1000字范文 > 用水定额 water consumption quota英语短句 例句大全

用水定额 water consumption quota英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-31 17:42:11


用水定额 water consumption quota英语短句 例句大全

用水定额,water consumption quota

1)water consumption quota用水定额

1.Probe into the municipal water and publicwater consumption quota in Jiangsu Province;城市生活与公共用水定额编制探讨

2.Connecting with the practice of energy management work, this paper expounds the method of and existing problems in determiningwater consumption quota in production of diaphragmatic alkali.结合能源管理工作实践 ,阐述了隔膜碱生产中现行用水定额的确定方法及存在的问

3.Based on analysis and consideration of the main factors influencing industrial and municipalwater consumption quota, this paper develops the data analysis system of the industrial and municipalwater consumption quota that makes the formulation ofwater consumption quota be simplified and be weighted with unified standard.在分析、考虑影响工业及城市生活用水定额主要因素的基础上,开发了工业及城市生活用水定额数据分析系统,将用水定额编制简单化,并可以用统一的标准来衡量。


1.Study on water norm indicating system in Songliao River Basin;松辽流域微观用水定额指标体系研究

2.Irrigation Water Quota for Staple Crops in Henan河南省主要农作物灌溉用水定额分析

3.Formulation of norms of tertiary industry and building industry water uses in Songliao River Basin;松辽流域第三产业与建筑业用水定额拟定

4.Research on the Quota of Water Consumption for Car Wash in Beijing北京市洗车行业用水及取水定额研究

5.The quantitative measuring and calculating method of compensation amount for agricultural water saving and its application;农业节水补偿额定量测算方法及应用

6.Theoretical Basis for Drawing up Quota of Hydropower Projectby Determined Specimen;利用测样编制水电工程定额的理论依据

7.We"ll have to ration out the water.我们得将水按定额配给。

8.Study on support technique for coordination between total amount control and quota management of water consumption for water resources水资源用水总量控制与定额管理协调保障技术研究

9.Application of Soil Water Resources Analysis in Determination of Irrigation Quota of Crops土壤水资源量分析在确定作物灌溉定额中的具体应用

10.The extra charge is for the water bed.超额费用是因为有水床。

11.is a logical value specifying whether to switch to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation为逻辑值,指定当折旧额超出用余额递减法计算的水平时,是否转换成直线折旧法

12.switch to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance = FALSE or omitted; do not switch = TRUE逻辑值,指定当折旧额超出用余额递减法计算的水平时,是否转换成直线折旧法

13.programme earmarkings方案的指定用途款额

14.Field Imprest System外地定额备用金制度

15.United States Dollar Cashier"s Impost Fund出纳员美元定额备用金

16.local imprest accounts当地定额备用金帐户

17.technical-economical norm of vehicle operation汽车运用技术经济定额

18.Replacement heating elements must be of the same style and voltage/ wattage rating as the ones presently in the water heater.必须采用与本热水器额定电压/率相同、式相同的加热元件进行更换。


water quota用水定额

1.This system has many functions,including data edit,water data and spatial data query,several methods of statistics and analysis,water quota model,water demand mode.系统由数据编辑、用水数据与空间数据的查询、多种统计分析、用水定额模型、需水预测模型、节水评价模型、水价敏感度模型、报表输出等主要功能组成。

2.The importance ofwater quota in water resources management and its development process are presented.介绍了用水定额管理在我国水资源综合管理体系中的作用以及用水定额管理的发展过程;分析总结了我国用水定额制度中存在的主要问题,包括目前用水定额计算方法的缺陷以及用水定额管理体制与机制的不足等。

3.This paper analyses thewater quota for agriculture irrigation and water saving potential in Xinjiang, and provides the science basis for controlling water supply, based on the factual state of water supply to agriculture irrigation and other businesses.根据新疆各行业用水、供水结构和农业用水现状 ,分析研究了新疆农业灌溉用水定额和节水潜力 ,为新疆用水总量调控和定额灌溉提供科学依

3)Water duty用水定额

1.The paper analyses the characteristic of living water for urban resident, introduces the principle and the method establishing the water duty in Liaoning province.本文分析了城镇居民生活用水的特点,介绍了辽宁省城镇居民生活用水定额制定的原则、方法。

4)water use quota用水定额

1.Therefore, a new model is established for evaluating water use efficiency of hotel sector under the principle of scientific, effective and operative, by means of mathematical statistics andwater use quota of separate parts together with adjustment coefficient.采用数理统计方法,以分部位用水定额为基础,辅以调整系数方案,遵循模型构建的科学性、有效性、易操作性原则,建立了宾馆行业用水效率评价模型,并提出了节水指数的概念和计算方法。

5)rated water consumption定额用水

1.The improvement of ground irrigation techniques is a key problem for the irrigated area to increase the quality of irrigating water and practicerated water consumption.改进地面灌水技术,是灌区提高灌水质量、实行定额用水的关键问题。

6)water quota law method用水定额法

1.In order to set up the model storehouse of predicting urban water consumption, this paper has summarized the water consumption prediction methods, and introduces several representative methods in detail, such as time array analysis approach, grey GM (1, 1) andwater quota law method.详细介绍了时间序列分析法、解释性预测方法、灰色GM(1,1)以及用水定额法等几种代表性方法。


