1000字范文 > 27岁包租婆坐拥400栋楼月入2亿?!包租婆的英文可不是rent lady

27岁包租婆坐拥400栋楼月入2亿?!包租婆的英文可不是rent lady

时间:2020-06-03 04:36:50


27岁包租婆坐拥400栋楼月入2亿?!包租婆的英文可不是rent lady


这样的工作有个响亮的名字——包租婆(确实是我的梦想工作),它的英文表达也很有意思—— landlady,直译过来就是土地小姐。那男房东用英语该怎么说?二房东呢?今天就来和大家聊聊和它们,学习和租房有关的英语表达。

01 landlady/lndledi/ n. 包租婆,女房东

landlord/lndlrd/ n. 房东

The landlady in Guangzhou can earn a rent of 200 million rmb per month.那个广州女房东每月的租金收入可达2亿元人民币。A landlord is a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, or an office.房东是指你向他租房间、房子、办公室的人或公司。

02. subletter/sbletr/ 二房东,转租的人

A subletter doesn really own the house, but sublets it to others.二房东并不真正拥有房子,而是转租给别人。

03. estate realtors /stet//riltr/ 房地产经纪人/房屋中介

An estate realtor is a person whose job is to sell houses and land for people.房地产经纪人的工作是为人们出售房屋和土地。When the estate realtors showed us this house, we knew we wanted it right away. 当房地产经纪人向我们介绍这所房子时,我们知道我们想马上买下它。

04. lease/lis/ n.租期

He took up a 10-year lease on the house. 他租了这所房子,租期为。The lease expires/runs out next year. 租约明年到期。

05. property /prɑprti/ n.房产

This building is government property. 这座大楼是政府的财产。In China, it is very important that the couple should own a property before getting married. 在中国,夫妻在结婚前拥有一处房产是非常重要的。

06. apartment/pɑrtmnt/ n.公寓

Christina has her own apartment, with her own car.克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓,也有自己的车。Jane broke away from her parents and got an apartment of her own.简与父母断绝了关系,有了自己的一套公寓

07. villa /vl/ 别墅

We rented a holiday villa in Spain. 我们在西班牙租了一座假日别墅。He lives in a five-bedroom luxury villa. 他住在一幢有5间卧室的豪华别墅里。

08. mortgage /mrɡd/ 房贷, 按揭

He will have to take out a mortgage in order to buy the house.为了买这所房子,他将不得不申请抵押贷款。They hope to pay off the mortgage on their home soon.他们希望尽快还清房子的抵押贷款。

09. rent for a long term or a short 长租、或者短租

One advantage of renting a house is the freedom of moving to wherever I want. I can rent for a long-term, or a short term like three months or even a month. 租房子的好处之一是可以自由地搬到我想去的任何地方。我可以租长期的,也可以租短期的,比如三个月,甚至一个月。

10. cost an arm and a leg 价格昂贵

The house can cost me an arm and a leg.这房子太贵了。She saw a beautiful coat but it costs an arm and a leg. 她看到了一件漂亮的上衣,但它的价格昂贵。

11. tenancy agreement 住房合同

You need to sign the tenancy agreement before renting.你需要在租赁前签租赁协议。





