1000字范文 > “棋艺墨宝 佳节笙歌”----中国传统文化对外宣传推广 | 二十四节气之大暑

“棋艺墨宝 佳节笙歌”----中国传统文化对外宣传推广 | 二十四节气之大暑

时间:2024-03-01 20:33:51


“棋艺墨宝 佳节笙歌”----中国传统文化对外宣传推广 | 二十四节气之大暑


Major Heat


Today is Major Heat! The hottest season of the year is coming. Major Heat is the 12th solar term in the 24 solar terms. After Minor Heat, it is the last solar term in summer and the last refulgence in midsummer. After half a year, the heatest time comes. As it says in The 24 Solar Terms, "The Major Heat is the extreme heat". The Major Heat is in the dog days and is the hottest period of the year. In the twelve information hexagrams, the Major Heat belongs to divinatory symbols of dun. Both "Dun" and "Fu" have the meaning of concession. Born in spring, grow in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter. Summer is mainly about growth. This warm and luxurious legend of summer should be quietly and elegantly withdrawn here in the Major Heat.


Thee signs of Major Heat







The first sign is rotten grass turns into fireflies

In the Major Heat, fireflies ooze out. On the night when the hot wind comes, the glittering spots flying on the rotten grass and withered leaves are the impression of the ancients in midsummer.

The second sign is the soil becomes wet

In summer, the humidity of the air increases, and the weather begins to become sultry. Even the soil under your feet becomes moist and moist.

The third sign is there are lots of rains in this season

Because of the extreme heat, terrible thunderstorms often occur. Heavy rain makes the heat and humidity weakened, and the climate begins to the transition to the beginning of autumn.


How much do you know about the customs of Great Heat








大暑期间,台湾有吃凤梨的习俗,民间百姓认为这个时节的凤梨最好吃。另外,凤梨的闽南语发音和 “旺来”相同,所以也被用来作为祈求平安吉祥、生意兴隆的象征。



Sending the Major Heat ship

Sending the Major Heat ship is a folk tradition spanning hundreds of years in Taizhou, Zhejiang province.The ship is filled with various animals for sacrifice such as pigs, sheep, chicken, fish, and shrimps. More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they march through the streets. Drums are played and fireworks are lit. Both sides of the street are filled with people praying for blessings.After a series of ceremonies, the ship is finally carried to the wharf. Then, the ship is pulled out of the fishing port and burned at sea. People carry out this ritual to pray for good harvests and health.

Cricket fighting

Major Heat is a season with the largest number of crickets that can be found in the fields along the countryside. Cricket fighting is a popular pastime for some people in China during this period. The custom dates back more than 1,000 years to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907).

Eating litchi and mizao

On the day of Major Heat, there is a custom of eating litchi, Mizao in Putian, Fujian province, as a celebration of Major Heat.Litchi is a nutritious fruit containing glucose and vitamins. People usually soak litchi in cold well water first and eat it. It is said that litchi during Major Heat is as nourishing as ginseng.Mizao is made of fermented rice. On the day of Major Heat, people cook them with brown sugar. It can reinforce the vital energy of the human body.

Eating pineapple

During the summer heat, Taiwan has the custom of eating pineapple, and folk people think pineapple tastes best in this season. In addition, the pronunciation of pineapple in Minnan is the same as "Wanglai", so it is also used as a symbol of praying for safty and good fortune and prosperous business.

Looking at fireflies in summer nights

The romance of midsummer nights is watching fireflies. Fireflies usually appear in overgrown places. The ancients thought that fireflies were changed by rotten grass, and they were poetic insects that greet the beginning of autumn in Major Heat. The clouds flowing in the night, the cicada singing in the treetops, and the faint and flickering little fluorescence like the Milky Way make this summer the most unforgettable.


The poem of Major Heat


Twenty-four solar terms in Great Summer Poetry have guided agricultural production since ancient times and influenced all aspects of people"s lives. Let"s spy out the living conditions of the ancients in the great summer season from the following two ancient poems.




