1000字范文 > 超级暖心可爱的句子 句句温柔 抚慰你受伤的心

超级暖心可爱的句子 句句温柔 抚慰你受伤的心

时间:2019-02-06 02:41:29


超级暖心可爱的句子 句句温柔 抚慰你受伤的心

1.“任事物干渴 都褪去颜色 只有你是天蓝色。”

"Everything fades when you are thirsty. Only you are sky blue."

2.害 不要把自己葬送在短短的几年青春里 你还有大好前程去奔波呢

Don bury yourself in just a few years of youth. You still have a good future to run around

3.很奇怪 不知道为什么人们在谈恋爱的过程中会经常反复推开自己喜欢的人来试探是否真的喜欢自己

Its strange that I don know why people often push away their favorite people to test whether they really like themselves.


I don know if I can go to the end with you, but I hope this is our best time


I love youSo you don have to be the obedient child who can get the little red flowerEven if you cheat and make a small temper.I am also the most partial to you


I began to look forward to eating watermelon with you in summer, just like looking forward to eating hot pot with you in winter. In fact, I don particularly like summer and winter, just looking forward to eating with you.


"I don like a boy who makes me wait for a long time to reply to my message, but I like a boy who explains why he didn reply to my message in time".


You are a very lovely personI should meet the best person. I wish I was
