1000字范文 > 高中英语作文:最美的语言 The Most Beautiful Language

高中英语作文:最美的语言 The Most Beautiful Language

时间:2023-04-30 02:07:27


高中英语作文:最美的语言 The Most Beautiful Language


【篇一】最美的语言 The Most Beautiful Language

For Chinese people, the most beautiful language of course is Chinese. As the world gets globalized, more and more foreigners learn Chinese. But it is known to all that French is believed to be the most beautiful language in the world. On the one hand, French is very precise, the meaning of every word has only one meaning. Unlike English, most words have several meaning, which sometimes may be misread by people. So for the papers used in the offical occasions, they are usually written in French. Such as the papers used in the United Nations, every word has the very precise meaning. On the other hand, french people are very romantic, the French kiss is famous around the world. It is said that the couples are always seen to kissing in the public occasions in France and it is accepted. All of these make French the most beautiful language.对于中国人来说,最美丽的语言当然是汉语。随着世界变得越来越全球化,越来越多的外国人学习汉语。但众所周知,法语被认为是世界上最美丽的语言。一方面,法语是非常精确的,每一个字对应一个意思。与英语不同,大多数单词有几个意思,有时可能会被人误解。对于在正式场合中使用的文件,通常是用法语写的。如在联合国使用的文件,每一个字都有非常精确的意义。另一方面,法国人很浪漫,法式香吻在全世界都出名。据说在法国人们总能看到情侣在公共场合接吻,这也被大众所接受。所有这些使得法语成为最美丽的语言。

【篇二】忠诚的狗 The Loyal Dog

Many people like to raise a pet to company them. Especially as there are more only child, so keeping a pet can fill the blank space of a sibling. Dogs are most people’s choice, for they are said to be the loyal friends. In the movies, dogs are described as human being’s trustful friends and they will never abandon their masters. In the famous and touching movie Hachi, a homeless dog named Hachi is raised by a professor. The dog waits for his master to go home after work at the train station every day. Someday, the professor has a heart attack while he is having class and he dies. Hachi never sees his master appear in the train station, but he still goes to the place to wait for his master until the end of his life. Everybody is moved by the loyal dog, his story still goes on.许多人喜欢养宠物来陪伴自己。尤其是随着越来越多的独生子女,因此养宠物可以填补没有兄弟姐妹的空白。养狗是大多数人的选择,因为他们是忠实的朋友。在电影中,狗被描述为人类值得信任的朋友,他们永远不会放弃他们的主人。在和感人的电影《八公》中,一条无家可归的狗叫八公,被一位教授收养。这只狗每天都在火车站等待主人工作后回家。有一天,教授在上课的时候心脏病发作去世。八公再也没有看到他的主人出现在火车站,但他仍然去那个地方等待他的主人,直到他生命的终结。每个人都被这条忠诚的狗感动,他的故事仍在流传。

【篇三】高考过后 After the Big Test

Every year, high school students will take part in the big test on June 7th and 8th. After the exam, they feel like releasing from the prison and do all kinds of crazy things. Some boys do the romantic things for the girls who they like for a long time. Always there are some high school students think that as they are no longer supervised by the school, they go to KTV all the night and forget about going home. Parents will be very worried about them as they can’t find their children. It has been reported that accidents often happen for high school sudents after they finish the big test. It is acceptable for high school students to relax themselves and find some amusement, but they need to behavior themselves and don’t let parents worry about them.每一年,高中学生都会在6月7日和8日这天参加一场重要的考试。在考试后,他们感觉像是从监狱里释放出来,做各种疯狂的事情。一些男孩为他们喜欢了很长一段时间的女孩做浪漫的事情。总是那么有一些高中生认为既然他们不再受到学校的监督,他们会去KTV一个晚上,忘记回家。父母会非常担心,因此他们找不到自己的孩子。据报道,在高考完以后,事故经常发生在高中学生中。对高中生来说放松自己,找一些娱乐是可以接受的,但是他们需要自律行为,不要让父母担心。
