1000字范文 > 诺兰“包场”了:《盗梦空间》和《信条》你更爱哪个?丨Weekend Movies

诺兰“包场”了:《盗梦空间》和《信条》你更爱哪个?丨Weekend Movies

时间:2021-04-15 11:03:24


诺兰“包场”了:《盗梦空间》和《信条》你更爱哪个?丨Weekend Movies

Approaching the end of this month, it seems Christopher Nolan will be the most talked Hollywood director in Chinese market with two of his blockbusters coming consecutively within a week.

八月底九月初的影市,突然有了被诺兰 “包场”的梦幻感。

On the heels of Inception, which has returned to the mainland theaters on Aug 28, Nolan"s latest directorial effortTenetwill open across the country on Sept 4.


For most fans, Nolan is a legend. A graduate in English literature from University College London, Nolan excels in creating twists-studded complex stories, impressing viewers with his talent in making personal, distinctive films within the Hollywood mainstream.


A top player creating his own time, Nolan writes and directs all of his films, making him an auteur. So far, his movies have earned more than $4.7 billion worldwide and garnered a total of 34 Oscar nominations and 10 wins.


Tenet, which Nolan began conceiving around 20 years ago, is actually a story visualizing the lapse of time in an unprecedented, special effects-studded way. In the released promotional material, it is said the story is about a secret agent who embarks on a dangerous, time-bending mission to prevent the start of World War III. But I would rather take the plot synopsis as a cover.

《信条》的故事,诺兰琢磨了有。根据目前披露的资料,这部影片讲述一个特工为阻止第三次世界大战,进入一个时间流向被颠覆的危险任务之中。但事实上,你可能会发现,这个商业间谍片的表述,只能算这部片的“外壳”, 它真正的核是在电影世界里,将时间的走向以影史上前所未有的方式,用视觉化的特效奇观呈现出来。

Before watching Tenet, there are two facts which may help you to understand this mind-bending story a bit more.



The grandfather paradox

In sci-fi works, the "grandfather paradox" is an interesting logical problem that would arise if a person were to travel to a past time. The name comes from the idea that if a person travels to a time before his grandfather had children, and kills the grandfather, it would make his own birth impossible. So, if time travel is possible, it somehow must avoid such a contradiction. In Tenet, you will find the paradox is tightly connected with the top threat in the film.



As Nolan puts it in the film"s production notes: "Every law of physics is symmetrical — it can run forwards or backwards in time and be the same — except for entropy." Entropy is the degree of disorder in a system. Nolan explains that in the film the entropy-related theory is that "if you could invert the flow of entropy for an object, you could reverse the flow of time for that object, so the story is grounded in credible physics."


He had Kip Thorne — Nobel Prize-theoretical physicist and consultant on Interstellar— read the script. Thorne helped Nolan out with some of the concepts. "Though we"re not going to make any case for this being scientifically accurate. But it is based roughly on actual science," says Nolan.





