1000字范文 > 经济学人双语|科学家:金星中发现了可能的生命迹象|段落10


时间:2022-03-18 05:41:02




Title:Scientists find possible signs of life in the clouds of VenusSection:Science & technologyType:Planetary scienceDate:Sep 14th Source:Economist点击顶端的话题:#经济学人可以查看往期内容




This speculation is fascinating, but also of a sort which might raise alarm bells. The team did not look at the whole spectrum dispassionately to see what was there; it specifically sought out a feature that could be explained by phosphine, a molecule in which at least some of the scientists were already invested, and found what they were looking for. What is more, as they say in their paper, “we emphasise that the detection of PH3 is not robust evidence for life, only for anomalous and unexplained chemistry.” Two things need to happen before things get truly exciting. Other teams need to make their own observations, ideally at other wavelengths. And a really thorough search for ways of making phosphine without biology under the conditions seen on and above Venus needs to draw a blank.



1. speculation

US: [.spekjle()n] UK: [.spekjle()n]n. 猜测;推测;投机买卖;推断Web 思索;炒作;沉思词形:speculations

Musharrafs sinking popularity has spurred speculation that he might declare a state of emergency to smother vocal opposition.穆沙拉夫声望的下降促使他想发表一份紧急声明来遏制那些反对的声音。

2. fascinate

US: [fsnet] UK: [fsnet]adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的v. 使着迷;蛊惑Web 吸引人的;令人着迷的;引人入胜词形:fascinated、fascinating、fascinates

Perhaps you look at the body is indeed the best of your eyes, but you let me on the most fascinating, or your hand.或许你身上最好看的确实是你的眼睛,但是你身上最让我着迷的,还是你的手。

3. raise alarm bells


Third, the assault on Wiesenfeld should raise alarm bells for all parents in the US. It isn just that universities are increasingly closed to critical thought regarding Israel.

4. spectrum

US: [spektrm] UK: [spektrm]n. 频谱;范围;领域;序列Web 光谱;波谱;系列词形:spectra

The AXD series is a group of high-brightness point light sources having a continuous spectrum similar to that of the sunlight .该产品是一种高亮度的点光源,具有像阳光一样的连续光谱。Values, social mores, customs, even the visual environment and methods of communication seem to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum.价值观,社会风俗,习惯,甚至视觉环境和沟通方式,看似都处于社会光谱相反的两端。

5. dispassionately

US: [dspntl] UK: [dspntl]adv. 不动感情地Web 冷静地;冷静地决策;平心静气

Lester thought the matter over calmly, dispassionately.雷斯脱平心静气的把事情想过一番。

6. specifically

US: [spsfkli] UK: [spsfkli]adv. 具体来说;明确地;具体地;特意Web 特别地;特定地;明确的

So far, despite the academic community have done a lot of discussion, there has not been specifically discussed in Harts customs and ideas.迄今为止,尽管学术界对此做过不少论述,但是对赫德关税思想还未有专论述及。Specifically, he said, the structures look like bacterial biofilm, a slimy substance that the microbes often form.具体而言,这一结构看上去像是细菌生物被膜,一种微生物经常形成的粘状物质。

7. seek out

US: UK:na. 找出;寻求;想获得Web 挑出;找到;搜寻出

Stretch yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and aggressively seek out the so-called "hidden job" market.充分的展示自己,那自己离开那些“舒服区域”,积极地去寻找那些所谓的“隐藏着的”工作机会。He talked to the top decision-makers, but sought out everyday people to ask about their lives, as he traveled the world.他在全球访问时,不但与最高决策者对话,而且每天力图与民众交谈,询问他们的生活情况。

8. robust

US: [rost] UK: [rst]adj. 强健的;强壮的;结实的;耐用的Web 健壮;稳健;乐百氏

Yet, at a time when Chinese and Indian growth is falling, the bank said these projected growth rates were "still fairly robust" .但世行表示,在中国和印度经济增长不断放缓之际,上述预期增长率“仍算得上相当强劲”。
