1000字范文 > 温柔又可爱的皮句子 甜到心坎的情话句子

温柔又可爱的皮句子 甜到心坎的情话句子

时间:2024-04-10 14:13:21


温柔又可爱的皮句子 甜到心坎的情话句子

这个世界应该公平一点 ,花出去的越多,挣回来的就应该越多,吃进去多少,排出来就应该多少 ,一个礼拜工作学习五天,周末就应该有五天,我喜欢你,你也应该喜欢我。

The world should be fair. The more you spend, the more you earn back. As much as you eat and as much as you want, there should be five days of work and study a week, and five days on the weekend. I like you and you too. Should like me.


Troubles are all because they like to produce more. For example, I like the taste of toothpaste in the morning, so I think brushing my teeth at night is an annoyance. I like ketchup. So only eating fries is an annoyance. I like myself, so you are my trouble.


Actually, I will be angry for about five minutes, but I will pretend to be still angry.


What do you want to dream about today, what the weather is like, what color the stars want, do you want me in your dream?


Next time I see you, I must close my eyes immediately, close you up and never open them again.


Get ready to blow the evening breeze on the seaside in the late summer with you, get ready to invite you to have a late night wine at twelve oclock, get ready to count the faint stars with you after the autumn dusk, get ready to meet, get ready Sincerely, get ready to love you.


I like strawberries, strawberry juice is not good, strawberry sugar is not good, not strawberry is not good; I like you, not good for looking like you, not good for your personality, not good for you.


I am a devil, follow me, lets make waves together, I like your world to learn from, please like me a little bit, don be a petty kid.


Everything is ready, I only owe you. If I had a quilt, I leaned out from the balcony in the warm spring season, put on the warm sunshine, and hid some fresh breeze, so that I can warm you cold when you come in. His hands and feet can rub the mountains and rivers between your eyebrows, and block the shaky world for you.


I hope that tonight’s dream is sweet, one is tranquil and the other is comfortable, and then there is you in the dream, you are very sweet.



