1000字范文 > 杀虫灯 Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps英语短句 例句大全

杀虫灯 Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-14 02:51:48


杀虫灯 Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps英语短句 例句大全

杀虫灯,Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps

1)Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps杀虫灯

1.Experiment on the monitoring and control of Hyphantria cunea withJiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps;佳多频振式杀虫灯监测诱杀美国白蛾试验

2.Application ofJiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps in Haibin Forest Farm;佳多频振式杀虫灯在海滨林场的应用

3.Effect of monitoring forest pest insects withJiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps in Bohai Forest Farm;渤海林场利用佳多频振式杀虫灯进行森林害虫监测效果的研究


1.Study on the Trapping Effect of LED Insect-trapping Lamp on Greenhouse PestsLED杀虫灯对温室害虫的诱杀效应

2.The experiment and observation of Jiaduo frequency trembler grid lamps to induce and kill orange insect pests佳多频振式杀虫灯诱杀柑桔害虫试验观察

3.Application of Frequency Trembler Grid Lamp on Pear,Peach and Citrus频振式杀虫灯在梨 桃 柑桔上的应用

4.Application of Frequency Trembler Pest-killing Lamp in the Major Crops频振式杀虫灯在主要农作物上的应用

5.Trapping lamps:an important instrument applied in IPM of forest pest insects杀虫灯已成为森林害虫综合治理的重要工具

6.The Control Effects of Rice-duck Cultivation Mode and Insect Killing Lamp on Three Major Rice Pests稻田养鸭与杀虫灯对水稻三大害虫的防控效果

7.The Design and Verification of New Pest-killing Lamp Based on the MSP430基于MSP430单片机的新型杀虫灯的设计与验证

8.Frequency insect-killing lamp’s effect in vegetable production of Fuchuan County频振式杀虫灯在富川蔬菜生产中的应用效果

9.Application of the Frequency Vibrancy-killing Lamp in Production of Pollution-free Fragrant-taro频振式杀虫灯在无公害香芋生产上的应用

10.The Effect of Jiaduo Multi-frequency Vibration-killing Lamps Controlling Pest in Organic Tea Garden佳多频振式杀虫灯在有机茶园害虫防治中的应用效果

11.Effect of Trap Lamp on Vegetable Pests and their Natural Enemies诱虫灯对蔬菜害虫的诱杀效果及对天敌的影响

12.Experiment on Attraction of Scarab Adults(Scarabaeidae) to A Blacklight Lamp in the Chinese Olive(Canarium album) Plantation黑光灯诱杀橄榄种植园金龟子成虫试验

13.An insecticide designed to kill larval pests.杀幼虫剂用于杀死害虫幼虫的杀虫剂

14.azinphos methyl(杀虫杀螨剂) 保棉磷

15.insect hormone as insecticides作为杀虫剂的昆虫激素

16.resistance of insects to insecticides昆虫对杀虫剂的抗性

17.ACK! Bug spray? Why do we need bug spray?啊?杀虫剂?我们要杀虫剂干什么?

18.An agent used to kill worms.杀蠕虫剂用来杀蠕虫的一种药剂


frequency trembler lamps频振杀虫灯

parison of the efficiency of traps baited with sex pheromone andfrequency trembler lamps for monitoring the population dynamics of beet armyworm adults;性信息素诱捕器与频振杀虫灯对甜菜夜蛾发生监测作用的比较

3)frequency trembler grid lamp频振式杀虫灯

1.The results showed that the use of thefrequency trembler grid lamps could effectively reduce the occurrence of grubs and its harms.结果表明,在金龟子轻发、中等发生或偏重发生年份,单一使用频振式杀虫灯能有效降低蔬菜田蛴螬的发生与危害,确保蔬菜作物的健康生长。

2.Frequency trembler grid lamp could control fruit tree pest with low use cost and input,reduce the use of chemical pesticides,alleviate environment pollution and protect ecological balance,which had obvious economic,ecological and social benefits.在果园内采用井式分布安装佳多频振式杀虫灯,调查虫口密度、种类、数量,并进行效益分析。

4)frequency trembler grid lamps and pheromone traps杀虫灯和性诱捕器诱杀

1.chemical control,frequency trembler grid lamps and pheromone traps, the methods based on plant attractiveness and repellency, transgenic plant, and biological control, was studied in order to reduce the population of S.为了控制斜纹夜蛾,使农作物免受危害,前人研究了化学防治、杀虫灯和性诱捕器诱杀、植物诱集和驱避、转基因抗虫品种以及生物防治对其种群控制作用。

5)Jiaduo Trapping Lamp佳多频振式杀虫灯

1.Jiaduo Trapping Lamp, a newly developed plant protection device, was used to control insect pests in paddy rice fields.应用佳多频振式杀虫灯对水稻害虫进行诱集,结果表明该杀虫灯可诱集到30种左右的昆虫,对主要水稻害虫均有诱集作用。

2.About 30 kinds of forest pests were trapped by Jiaduo trapping lamps and the effect against pine caterpillars was above 80% in the experiments of control and forecast.该文应用佳多频振式杀虫灯进行森林害虫的预测预报和防治试验 ,结果表明对许多森林害虫都有诱集作用 ,试验中共诱集到约 3 0种森林害虫 ,完全可以用于森林害虫的监测。

6)Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps佳多频振式杀虫灯

1.Trapping popular defoliating insects withJiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps;佳多频振式杀虫灯诱杀杨树食叶害虫初报

2.Application ofJiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps in the control and monitor of pine caterpillars;佳多频振式杀虫灯在松毛虫防治与监测中的应用

3.The experiment and observation of Jiaduo frequency trembler grid lamps to induce and kill orange insect pests佳多频振式杀虫灯诱杀柑桔害虫试验观察


7216杀虫菌CAS:68038-71-1中文名称:苏云金芽孢杆菌制剂;苏云金杆菌;大理石石渣罩面水磨石,镶嵌大理石片的水磨石;7216杀虫菌;BT生物农药英文名称:bacillus thuringiensis;agritol;bacillus thuringensis;bacillus thuringiensis berliner;bactospein;bactur;bakthane;berliner;biotrol;bitoksybacillin;btb 202;dipel
