1000字范文 > 7月大学英语四级阅读解析(新东方呼和浩特学校)


时间:2021-01-09 03:05:40



以下内容是6月大学英语四级阅读真题的相关内容供各位考生参考!频道第一时间更新公布。同时广大考生还可随时微博及新东方网四六级微信xdfcet46,与线上老师以及考生随时互动答疑,敬请广大考生密切关注。 想知道新东方老师如何点评7月考试→_→ 一键下载 It’s late in the evening: time to close the book and turn off the computer. You’re done for the day. What you may not realize, however, is that the learning process actually continues—in your dreams. It might sound like science fiction, but researchers are increasingly focusing on the relationship between the knowledge and skills our brains absorb during the day and the fragmented, often bizarre imaginings they generate at night. Scientists have found that dreaming about a task we’ve learned is associated with improved performance in that activity (suggesting that there’s some truth to the popular notion that we’re “getting” a foreign language once we begin dreaming in it). What’s more, researchers are coming to recognize that dreaming is an essential part of understanding, organizing and retaining what we learn—and that dreams may even hold out the possibility of directing our learning as we doze. “While we sleep, research indicates, the brain replays the patterns of activity it experienced during waking hours, allowing us to enter what one psychologist calls a neural virtual reality.” While we sleep, research indicates, the brain replays the patterns of activity it experienced during waking hours, allowing us to enter what one psychologist calls a neural virtual reality. A vivid example of such reenactment can be seen in this video , made as part of a study by researchers in the Sleep Disorders Unit at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. They taught a series of dance moves to a group of patients with conditions like sleepwalking, in which the sleeper engages in the kind of physical movement that is normally inhibited during slumber. They then videotaped the subjects as they slept. Lying in bed, eyes closed, the woman on the tape does a faithful rendition of the dance moves she learned earlier—“the first direct and unambiguous demonstration of overt behavioral replay of a recently learned skill during human sleep,” writes lead author Delphine Oudiette. Of course, most of us are not quite so energetic during sleep—but our brains are busy nonetheless. While our bodies are at rest, scientists theorize, our brains are extracting what’s important from the information and events we’ve recently encountered, then integrating that data into the vast store of what we already know—perhaps explaining why dreams are such an odd mixture of fresh experiences and old memories. A dream about something we’ve just learned seems to be a sign that the new knowledge has been processed effectively. In a study published in the journal Current Biology , researchers at Harvard Medical School reported that college students who dreamed about a computer maze task they had learned showed a 10-fold improvement in their ability to navigate the maze compared to participants who did not dream about the task. Robert Stickgold, one of the Harvard researchers, suggests that studying right before bedtime or taking a nap following a study session in the afternoon might increase the odds of dreaming about the material. But some scientists are pushing the notion of enhancing learning through dreaming even further, asking sleepers to mentally practice skills while they slumber. In a pilot study published in The Sport Psychologist journal in , University of Bern psychologist Daniel Erlacher instructed participants to dream about tossing coins into a cup. Those who successfully dreamed about the task showed significant improvement in their real-life coin-tossing abilities. Experiments like Erlacher’s raise the possibility that we could train ourselves to cultivate skills while we slumber. Think about that as your head hits the pillow tonight. 仔细阅读部分答案解析: 51.答案为:dreaming about a learned task betters its performance 根据题干关键词可定位到文中第二段第二句话Scientists have found that dreaming about a task we’ve learned is associated with improved performance in that activity.由定位可知,梦到我们所学过的内容会相应提高我们与此相关的表现。对比A、B、C、D四个选项可知,答案为C,此项答案与定位句词汇重复率高,且意思一致。 52. 答案为:The brain once again experiences the learning activities of the 根据题干关键词可定位到第三段第一句话While we sleep, research indicates, the brain replays the patterns of activity it experienced during waking hours, allowing us to enter what one psychologist calls a neural virtual reality. 定位句中allowing所引导的部分为状语,不属于句子主干部分,不作为定位重点,因此我们只关注the brain replays the patterns of activity it experienced during waking hours这部分,意为大脑在我们进入睡眠状态后会回放我们处于醒着状态所经历的事情,对比A、B、C、D四个选项可知,答案为D,此项答案与定位句词汇重复率高,且意思一致。 53.答案为:It processes and absorbs newly acquired data 根据题干关键词可定位到第四段第二句话While our bodies are at rest, scientists theorize, our brains are extracting what’s important from the information and events we’ve recently encountered, then integrating that data into the vast store of what we already know—perhaps explaining why dreams are such an odd mixture of fresh experiences and old memories.破折号后为解释说明作用,因此重点为前半部分,且问题是以我们的大脑作为主语,意为大脑会提取一些重要信息,然后和旧有信息做整合,对比A、B、C、D四个选项可知,答案为C,C选项涉及部分词义替换,但是词汇并不是很难,值得注意的点是process的动词意为“加工,处理”,很多同学在考试中会选择B选项,但是要注意的是该选项中的substitute意为“代替”,和定位处不符。
