1000字范文 > 英语四级考试作文万能句及万能模板 英语四级作文模板及万能句子

英语四级考试作文万能句及万能模板 英语四级作文模板及万能句子

时间:2018-08-28 22:44:58


英语四级考试作文万能句及万能模板 英语四级作文模板及万能句子






1. 描述图表反映的数据或信息;

2. 说明数据或信息的变化趋势;

3. 分析原因或解释数据;

4. 提出建议或预测未来发展趋势。


1. As is shown in the graph/table/chart, …

2. It can be seen from the graph/table/chart that …

3. From the figures/statistics/data, we can see …

4. According to the statistics/figures shown in the graph/table/chart, …

5. It is clear/obvious that there is a downward/upward trend in …

6. The trend shown in the graph/table/chart suggests that …

7. There are various factors that may contribute to this phenomenon.

8. Several reasons can be accounted for this phenomenon.

9. There are several factors that are responsible for this.

10. In conclusion, it is likely that the trend will continue in the future.




1. 表明自己的观点和立场;

2. 给出支持自己观点的原因或证据;

3. 给出反面观点并驳斥;

4. 结尾强调自己的观点和原因。


1. From my point of view, …

2. As far as I am concerned, …

3. Personally speaking, …

4. I hold the opinion that …

5. It is my firm belief that …

6. I am of the opinion that …

7. In my view, …

8. It is clear that …

9. It has been proven that …

10. It is therefore obvious that …




1. 明确表达文章的中心思想;

2. 使用简明的语言表述主要观点和要点;

3. 使用概括性语句或者短语总结文章。


1. The main idea of the passage is …

2. The authors purpose in writing this passage is …

3. The article deals with …

4. This story is about …

5. In summary, …

6. To sum up, …

7. All in all, …

8. In conclusion, …

9. It is clear from the passage that …

10. The passage shows that …




1. 描述问题或需要解决的矛盾;

2. 分析问题产生的原因或特征;

3. 提出解决问题的一些方案并加以比较;

4. 选出一个最具可操作性和实践性的方案。


1. With the development of society, various problems arise.

2. There are three major reasons for this problem.

3. The most effective solution is …

4. To address this problem, we must ….

5. It is urgent for us to ….

6. We must take effective measures to ….

7. It is essential that we ….

8. In conclusion, the best way to solve this problem is ….

9. The solution I have outlined is feasible and cost-effective.

10. In addition, we need to consider ….




1. 分析两个相似或不同的事物;

2. 给出这些事物的优点或缺点和重要性;

3. 将两者进行比较或对比;

4. 列举相同点或不同点。


1. The similarities/differences between A and B are striking.

2. Although A and B have some similarities, they have many differences.

3. A is quite similar to B in many respects.

4. In comparison to A, B is quite different.

5. A has several distinct advantages over B.

6. While B may have advantages in some areas, A is clearly superior overall.

7. Despite their many differences, A and B share some important commonalities.

8. Perhaps the most notable difference between A and B is that …

9. In conclusion, while there are certainly similarities between A and B, the differences are more significant.

10. In the final analysis, the choice between A and B depends on ….




1. 开头段模板

In recent years, ___________ has become a hot topic in _______________.

As people become more and more concerned about ____________, the importance of ________________ is becoming increasingly evident.

In todays society, ____________ has become a major issue that cannot be ignored.

2. 观点段模板

There are different views on ____________. Some people believe that _________________. However, others hold the opposite view.

My own view is that ____________. There are several reasons why I believe this.

3. 优缺点段模板

There are both advantages and disadvantages of ___________.

On the one hand, ____________. On the other hand, ____________.

4. 结尾段模板

In conclusion, ____________. Although there are some drawbacks, the advantages are far greater.

All in all, ____________. Therefore, we should _______________.


1. 表示观点

From my point of view, I believe that ___________.

It seems to me that ___________.

In my opinion, ___________.

2. 表示优缺点

On the one hand, ___________. On the other hand, ___________.

There are advantages and disadvantages to ___________.

3. 表示原因

There are several reasons why ___________.

One factor that has contributed to ___________ is ___________.

4. 表示结论

In conclusion, it is clear that ___________.

All things considered, ___________.

