1000字范文 > 做什么好吃的美食英语 做好吃的食物英文翻译

做什么好吃的美食英语 做好吃的食物英文翻译

时间:2020-09-11 17:27:29


做什么好吃的美食英语 做好吃的食物英文翻译


1 奶酪和芝士是一种东西。英文词只有一个:cheese。可以翻译成芝士,起司,计司,吉士......

2 怎样保证钙摄入量,在我的微博讲了很多次,我给您提上来相关内容吧。简单说,钙的来源是:






3 您这样吃的话,能够保证800毫克的钙摄入量。



当然,这些钙能不能吸收进去,还要看你的胃肠功能如何,看你的维生素D够不够。能不能有效用在骨骼上,还要看你的维生素K够不够,维生素C够不够,钾、镁和锌够不够,热量和蛋白质够不够,炎症反应是否过高,激素水平如何,有没有刺激强化骨骼的负重运动或跳跃运动,等等。#健康# #家庭健康守护官# @头条健康



还包括洗其他餐具,所以,英语里面可以用:Do/Wash the dishes 这个词组,复数的 dishes 包括各式装盛食物的器皿。


Let me do the dishes.


He'll grab at any excuse to avoid doing the dishes.



My mom taught me one of the best lessons ever in my life. A lesson that made me the honest person I am today.

When I was in kindergarten I learned to lie with other students.

I started to lie to my mother about things, probably minor or trivial things. I was only four years old, so it couldn’t have been that bad.

My mother must’ve seen a good opportunity to teach me a good life lesson.

She started by telling me there is a surprise coming next weekend, and it was Sunday now.

She had the whole week to build it.

Dropping hints and little comments she made it so I was practically jumping out of my skin I was so excited.

When the appointed time came she just looked at me and said, “I lied.”

As a four-year-old child, I was absolutely devastated and I thought this is how people feel when they are lied to.

I’m 38 years older now and can probably count the lies I’ve told since then on one hand.

I’m not sure how effective this lesson would be on someone as old as your child, but I don’t think the punishment is the answer.

You need to get them to feel as I did when my mother lied to me. Food for thought anyways.

Good luck.

单词 “food 食物” 是个常见词,“thought 思想” 在日常对话中出现的频率也很高。这两个词搭配组成 “food for thought”,字面直译为 “思想精神食粮”,即 “引人深思的事情”。若一件事情让某人认真思考,引起深思,那此事则 “give somebody food for thought”。


The lecture was really interesting! It gave me a lot of food for thought.


Here’s some food for thought – would you like to live in a world without cars?


Now that I have finished university I need to choose a career path! There are so many options that I have a lot of food for thought.

