1000字范文 > 熟能生巧英语 轻松学英语

熟能生巧英语 轻松学英语

时间:2019-07-15 10:19:03


熟能生巧英语 轻松学英语

中考英语语法专项复习——宾语从句【附练习题】:宾语从句是每年中考英语都要考的重点语法项目,除了记忆语法规则之外,更重要的是多练习。Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)

#英语# #教育听我说# #教育微头条# #家长百问百答#

practice makes perfect 熟能生巧#英语老师骆军粉丝团#

A mixture of skill and good luck decided the outcome of the game.




☀mixture 英[ˈmɪkstʃə(r)] 美[ˈmɪkstʃər]

n. 混合;混合物

e. g. The bottom layer is a mixture of sand and clay.


☀skill 英[skɪl] 美[skɪl]

n. 技巧; 技艺; 技术; 技能

e. g. Skill comes with practice.


practice 英[ˈpræktɪs] 美[ˈpræktɪs]

n. 实践; 实际行动; 通常的做法; 惯例; 常规; 惯常做的事; 习惯; 习俗

v. 练习; 实习; 实行

☀luck 英[lʌk] 美[lʌk]

n. 运气;幸运;侥幸

v. 侥幸成功;走运

☀outcome 英[ˈaʊtkʌm] 美[ˈaʊtkʌm]

n. 结果; 后果

e. g. What was the outcome of your meeting?



十年教龄,英语专业八级老师分享纯干货英语,解密学习方法。每日更新,欢迎关注 @英语精品课堂


#我们一起学英语# #英语# #知识分享# #早安头条# #微头条名师团#


英语的句型转换对写作和阅读都很重要。1)熟悉和理解句型结构,2)在阅读中遇到划一下加深印象,3)写作时尝试使用。这样就记牢固啦[碰拳]#英语启蒙# #学英语# #英语# #中考# #初中# #干货#

#每天英语十分钟# 思霖分享

Work makes the morkman.


#感悟# [心] 熟能生巧,勤能补拙。



1. This is a pen. 改:____ ____ a pen? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

2. That is my eraser. 改:____ ____ ____eraser? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

3. These are my sisters. 改:____ ____ ____ sisters? Yes, ____ ____ ./ N:o,____ ____ .

4. Those are oranges. 改:____ ____ oranges? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No, they aren’t.

5. It is a pencil. 改: ____ ____ a pencil? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

6. They’re brothers. 改:____ ____ brothers? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

7. My pen is in the box. 改:____ ____ ____ in the box? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

8. Her eraser is on the sofa. 改:____ ____ ____ on the sofa? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

9. His pens are under the desk. 改:____ ____ ____ under the desk? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

10. Her books are on the desk. 改:____ ____ ____ on the desk? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

11. She is my sister. 改:____ ____ ____ sister? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

12. Mary is a girl. 改:____ ____ a girl? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

13. CoCo is a dog. 改: ____ ____ a dog? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

14. This is my ruler. 改:____ ____ ____ ruler? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

15. That is his brother. 改:____ ____ ____ brother? Yes, ____ ____ ./ No,____ ____ .

【答案】1.Is this, it is, it isn't

2.Is that your, it is, it isn't

3.Are these your, they are, they aren't

4.Are those, they are

5.Is it, it is, it isn't

6.Are they, they are, they aren't

7.Is your pen, it is, it isn't

8.Is her eraser, it is, it isn't

9.Are his pens, they are, they aren't

10.Are her books, they are, they aren't

11.Is she your, she is, she isn't

12.Is Mary, she is, she isn't

13.Is Coco, it is, it isn't

14.Is this your,it is, it isn't

15.is that his, he is, he isn't

今天给大家分享4P英语学习法中的第4条 practice

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。我们学英语像骑自行车一样,无论老师多么高明。你都要自己去练。听力听力至关至关重要!怎么练?精听和泛听。精听是要做听写,听写简单的系统化的教材。比方说从初一英语教材开始。每天听写他5页到6页以上。要有恒心不中断。泛叫推荐VOA special English。其中内容极其丰富,对提高你的听力口语水平极有帮助。还等什么?Let's try,let's do it。学好英语改变人生。1万天英语的历程已经剩下8999天。
