1000字范文 > 张国荣英文名 张国荣英文名缩写

张国荣英文名 张国荣英文名缩写

时间:2019-07-08 13:18:11


张国荣英文名 张国荣英文名缩写

张国荣 (Leslie Cheung) was a well-known actor and singer from Hong Kong who rose to fame in the 1980s and continued to captivate audiences until his untimely death in . Throughout his career, he released numerous albums and acted in numerous films, gaining a reputation as a versatile and talented performer. One of the lesser-known aspects of Zhangs life and career was his proficiency in English and his use of an English stage name. In this essay, we will explore the origins of Zhangs English name, how he used it throughout his career, and what it reveals about his personal and professional identity.

2. The origins of Zhangs English name

Zhang was born in 1956 in Hong Kong, which was then a British colony. Growing up, he was exposed to both Cantonese and English, and he quickly became fluent in both languages. His father was a successful businessman who had connections with people from all over the world, and this exposure to different cultures and languages likely influenced Zhangs decision to pursue a career in the arts.

It is unclear when Zhang first started using an English name, but it is likely that he chose it during his early days as a singer, when he was trying to appeal to a wider audience. When he first started performing, he went by his given name, Cheung Fat Cheung, but this name lacked the catchy appeal and international appeal that he was looking for. As he became more popular, he decided to adopt an English name to give himself a more marketable identity.

There are different accounts of where Zhangs English name came from. Some sources claim that he chose it himself, while others suggest that it was given to him by his record company or other industry executives. One theory is that the name \"Leslie\" came from Leslie Howard, a British actor who was popular in the 1930s and 1940s. Zhang was said to have been a fan of Howards work and may have taken his name as a tribute to the actor. As for the surname \"Cheung,\" it is possible that Zhang chose to keep this name as a nod to his Chinese heritage.

3. Zhangs use of his English name

Once Zhang had adopted his English name, he began using it to promote himself in the international market. He released his first English-language single, \"Give Me a Break,\" in 1986, and he continued to release English-language music throughout his career. Many of his fans outside of Asia knew him only by his English name, as this was the name that was used on his international releases and in the media.

But Zhangs use of his English name was not limited to his music career. He also used it in his acting work, appearing in several English-language films over the years. In 1993, he starred in the action film \"The Bride with White Hair 2,\" which was produced in Hong Kong but shot in English. He also appeared in the 1994 film \"The Lover,\" a French film that was shot in Vietnam and starred an international cast. In both of these films, Zhang was credited under his English name, which helped to raise his profile in the global film industry.

Even in his personal life, Zhang was known by his English name. Many of his friends and colleagues referred to him as Leslie, even when speaking in Chinese. This suggests that his English persona was deeply ingrained in his identity, and that he saw it as an integral part of his professional image.

4. What Zhangs English name reveals about his identity

There are several possible reasons why Zhang chose to adopt an English name and use it throughout his career. One is that he saw it as a way to appeal to a wider audience and increase his marketability. English is widely spoken around the world, and by using an English name, Zhang could connect with fans in different countries and cultures.

Another possible reason is that Zhang saw his English name as a way to express a certain aspect of his personality that he felt was not fully captured by his Chinese name. English names often have different connotations and associations than Chinese names, and by choosing a new name, Zhang may have been trying to convey a certain image or persona.

Finally, Zhangs use of his English name may reflect his own sense of belonging and identity. As someone who grew up in a bilingual and bicultural environment, he may have felt a sense of dislocation or disconnection, and adopting an English name may have been a way to bridge that divide. By creating a new identity for himself, he may have felt more comfortable and at home in both the Chinese and English-speaking worlds.

5. Conclusion

Zhang Guorong, or Leslie Cheung, was a Hong Kong singer and actor who rose to fame in the 1980s and 1990s. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential and iconic figures in the history of Hong Kong entertainment. Apart from his talents in singing and acting, Zhang Guorong was also known for his sophisticated image and unique charisma on stage. His untimely death in shocked fans and colleagues alike, but his legacy and impact continue to be felt to this day.

One of the interesting aspects of Zhang Guorongs life is his English name. Like many Hong Kong celebrities of his generation, he adopted an English name for the convenience of international fans and media outlets. However, what sets him apart is the particular choice of his English name and its distinctive abbreviation. In this essay, we will explore the origins and implications of \"Leslie Cheung\" and its abbreviated form \"LK\".

2. The Origins of \"Leslie Cheung\"

According to interviews and memoirs by Zhang Guorongs friends and family members, his English name \"Leslie\" was actually inspired by a French pop song called \"Les moulins de mon coeur\" (The windmills of my heart). The song was composed by Michel Legrand and the lyrics were written by Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman. It was popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and was covered by various singers in different languages.

Zhang Guorong first heard the song when he was studying at University of Leeds in England in the early 1970s. He was studying textile design at the time, but he also had a passion for singing and music. He often participated in talent shows and performed cover songs in his spare time. When he heard \"Les moulins de mon coeur\" on the radio, he was struck by its melody and poetic lyrics. He learned the lyrics by heart and started to sing it to his friends and classmates.

One of his classmates was an English girl named Janet, who was impressed by his singing and asked him if he had an English name. Zhang Guorong told her that he didn , so she suggested \"Leslie\", because it sounded similar to \"moulins\" and also had a sophisticated and elegant ring to it. Zhang Guorong liked the suggestion and adopted the name \"Leslie\" as his English name. He also wrote a letter to Michel Legrand to express his appreciation for the song and its inspiration for his name, but he never received a response.

3. The Meaning and Significance of \"Leslie Cheung\"

In Chinese culture, a persons name often carries symbolic and phonetic meanings that reflect their parents hopes and aspirations for them. However, English names for Chinese people are often chosen based on their phonetic resemblance or association with Western names, rather than their meaning or symbolism. As a result, many Chinese English names may sound unusual or even comical to Western ears, because they mix and match different sounds and syllables without regard for their semantic coherence.

However, Zhang Guorongs English name \"Leslie\" and his stage name \"Leslie Cheung\" are different in that they have a clear and consistent phonetic connection. \"Leslie\" is spelled and pronounced the same way in both English and Chinese, while \"Cheung\" is the Cantonese transliteration of his surname, which means \"elephant\" in Chinese. Although \"Cheung\" and \"elephant\" do not have any obvious association or meaning, the two syllables \"Cheung\" and \"Les\" (from \"Leslie\") sound alike, especially in Cantonese pronunciation.

This phonetic coincidence has made \"Leslie Cheung\" a memorable and catchy name for fans and media outlets. Moreover, the combination of a Western first name and a Chinese surname has a cosmopolitan and multicultural appeal, which reflects Zhang Guorongs identity as a Hong Kong star who was fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, English, and French. Therefore, \"Leslie Cheung\" has become a iconic and familiar name in the global entertainment industry, and is often mentioned in the same breath as other legendary performers like Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, and Elvis Presley.

4. The Abbreviation of \"Leslie Cheung\" as \"LK\"

The abbreviation of a celebritys name is often used as a shorthand or nickname by fans and media outlets. It is usually derived from the most recognizable or distinctive part of the name, and usually takes the form of initials or acronyms. For example, Jackie Chan is often referred to as \"JC\", Bruce Lee is often referred to as \"BL\", and Madonna is often referred to as \"M\".

In the case of \"Leslie Cheung\", the abbreviation is \"LK\", which stands for the first two syllables of his English name (\"Les\") and the first syllable of his Chinese surname (\"K\"). The abbreviation was first used by Zhang Guorongs fans in the 1980s, when he became a popular singer and actor in Hong Kong and Taiwan. They used \"LK\" as a way to express their admiration and affection for him, and to distinguish him from other celebrities who shared the same name or surname.

The abbreviation \"LK\" also has a poetic and symbolic meaning, which reflects Zhang Guorongs artistic and cultural significance. In Chinese, \"L\" sounds similar to \"love\" or \"romance\", which are often associated with Zhang Guorongs music and films. \"K\" sounds similar to \"power\" or \"strength\", which are often associated with Zhang Guorongs stage presence and influence. Therefore, \"LK\" can be interpreted as a combination of love and power, or as a tribute to Zhang Guorongs charisma and legacy.

