1000字范文 > 爱尔兰·倪芙瑞莲:面对自然的四季轮回 我们应该心怀谦卑

爱尔兰·倪芙瑞莲:面对自然的四季轮回 我们应该心怀谦卑

时间:2023-04-18 13:28:22


爱尔兰·倪芙瑞莲:面对自然的四季轮回 我们应该心怀谦卑



Conversations with 12 International Artists


The epidemic is spreading all over the world, and in todays international world, no matter where you are, you would experience the cruelty of the epidemic and the changes it has made to everyones life. We would like to have conversations with Chinese artists having lived abroad for many years and foreign artists back to their homecountries after many years in China. Their words, photographs or images will show what they are viewing and thinking about at the moment.


We wouldn’t say that the interview could grasp the whole picture of global art. We still expect to rethink questions around us: how can we reconstruct the balance of human society and nature? How to fix the "clash of civilizations" caused by community? For individuals, is there room left for love of humanity, the trust of belief, after such an epidemic while confronting possible losses to human society and economy.


Curator: Zhang Yuyang


Guest Curators: Xiong Yunhao, Xiao Shang


Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲


Niamh Cunningham (Ireland) has had an unusual trajectory, after graduating with an MSc in Biomedical Sciences in 1989 from the University of Ulster she has travelled and worked in Ireland , England, South Africa, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Dubai , Prague and Beijing. Before arriving in China she had two solo exhibitions in Dubai where she also engaged in public art projects. Her first solo exhibition in China opened at Beijing’s Dong Yue Art Museum in August, . Over the years her exhibitions and interviews have been featured on CCTV, Beijing TV and RTE.

-,倪芙瑞莲与飞扬戈恩合作,为在中国举办的爱尔兰文化节艺术展 “爱尔兰浪涛”策展。她也是10月“私密的伤痕”国际艺术交流巡回展北京站合作策展人。该展览曾在纽约、杭州、台北等多地展出。她在自己的网站记录参与的艺术项目,并在“艺术家自述”栏目里介绍其他参展艺术家的作品。其中一些文章和文章修订版发表在《中国日报》及其他刊物上。

Cunningham has curated various exhibitions for the Irish Wave Exhibitions with Fion Gunn from - as part of the Irish Festival in China. She was local curator for the Beijing exhibition ‘Intimate Transgressions’ in October . This project was also exhibited at other venues in New York, Hangzhou and Taipei. Niamh documents her projects on her blog and often researches the work of other participating artists under the section “What the artist says”. Some of her blogs or altered versions of her blogs have been published in China Daily and other publications.

她的 “树之记忆宫殿” 是一个关注生态环境的艺术实践,通过从中国及世界各地不同地方的人们那里收集关于树的故事,探索讲述的力量。

Her ‘Memory Palace of Trees’ project is an ecological art practice exploring the power of storytelling where she collects stories about trees from people in different communities in China and around the world.





Last night it rained. Such a rare happening I find often heightens awareness. The pattering bounce of droplets against the window pane have permeated the dry side of the window with their song. Earlier in the week a report was released that this past decade was the driest in 400 years in the US. (Coincidentally some of this information comes from trees by detecting soil moisture in tree rings.) As a child growing up in Ireland I lived with rain almost everyday and remember the annoyance as it prohibited outdoor adventures. Now living in the dry north of China I acknowledge how welcome the rainfall is. While being showered in this glorious sound I imagine the different regions of the world and the troubles of current global disruption.

奥林匹克公园 Olympic Park .2.1 Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲


I have been living at home north of the fifth ring road with my journalist husband Tom and son Fionn since the Chinese New Year. I use the largest room in the apartment as my studio and of course my work and workspace has spread its chaos into every room. This is quite a challenge as my son no longer lives on his university campus and continues his studies online at home. We share the big table for our separate computer work several times a day and sometimes he goes into his bedroom to continue his study or guitar playing.

孤星剪影 Lone Star Stencil Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲


During our many years here in Beijing all three apartments we lived in were a stone’s throw away from the expansive web of green and blue things Olympic Park. During the lockdown my regular swims have been traded for frequent walks in the park where I could witness snow scenes contrasted with dark bare branches to the transformed fleece of blossoms and pale green of treetops. When our sense of mortality is heightened observing the cycles of nature is very meditative and humbling.


Taking walks in the park during the pandemic has been a grateful release these past months. Park culture has everyone wearing masks, and trying to maintain social distancing is a challenge on those days when there are crowds.


I used to travel quite a lot on various projects outside Beijing over the years, getting to know other artists on residencies in Zhangjiajie Hunan , Wudi Shandong , Guanlan Shenzhen , Shawan Sichuan , and numerous other travelling group exhibitions and salons. During these isolated times I reflect how fortunate I was to get to know many artists, enjoy their company, learn from them and gradually, slowly and painstakingly make small improvements on my spoken Chinese language. I have kept in touch with some artist friends during the pandemic and need to reach out to more friends.

早上匆匆写下的记录 First scribbles of the day


I was initially puzzled but then understood the possibility of a global disruption when I saw the Johns Hopkins live feed at the end of January. This pitch-black global map was illuminated only on the righthand side with a few of Chinese cities marked with tiny red specks, a large terrifying wheel of red for Hubei. While sweeping the cursor over the globe these borders of the global terrain would be permeable to COVID-19. From early February first thing every morning I would jot down the figures for Hubei and then Beijing. A few weeks later European and other countries were added to my morning scribbles. Soon I discovered the detailed statistics of the Worldometer live feed website providing much more detailed recording of test numbers per million population with daily increase in numbers with charts and a histogram overview of each statistic collection.


I continue my numbers of paper alongside a file on computer. The paper sheets are only useful if there is a family dinner table debate about some part of the world and I can present the numbers. I have often thought of people who were working in medical laboratories testing for Wuhan and other cities then later the other testing centres over the globe.

我当医学检验师已经是很久之前的事了。30年前从大学毕业后,我在肯特及坎特伯雷医院化学病理实验室工作了三年。我试图四处收集数据,甚至努力回忆早些年学的基础科学,想弄清楚我们这个世界到底怎么了。新冠病毒是一种有机生物体,藏在我们眼皮底下,想在人类宿主身上存活, 特别喜欢通过近距离接触传播。幸运的是,在我的祖国爱尔兰,领导人及时采取措施防止扩散。爱尔兰总理利奥·瓦拉德卡从政前当过医生。尽管情况有所好转,爱尔兰卫生部长对人们的骄傲自满情绪表示担忧,认为进展来之不易,稍稍懈怠就可能再次恶化。

It has been a long time since left a profession as medical technologist. After finishing university 30 years ago I worked for three years in the chemical pathology laboratories of Kent and Canterbury Hospital. I attempt to glean over the statistics and even try to recall the basics of science from an earlier life to make sense and understand the world we live in now. The virus is a living organism hiding in plain sight with a will to survive in each human host, it favours close encounters. In my home country thank fully the leadership took early steps to contain the spread. Ireland’s Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar practiced as a medical doctor before entering politics. However Ireland’s health minister fears complacency as progress is fragile it would not take much for progress to be reversed.


It would seem that treatments for COVID -19 will arrive well before vaccinations. There are huge social experiments which have pushed education and other services to online platforms, some of this approach will not be reversed and new industries are inevitable. Such technologies and also big data have pushed forward. Contact tracing of infections as they do in South Korea using phone apps is now also carefully studied by other countries.

沉醉巴罗河 Barrow Trance 130 x 163cm Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲


During the COVID -19 era I chose to focus on the socio-eco project of collecting stories on trees for my weekly blog. The ‘Memory Palace of Trees’ project is not just about making artwork about trees but it is a nudge for me to reach out to all kinds of people and ask them for their stories. I wanted to explore the power of storytelling in building communities, in sharing our connections with nature and also learning about current projects that are sprouting up regarding nature conservation, deforestation and preventing future global disruptions due to climate change.

落雁森林 90x 240cm Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲 Swan Goose Forest 90x 240cmNiamh Cunningham 倪芙


Since the COVID era I have completed some tree paintings on canvas and also some mixed media sucrose work. My sucrose work is based on nature and explores themes of transformation. The five pieces I have been working on explores Chinese garden themes for a potential group project in Shenzhen later this year. The process explores the process of transformation with materiality and crystalisation, through careful planning and predicting I can let go of the ownership of the final result, let the painting continue its process while I photograph the changes that occur.

Pond Poplar 蔗糖系列2,4,7, 10顺序 Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲 Pond Poplars Sucrose Series Nia

蔗糖系列 尖峰豫园 Spiked Blossoms YuYuan Sucrose mixed media 12.02.

蔗糖系列. 豫园歪墙 Crooked wall Yuyuan Sucrose Mixed media 11.02.


Art delivers in tangible ways


A couple of years ago I spent a few enjoyable weeks on a printmaking residency in Shenzhen. At the beginning of the outbreak in China I noticed on a group chat a lot of activity sourcing personal protective supplies. Mr Zhao from the base was collecting and sourcing PPE for a nearby hospital in Shenzhen. Artists from all over the world were trying to help him. Once the situation stabilized in China and escalated outside he then continued to source material for those artists in locations who were in deep need. I told him about my brother and his wife in Spain, my sister in law has been co ordinating sewing groups for making masks for the Red cross, police and other groups. I heard last week that there is a package on its way to them. Thank you,Mr.Zhao.


Another unexpected gift came when I was chatting with an old friend Mr.Yuan from Dong Yue Art Museum. We discussed challenges in posting facemasks overseas. I told him I wanted to also send masks to communities and medical centres in Ireland and England (as a young adult I had worked for the NHS –National Health Service in England). He sent a large box of masks last week and along with another box I bought on Taobao I arranged one box to go to community groups in inner City Dublin and another box to go Kent and Canterbury Hospital. There were also fundraisers by the Irish community for PPE here in China where artist friends contributed. You know who you are, Thank You. I was really moved how Chinese friends wanted to help in this effort.

2月3日Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲 February 3


During the park walks I often reach a hill on the northside of the park which overlooks the entire grounds beyond the fifth ring road all the way to the 4th ring road extending further south through the central axis that reaches to the forbidden city. Although all those details are not visible from this hill I am familiar with this trajectory. I take photos at different points along this hill. The first stop I make on this hill is a wooden platform. I mark my position by resting my elbow on the same fence pole. One day there was a dancer with his back to me playing his music on a speaker while twisting and turning. I slipped away not wanting to alarm him and with a pang of regret that I didn’t initiate a conversation.

Wooden Platform April 17
