1000字范文 > 银监会背景材料:金融改革和支持实体经济情况(中英文)


时间:2019-06-18 13:56:32


























(一)多管齐下降低融资成本,引导银行业提升小微企业贷款管理效率。7月,印发《中国银监会关于完善和创新小微企业贷款服务 提高小微企业金融服务水平的通知》(银监发〔〕36号)。





Materials for State Council Policies Briefing

Financial Reform and Financial Support to the Real Economy


(23 January )

China Banking Regulatory Commission

I. Safe and sound performance of the Banking Sector

In , the banking sector maintained sound performance with risks well controlled, keeping abreast with leading international peers. As of end-, the aggregate assets of China’s banking sector increased by 13.6 percent year-on-year to RMB 168.2 trillion; the outstanding balance of deposits grew by 9.6 percent to RMB 117.4 trillion; and the outstanding balance of loans went up by 13.3 percent to RMB 86.8 trillion. As of end-, the non-performing loans (NPL) ratio of China’s banking institutions was 1.64 percent, among which, the NPL ratio of commercial banks was kept at a relatively low level of 1.29 percent. Meanwhile, the provisioning coverage ratio of commercial banks rose up to 230.5 percent. By the end of November , the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks reached 12.93 percent, up by 0.75 percentage point.

II. Banking reform and opening-up

1. Promoting wider participation of private capital in the banking sector

First is the launch of the pilot program of establishing private banks. The CBRC adheres to the principle of fairness and equal treatment to all forms of capital, including private capital, in their investment in the banking sector. There are no additional legal or regulatory barriers or preconditions inhibiting the flow of private capital into banking institutions. In terms of market entry, private capital flows to the banking sector through participating in new entities establishment, new shares subscription, equity purchase, and mergers acquisitions.

In March , the CBRC released the first batch of five private banks on a trial basis approved by the State Council, officially launching the pilot program of private banks. On July 24th, , the CBRC approved the application for establishment of Shenzhen Qianhai Weizhong Bank (also known as WeBank), Wenzhou Minshang Bank and Tianjin Jincheng Bank. On September 26th, , the CBRC approved the application for establishment of Shanghai Huarui Bank and Zhejiang Wangshang Bank. On December 12th, , the CBRC approved the application of WeBank for business operation.

Second is the relaxation of relevant legal and regulatory procedures for private capital investing in small- and medium-sized rural financial institutions. In November , the CBRC issued the Notice on Encouraging and Guiding Private Capital to Participate in the Ownership Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives (Yin Jian Fa No.45, ), raising the upper limit of acquirers’ aggregate shareholding from 10% to 20%, and even allowing the exceeding of 20% threshold under specific conditions within a certain period of time. In December , the CBRC issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting the Healthy Development of Village and Township Banks (Yin Jian Fa No.46, ), and the Notice on Promoting the Institutional Restructuring of Rural Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Ban Fa No.286, ) .

Currently, the proportion of private capital is nearly 90% in the total capital of rural cooperative financial institutions, while in township and village banks, the ratio of private capital has exceeded 70%. Furthermore, more than 100 small- and medium-sized banks have over 50% private capital in their capital composition, some of which are even 100 percent privately funded.

Third is the steady promotion of private capital to initiate the establishment of financial leasing companies and consumer finance companies. In March , the CBRC issued theAdministrative Rules on the Financial Leasing Companies (Decree of the CBRC No.3, ). In November , the CBRC promulgated the Administrative Rules on the Pilot Program of Consumer Finance Companies (Decree of the CBRC No.2, ).

2. Financial Inclusion

The CBRC has been guiding banking institutions to continuously improve financial support to agricultural scale production and intensive management. Research work has been carried out on developing new-type rural cooperative financial institutions, so as to further standardize rural credit cooperations. The CBRC General Office issued the Notice on Improving Rural Financial Services in (Yin Jian Ban Fa No.42, ) in March , urging banking institutions to increase the proportion of agro-related loans.

3. Streamlining administration and power delegation

In , the CBRC issued the Notice on Further Streamlining Administration and Delegating Power to Improve Market Entry (Yin Jian Ban Fa No. 176, ), and amended the Implementation Rules on Administrative Licensing for Commercial Banks (Decree of the CBRC, No. 1, ), the Implementation Rules on Administrative Licensing for Small- and Medium-Sized Rural Financial Institutions (Decree of the CBRC, No. 4, ), and the Implementation Rules on Administrative Licensing for Foreign Banks (Decree of the CBRC, No. 6, September ).

Recently, the CBRC has conducted supervisory structural reform, delegated administrative power, clarified the responsibility lines, and strengthened in-process and follow-up supervision. In line with the risk-based approach, the CBRC further clarified the responsibility lines between the head office and its local offices, following the principle of head office mainly supervising legal entities and local offices taking primary responsibility in supervising institutions within their jurisdictions. For nation-wide institutions, relevant supervisory departments in the head office shall shoulder main responsibilities of risk supervision, while local offices shall give support and take supplementary responsibilities. For regional institutions, the CBRC head office is only responsible for the approval of setting up new institutions, market exit, the restructuring of legal entities both before and after bankruptcy, while delegating other market entry power to the CBRC local offices. As for the local offices, they are given the main responsibilities to supervise the institutions within the jurisdictions, while the head office plays a guiding role.

Meanwhile, in line with the requirement of balancing the power between the head office and local offices and on the basis of clarifying responsibility lines and delegating power, the post-evaluation mechanism has be established which allows the head office to assess the market entry management and due diligence of the local offices. The negative list and accountability list have also been set up with respect to administrative licensing. In case the local offices fail to fulfill their main supervisory responsibilities, the head office can choose to constrain or withdraw their power based on specific cases, so as to authorize differentiated power to local offices based on their different capacities and strictly reinforce accountability. After the adjustment, the power is expected to be given back to the market and society and delegated to the local level.

4. Further reform of the banking governance system

First is the reform of the corporate governance system. Together with the Ministry of Finance, People’s Bank of China, China Securities Regulatory Commission, and China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the CBRC issued the Regulatory Measures on Banking Asset Management Companies (Yin Jian Fa No.41, ) to enhance corporate governance at the group level. The CBRC also issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Corporate Governance of Village and Township Banks (Yin Jian Ban Fa No.280, ) and the Supervisory Guidelines to Strengthen Institutional Development of Financial Services to Agriculture, Farmers and Rural Area by Rural Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Ban Fa No.287, ).

Second is the reform of business governance system. For the wealth management business governance, the CBRC issued the Guiding Opinions on the Supervision of Wealth Management Business in (Yin Jian Ban Fa No.39, ) and the Notice on Improving the Organizational and Management Structure of Wealth Management Business of Banking Institutions (Yin Jian Fa No.35, ). For inter-bank business governance, the CBRC issued the Notice on Standardizing the Governance of Inter-bank Business of Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Ban Fa No.140, ). In May , together with the People’s Bank of China, China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the CBRC issued the Notice on Regulating Inter-bank Business of Financial Institutions (Yin Fa No.127, ).

Third is the reform of risk governance system. The CBRC issued theNotice on Issuing Consolidated Management and Supervisory Guidelines of Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Fa No.54, ). Together with the China Securities Regulatory Commission the CBRC issued the Guiding Opinions on the Issuance of Preferred Shares by Commercial Banks to Replenish Tier 1 Capital (Yin Jian Fa No.12, ). In June, , the CBRC issued the Internal Guidelines on Supervisory Ratings of Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Fa No.32, ) and theAdministrative Rules on Liquidity Risk Management of Commercial Banks (Provisional)(Decree of the CBRC, No.2, ).

Fourth is the reform of the industry governance system. Together with the Ministry of Finance, the CBRC issued the Administrative Rules on Security Fund of the Trust Industry (Yin Jian Fa No.50, ).

5. Wider opening-up of the banking sector

In September , the CBRC amended and issued the Implementation Rules on Administrative Licensing for Foreign Banks (Degree of the CBRC No. 6, ), adjusting the market entry requirements for foreign banks. In December , the CBRC amended and issued theRegulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Banks.

By the end of December , foreign banking institutions had established 40 locally incorporated banks, 1 finance company, 97 foreign bank branches and 182 representative offices in China. Over 1,000 operating outlets have been set up by foreign banks in 69 cities in China, including head offices, branches and sub-branches. In , the CBRC approved 35 foreign banks to establish branches.

By the end of November , the outstanding balance of total assets of foreign banks was RMB 2.7 trillion, and the outstanding balance of loans and deposits registered at RMB 1.2 trillion and RMB 1.5 trillion respectively. The profits of foreign banks reached RMB 20.6 billion, with the NPL ratio at 0.78% and the liquidity ratio at 72.85 %. By the end of September, the capital adequacy ratio of foreign banks was 17.17%

III Banking sector serving the real economy

1. Financing cost was reduced through various means and management efficiency of loans improved for micro- and small- enterprises (MSEs). In July , the CBRC issued the Notice on Improving and Innovating MSE Loan Services and Enhancing Financial Services for MSEs (Yin Jian Fa No. 36, ).

The management of deposit deviation was further enhanced by commercial banks was further enhanced. In September , together with the Ministry of Finance and the People’s Bank of China, the CBRC issued the Notice on Strengthening Management of Deposit Deviation by Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Ban Fa No. 236, ).

Inappropriate banking service charges was sorted out. Together with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the CBRC conducted thematic inspections on the banking service charges, including procedures of self-examinations by banks, selective examinations by CBRC local offices, inspections by the CBRC head office, and joint examinations by the CBRC and the NDRC. In , the CBRC issued the Notice on Conducting Examination on Banking Service Charges (Yin Jian Fa No. 31, ), and the CBRC and the NDRC together issued the Working Plan for Examination on Banking Service Charges (Yin Jian Ban Fa No. 199, ).

2. Pushing forward financial inclusion

By the end of November , new loans extended to micro- and small-sized enterprises (MSEs) reached RMB 2.6 trillion, with a growth rate of 14.9%, which is 1.9 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of all loans; new agro-related loans were RMB 2.7 trillion (notes not included) with a growth rate of 12.6%, which is 0.7 percentage point higher than the average growth rate of all loans. Excluding the accelerated NPL write-off and the adjusted classification of enterprises, the growth rate of both MSE loans and agro-related loans are no lower than the average growth rate of all loans, and the total incremental volume of such loans are no lower than that of the previous year. In addition, banking consumer protection has been strengthened. Banking outlets were set up in 49 unbanked villages and towns, 2308 urban communities, and 318 MSE-intensive areas, and over 500,000 administrative villages have gained access to basic financial services.

3. Tapping into the idle capital and further diversifying and stabilizing capital sources of banks

In June , the CBRC issued the Notice on Adjusting Loan-to-Deposit Calculation Methods for Commercial Banks (Yin Jian Fa No.34, ). The pilot program of credit assets securitization has been continuously expanded. By the end of , 47 financial institutions had issued credit assets-backed securities worth of RMB 281 billion in inter-bank market and exchange market. In November , the CBRC issued the Notice on Reporting and Registration Procedures of Credit Assets Securitization (Yin Jian Ban Informal Letter No.1092, ), in a bid to further streamline the process of credit assets securitization.
