1000字范文 > 校园文案|长大的我们只觉得青春 真的是一去不复返啊

校园文案|长大的我们只觉得青春 真的是一去不复返啊

时间:2021-05-10 23:01:45


校园文案|长大的我们只觉得青春 真的是一去不复返啊

长大的我们只觉得青春 真的是一去不复返啊

Growing up, we just felt that youth is really gone forever.

那些年 我们在燥热的教室中抱怨 现在却无比怀念

如果时光能倒流 你有什么遗憾想要弥补吗

In those years, we complained in the hot classroom, but now we miss it so much.

If time doesn go back, do you have any regrets you want to make up for?

那些我们没有珍惜的日子再也回不去了 所以请珍惜当下好吗

认真过好每一天 不要未来回想起今天 满眼遗憾

青春期的快乐 真的是一生中最值得怀念的回忆

Those days we don cherish can never go back, so please cherish the present, okay?

Seriously live every day Don look back on todays eyes full of regret.

The joy of adolescence is really the most memorable memory of my life.

多希望能回到从前 对喜欢的人说一句喜欢你 对朋友说一句 有你真好

总觉得还有许多事情没做 我的青春便结束了

How I wish I could go back and say something like you to someone you like, and say to a friend, "Its good to have you."

Always feel that there are many things not to do my youth is over.

那年夏天 满教室满操场的回忆 总会忍不住冒上心头

是不是每个人的青春 都会让自己思念不已

我抓住了考试卷 抓住了录取通知书 却抓不住那年夏天

That summer, the memories of a classroom full of playgrounds could not help but come to mind.

Is not everyones youth will let oneself miss.

I grabbed the exam paper, I caught the acceptance letter, but I couldn catch it that summer.

年少时期的我们 简单单纯 满脑子都是下课去厕所 中午吃什么 可现在呢

When we were young, we were simple and simple, full of brains going to the toilet after class, what to eat at noon, but now.
