1000字范文 > 好运起名英文名女孩子名字 好运气名字英文

好运起名英文名女孩子名字 好运气名字英文

时间:2024-02-09 18:06:22


好运起名英文名女孩子名字 好运气名字英文

单词:fortune /'fɔ:tʃu:n/ 好运,财富,前途

短语:good fortune 好运

例句: Happy Chinese New Year!I wish you good health,good fortune and happy everyday! 新年快乐!祝您身体健康!好运连连!开心每一天!


1. 纯分享,非教学,所分享的说法均来自老外之口,欢迎大家指正。分享在此,同时也是方便我自己过后查阅。

2. 有兴趣一起学英语的伙伴可以关注我,把我这里当字典搜索,点击我的头像进入主页,有一个放大镜,点击放大镜,搜索关键词就能搜到相关,地道的英文表达哦。

3. 持续更新中,目前暂定每天一更。大家有什么想询问的,也可以在评论区留言询问。谢谢大家的支持!

year of the rabbit,家人平安健康 万事顺意 好运滚滚来[锦鲤到来][祈祷][祈祷][祈祷]

【15种“祝你好运”的表达方式】除了Good luck,你还可以这样说好运哦![抱一抱]

附赠不同国家如何翻译“祝你好运”呢?又是涨知识的一天呀!转给感兴趣的朋友吧!#英语# #雅思# #留学# #雅思[超话]# #留学[超话]#


转存!230个英语高频词汇[话筒]送你一份英语高频词汇清单!医疗健康、旅行出行、工作求职、校园生活……转存![加油] #5月最后1天##为1193万高考生加油#

#高考英语答案#祝你好运[心]【转存!230个英语高频词汇[话筒]】送你一份英语高频词汇清单!医疗健康、旅行出行、工作求职、校园生活……转存![加油] #大学生 四六级准备#



“lucky streak” 指 “一系列相继发生的幸运事件,在同一段时间内运气好”。它应与介词 “on” 搭配使用,即 “be on a lucky streak”。

A series of concurrent fortunate outcomes or occurrences.

Every time I’ve been on holiday this year, the weather has been amazing. What a lucky streak!


She was on a lucky streak and won the award seven years in a row, despite not being the favourite most times.


I went birdwatching at the weekend and saw 52 varieties of birds. I was on a lucky streak!


I was having a bit of a lucky streak at blackjack, which is pretty unusual for me, so I started getting a bit more reckless with the amount of money I was willing to wager.

我在 21 点上有点走运,这对我来说很不寻常,所以我开始对下注的金额变得更加冒进。

His first few films were near universal successes, both critically and commercially, but since then he has released crappy film after crappy film. Was his early work just a lucky streak, or did he run out of good ideas so soon?


To lose one's touch

to no longer have the ability to do things that one was able to do successfully in the past.


表达“to lose one’s touch 失去触觉”是指“做某件事的特长或能力”。

要注意,如果把这个表达中的物主代词去掉,变成搭配“lose touch”,那么意思则会变成“与某人失去联系”。

Ali had been a head teacher for years and didn’t normally give lessons. But when he had to cover for a sick teacher, he hadn’t lost his touch. He was brilliant.

Don't worry. You're still the best in the team. You definitely haven't lost your touch.

Sarah hadn’t performed for years, but when she got back onto the stage with her guitar, she played wonderfully. She hasn’t lost her touch.

His last album flopped; he seems to be losing his touch.

It's good to see their goalkeeper's not losing his touch.

The students no longer listen to my threats—I must be losing my touch.

He used to be one of the league's elite shooters, but it seems like he's lost his touch.




pay visits on the beginning of the Chinese New Year

2. 春节快乐

Happy Spring Festival


wish everything to go your way


wish you good fortune and every success

5. 岁岁平安

wish you a safe and sound life all year round


wish you a good luck in the New Year of Rabbit


wish you greater success in your career


may wealth and prosperity will always be with you


wish you good health and good luck


may you always gain more than what you wish for


wish your family a happy reunion


may your life be perfectly satisfactory


wish you to get everything you want


may all your wishes come true


may you get along well with your work#天南地北大拜年#




Learn alternative ways to say “Good Luck” in English.


Best of luck!

Finger crossed!

I hope it all goes well!

Blow them a way!

Break a leg!

You’ll do great!

I hope things turn out fine.

Use your head.

Be careful.

Knock ‘em dead.

You’ll do great.

Let me know how it went.

Blow them away.


So I say a little prayer

And hope my dreams will take me there

Where the skies are blue

to see you once again

my love ——Westlife

#我们一起学英语# #我的平安健康好运# #坚持是一件很酷的事# #大年初一 给大家拜年啦# #兔年大吉 所遇皆美好#
