1000字范文 > 四月:我不喜欢这个世界 我只喜欢你

四月:我不喜欢这个世界 我只喜欢你

时间:2023-02-02 23:40:56


四月:我不喜欢这个世界 我只喜欢你


The best love is that you help me dry my hair after I take a bath. Its the coat you put on me when the weather gets cold. Its every surprise you give me on my birthday. Its the nagging that you don dislike my weight and make me eat more. Its that you wake me up in the morning and call me to sleep at night.


I don know why I love you, what you make me like, but I just love you, love you, love you more and more.


I envy those talks about love for my whole life. Its better to look at each other from high school. Boys grow up from hip-hop to mature and steady. Girls grow up from plain and honest to exquisite and beautiful. Its a happy and unforgettable period of life together.


My feeling about you is that even if we don chat for a long time, don talk or even disconnect all the contacts, you are still my very, very important person.


I hope you don leave me, don break up with me because of freshness, don leave me because of difficulties and setbacks. Accompany me to face difficulties and grow up together.


Ive saved your photos; Ive listened to your favorite songs; Ive seen your movies secretly; Ive tried to be interested in what you e interested in. In fact, I like you much more than the surface.


I don like long distance love. I like you. When we get through the long-distance love, I will hold you tightly, never let you leave, never again.

