1000字范文 > 运动负荷试验 Exercise stress test英语短句 例句大全

运动负荷试验 Exercise stress test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-13 09:10:49


运动负荷试验 Exercise stress test英语短句 例句大全

运动负荷试验,Exercise stress test

1)Exercise stress test运动负荷试验


1.The Study on relationship between ventricular arrhythmia during treadmill exercise test and coronary artery disease平板运动负荷试验中室性心律失常与冠状动脉病变关系的研究

2.Evaluation of Maximum Electrocardiogram Cycle Ergometer Exercise Test on the Cardiac Reserve in Children with Heart Disease;心电图极量踏车运动负荷试验对心脏病患儿心脏贮备功能的评价

3.Changes of Cardiorespiratory Function in Exercise Testing in Non-trained Adults;普通成年人在完成运动负荷试验时的心肺功能变化

4.Echocardiogram and stress tests are used only to evaluate exertional symptoms (echo first in this case) or suspected organic heart disease.心脏超声和运动负荷试验仅用于检查劳力性症状(首选超声)或可疑性器质性心脏病。

5.dynamic test for cargo gear起货设备动负荷试验

6.Cardiopulmonary Function Test in Load State医科大学生运动负荷下心肺功能试验结果分析

7.A Study of Different Training Approaches on Track Man s Speed-Strength Ability;不同训练负荷对田径运动员快速力量影响的试验研究

8.Clinical application of treadmill exercise test and transesophageal atrial pacing in coronary heart disease运动平板与食道调搏心脏负荷试验诊断冠心病的临床应用

9.Rescue boat davit (life raft davit) to be done static (dynamic) loading test.救助艇架(救生筏吊架)静(动)负荷试验。

10.Towing hook electric release test and load test also shall be carried out.进行拖钩电动释放试验和拖钩的负荷试验。

11.Experimental Study of Variable Load Optimal Operation of 300MW Turboset in Laicheng Power Plant;莱城电厂300MW汽轮机组变负荷优化运行试验研究

12.Metal - Axial load fatigue testing???金属--轴向负荷疲劳试验

13.auxiliary steam turbine load turnover test辅汽轮机转移负荷试验

14.low-load Vickers hardness test小负荷维氏硬度试验

15.The Experimental Research on the Implicit Memory with the Effect of Motor Loading;运动负荷对动作内隐记忆影响的实验研究

16.Evaluation on Validity of Three Different Cardiovascular Related Exercise Tests;三种心肺功能运动负荷测试的评价效度研究

17.Research on the Multi-control System of the Engines Without Charge;发动机无负荷群控试验台架系统的研究

18.The Research and Design on Load Test Station s Monitoring System of High Capacity Movable Dynamotor;大型移动式发电机负荷试验站监控系统的研制


Electrocardiograph exertion test心电图运动负荷试验

3)Cervical Vertebrae Exercise Load Test颈椎运动负荷试验

4)exercise test of physiological load运动负荷测试

1.There are several kinds ofexercise test of physiological load,between them,the multistage increasing load test is the most accurate and reliable one,by which many parameters and the individual lactic acid threshold could be obtained.在游泳训练现场进行运动负荷测试的方法种类繁多,其中多级递增负荷测试可以得出较多的参数,并且可以求出个体乳酸阈游速,因此最为准确可靠,但是该方法在测试时耗时耗力,很多教练员不愿使用。

5)Vibration loading test振动负荷试验

6)the experiment of automatic power control负荷摆动试验

1.<Abstrcat> Aim at 2×350 MW units in Hejin power plant and the DIASYS-UP/V distributed control system which are produced in Mitsubishi heavy industry in Japan,this paper presents coordinate control system s function and modifying,optimizing all of the modulate control system s algorthm and parameters under the CCS mode throughthe experiment of automatic power control.针对河津电厂引进的日本三菱重工生产的2×350MW燃煤发电机组及其DIASYS-UP/V分布式计算机控制系统,全面总结了DCS中协调控制系统的功能和在协调控制下通过进行负荷摆动试验来整定和优化控制参数的试验方法,对消化和吸收国外大机组控制系统提供了有益的经验。


氯化铵负荷试验氯化铵负荷试验一种检查远曲肾小管功能的试验。对于可疑或不完全性肾小管性酸中毒[I型]的患者,于停用碱性药物二天后,可给予口服氯化铵每公斤体重 0.1克,分三次服用,连续三天,从而酸化尿液。增加肾小管排泌[H+]的负担,比较服药前后尿pH;或将上述量氯化铵顿服,以后3~8小时内每小时测尿pH一次,患者如血[HCO3-]已降至20毫当量/升以下,而尿pH不能降至5.5以下,为试验阳性,对诊断疾病有价值。如尿pH小于5.5,为试验阴性。若患者有肝病不能用氯化铵,则可用氯化钙代替。
