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小石潭记译文 小石潭记译文全部

时间:2018-11-28 19:36:04


小石潭记译文 小石潭记译文全部

2. 小石潭记被誉为中国古代文学中的经典之作,也是中国读者耳熟能详的经典散文。因为其语言简练、情感真挚、意境深邃,受到了广大读者的喜爱与推崇。









1. One day during the sixth month of the year, we were at the residence of Prefect Wei when one of my friends suggested that we go to visit a famous landscape attraction called the Small Stone Pool.


2. The attraction was not far away, so we rode our horses there at a leisurely pace, enjoying the scenery along the way.


3. When we arrived at the Small Stone Pool, we were immediately struck by its natural beauty.


4. The pool was surrounded by mountains covered in lush vegetation and clear streams flowed into it from all sides, creating a tranquil and romantic atmosphere.


5. As we walked around the pool, we saw that the water was so clear that it reflected the sky and trees like a mirror.


6. The sight was so beautiful that we all stopped to admire it for a moment.


7. Soon, we noticed that there were some strange objects floating in the pool, which piqued our curiosity.


8. Upon closer inspection, we realized that they were small, white stones carved with various characters and images, which we found quite interesting.


9. We asked the locals about these stones and were told that they were called \"writing stones\" and that people often threw them into the pool as a form of entertainment.


10. Intrigued by this practice, we decided to try it ourselves and each picked up a stone to toss into the pool.


11. To our surprise, the stones made loud splashing sounds when they hit the water and created ripples that spread across the whole pool.


12. It was a simple yet fun activity that we repeated for a while, enjoying the sound and sight of the splashing stones.


13. After playing with the writing stones, we walked to the other side of the pool and saw something even more remarkable.


14. There was a large rock in the center of the pool that seemed to defy gravity by resting on a small, protruding stone.


15. This sight fascinated us and we wondered how the rock managed to stay in such a precarious position without falling off.


16. As we pondered this, a group of boys suddenly appeared and began to throw rocks at the large rock in the pool, trying to knock it down.


17. We were dismayed by their behavior and scolded them, telling them that such actions would damage the natural beauty of the pool.


18. The boys apologized and left, leaving us to contemplate the fragility and importance of preserving natural beauty.


19. We sat on the bank of the pool for a while, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and the beauty of nature.


20. As we were about to leave, I noticed a patch of golden flowers blooming among the rocks by the pool, adding another dimension of beauty to the scene.


21. As we rode our horses back to the city, I reflected on the simplicity and charm of this unassuming landscape and concluded that it was indeed a tiny but unforgettable gem.
