1000字范文 > 绩效预算 performance budgeting英语短句 例句大全

绩效预算 performance budgeting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-13 11:16:36


绩效预算 performance budgeting英语短句 例句大全

绩效预算,performance budgeting

1)performance budgeting绩效预算

1.Study on the Implementation of Performance Budgeting in China;我国推行绩效预算的若干问题研究

2.Research on the Reform of Performance Budgeting Based on Departmental Budget Performance Evaluation;基于部门预算绩效考评的绩效预算改革研究

3.A Research on FEA Using in E-Government Performance Budgeting;FEA在电子政务绩效预算中的应用研究


1.Research on the Reform of Performance Budgeting Based on Departmental Budget Performance Evaluation;基于部门预算绩效考评的绩效预算改革研究

2.The Construction of Budget Performance Evaluation System towards Performance Budgeting面向绩效预算的预算绩效评价实现框架

3.Application Analysis of Performance Prism in New Performance Budgeting绩效棱柱在新绩效预算中的应用分析

4.The Appliance of New Performance Budgeting in Universities新绩效预算理论在高校预算中的运用

5.The Construction of Budget Performance Evaluation Indicator System Towards Performance Budgeting for the Basic Unit;面向绩效预算的基层单位预算绩效评价指标体系规划

6.New Performance Budgeting and its Implication to Chinese Budgeting Reform;新绩效预算及其对中国预算改革的启示

7.A Research on FEA Using in E-Government Performance Budgeting;FEA在电子政务绩效预算中的应用研究

8.On Application of Performance-Budget Management at Colleges and Universities;对高校运用绩效预算管理方法的探讨

9.Establishing Performance Budgeting System to Promote Socioeconomic Development;创建绩效预算制度 推进经济社会发展

10.Reflections on Establishing Sound Performance Budget Index System;建立合理的绩效预算指标体系的思考

11.Thinking about a Budgeting Method System Based on the Integrating Zero-based Budgeting with Performance Budgeting;关于绩效预算与零基预算相结合的预算方法体系的思考

12.Improving the Efficiency of Public Expen diture by Implementing Performance Budget;绩效预算——一种提高公共支出效益的有效方法

13.Research on the Decision Analysis and Efficiency Evaluation for the Projects of Performance Budgeting项目绩效预算决策分析与效率评价研究

14.A Study on Performance Budget and Performance Assessment in Non-profit Organizations;公益型非营利组织绩效预算与绩效评价的理论探讨

15.Carry out Performance Budget Management Model to Establish New College Budget Management System;推行绩效预算管理模式 构建高校预算管理新体系

16.The Priority of Budget Management Reform in China--Discussing Concurrently the Suitability of Performance Budgeting in China;论中国政府预算管理改革的优先序——兼议绩效预算在中国的适用性

17.New Performance Budgeting in America and Its Revelation to Our Country;新绩效预算的美国经验及其对我国的启示

18.Achievements Budget in School Development;绩效预算对高校内涵发展的促进作用探讨


Performance budget绩效预算

1.A Study of the Introducing Performance Budget into Suzhou Government;苏州市引入绩效预算研究

2.the importance of performance budget management in public health was discussed and the methods and difficulties were proposed according to its logic framework, which ultimately provides suggestions on public health investigation pattern for government.从绩效预算的含义入手,分析了在我国公共卫生领域实施绩效预算管理的重要意义,并根据绩效预算管理逻辑框架,提出了在公共卫生领域实施绩效预算的方法和困难,为改革政府对公共卫生投入的方式提供依据。

3.Zero-base budget and performance budget change the allocation and the usage efficiency of funds,which will attain the result of increasing the input.但是财政力量是有限的 ,笔者认为可以在卫生行业内部进行预算制度改革 ,采用零基预算和绩效预算 ,改善资金的投入方向及资金的使用效率 ,达到增加投入的效

3)budget performance预算绩效

4)New Performance Budgeting新绩效预算

1.New Performance Budgeting and its Implication to Chinese Budgeting Reform;新绩效预算及其对中国预算改革的启示

2.New Performance Budgeting in America and Its Revelation to Our Country;新绩效预算的美国经验及其对我国的启示

3.There are many estimate tools for new performance budgeting.新绩效预算的评价工具有多种,然而,传统评价方法并未全面考虑各利益相关者与新绩效预算政策的相互作用和影响,忽视了其他利益相关者的重要性。

5)performance output budget绩效产出预算

1.This paper explored the construction of "comprehensiveperformance output budget"management model and system based on the evaluation of teaching achievements and scientific research achievements in universities.基于对我国大学的教学成果、科研成果的绩效评价和认证,探讨构建我国大学综合绩效产出预算的管理模式和预算体系。

6)performance budgeting management绩效预算管理

1.Now,the reform practice ofperformance budgeting management is gradually becoming an effective way for governments in different countries to strengthen performance,accountability,transparency and sustaining operation ability.目前,绩效预算管理改革正成为西方各国政府增强责任感、透明度和持续运营能力的有效途径,代表了国际上公共管理改革的潮流。


