1000字范文 > 网页 英文字体 英文网页常用字体

网页 英文字体 英文网页常用字体

时间:2018-07-25 05:45:57


网页 英文字体 英文网页常用字体



1. 易于阅读


2. 与品牌相符


3. 适合网站主题


4. 考虑屏幕分辨率


5. 调整字间距





When it comes to designing a website, choosing the right font is crucial. Fonts not only impact the readability of your content but also can communicate your brands personality and style. In this article, well go over some of the most commonly used fonts for English web pages and discuss their features and appropriate use.

1. Arial

Arial is a sans-serif font that is often used in web design due to its clean and modern look. Its easy to read even in small sizes, making it popular for body text. Arial is a versatile font that can be used for both formal and informal designs. Its known for its scalability, which means that it looks good no matter the size or resolution of the screen.

2. Times New Roman

Times New Roman is a serif font that has been around since the 1930s. Due to its association with traditional print media, its often used for academic papers, professional documents, and newspapers. Its easy to read in print but can be difficult to read on a digital screen. Despite this, its still used in some websites that want to convey a formal, classic look.

3. Verdana

Verdana is a sans-serif font that was created specifically for digital screens. It was designed to be easy to read on all screen sizes, making it a popular choice for web designers. Verdana is a clear and simple font that looks good in both large and small sizes. It has a modern feel to it, making it a good choice for websites that want to convey a contemporary look.

4. Georgia

Georgia is a serif font that was designed to be easily read on-screen. Its an excellent choice for website headlines and titles. Its a modern font that has a classic feel to it. Georgia is often used for websites that want to convey a professional and sophisticated look.

5. Helvetica

Helvetica is a sans-serif font that has gained popularity due to its clean and minimalist design. Its commonly used in website designs that want to convey a modern and contemporary look. Its easy to read in both large and small sizes, making it a versatile font for web designers.

