different income levels is an.本文利用Panel data模型,对浙江省城镇居民收入差距对消费结构的影响进行实证分析(2000-),具体分析不同收入等级在各种消费品上的差别,从而有利于调整和实施不同收入等级的不同消费政策。


1.On Constructing and Estimating of the Variable-cofficient Panel Data Model;变系数Panel Data模型的建立与估计

2.The Panel Data Model Revealing the Consumption Differences between the City Dwellers and the Farmers in Yunnan Province;云南省城乡居民消费差异的Panel Data模型

3.Statistical Inference on Nonparametric Fixed-Effects Panel Data Models非参数固定效应Panel Data模型的统计推断

4.Analysis of Panel Data Modelof Urban Residents Consumer Spending by GMM;应用GMM方法研究城镇居民消费支出的Panel Data模型

5.Relationship Research Between Huwsa Dower Capital of Panel Data Model and Econoywy Groowth;基于Panel Data模型的人力资本与经济增长关系研究

6.Analyses of convergence of interprovincial economic growth based on Panel Data model in China;基于Panel Data模型的中国省际经济增长收敛性分析

7.The Panel Data Model Analysis of Farmer Income lncrease Factors in Main Grain Producing Region;粮食主产区农民收入增长要素的Panel Data模型分析

8.Study on the Factors Affecting House Price Based on Panel Data Model基于Panel Data模型的住宅价格影响因素研究

9.Study of Land Supply Effects on House Prices Based on Panel Data Model基于Panel Data模型的土地供应量对房价的影响研究

10.The Analysis of Panel Data Model on the Consumption Structure of China"s Rural Residents中国农村居民消费结构的Panel Data模型分析

11.Analysis of the Regional Corporate Governance Efficiency Based on the Dynamic Panel Data Model;基于动态Panel Data模型的上市公司区域治理效率研究

12.The Dynamic Feedback of the Quantity of Listed Companies and Economic Growth in China--An Inter-provincial Panel Data Model Analysis;各地区上市公司数量和经济增长的动态反馈——分省的Panel Data模型分析

13.Regional Differences of the Insurance Marginal Consumption Propensity in China:A Study Based on Panel Data Model;我国区域性保险边际消费倾向比较——基于Panel Data模型的研究

14.The New Idea of Panel Data Model;Panel Data模型设定的新思路——固定效应与随机效应的统一

15.A Study on the Industrial Features of Cash Flow in Hi-tech Listed Companies--An Analysis Based on the Panel Data Model;高科技上市公司现金流量行业特征研究——基于Panel Data模型的分析

16.The Impacts of Financial Liberalization on Chinese Commercial Bank Profitability--Empirical Analysis by Panel Data model金融自由化对我国商业银行利润的影响——基于Panel Data模型的实证分析

17.Analysis on Provincial Education Expenditure Based on Panel Data Model基于PANEL DATA模型的省级教育支出分析

18.Study on the Structural Optimal Model with Region Public Finance Expenditure Based on Panel Data;基于Panel Data的地区财政支出结构优化模型研究


panel-data modelpanel-data模型

3)Spatial Panel Data Model空间panel data模型

4)partially linear panel data models部分线性panel data模型

1.This paper estimatepartially linear panel data models by two-step method, the method estimates parametric and nonparametric part of the models seperately by local linear and generalized least squares methods.对于部分线性panel data模型,本文利用两阶段估计方法分别给出了参数和非参数部分的可行性估计,同时该估计方法可以很简便的选择光滑参数,以及进行有关的假设检验。

5)AR (1)-Panel Data RegressionAR(1)-Panel Data

6)panel data analysisPanel data分析

1.Panel Data Analysis on the Locational Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment among the East, Mid and West of China;我国东、中、西部外商直接投资(FDI)区位差异因素的Panel Data分析


DCS panel分子式:CAS号:性质:集散控制系统操作站在CRT显示器上显示的各种操作和监视用的图形、曲线,表格等,通常包括总貌画面、组画面、点画面、控制回路画面、报警画面、流程图画面、趋势画面等,可取代过去常规仪表显示和模拟屏显示系统。
